"jié jié, you have done a good job. Then leave it to us. As for the promise to you, we will definitely honor it." At this moment, a gloomy A strange voice rang between Heaven and Earth.

After that, a humanoid creature appeared from behind the madness. The appearance of this creature is very strange. It has a human-shaped body but two heads. From the appearance, these two heads are actually one male and one female. Above the two heads, they were wearing a golden crown. Obviously, the status of this creature in the alien race was extraordinary.

"Taro Kitahashi, you are not dead yet!" Duan Wuya, Mo Xiaoyao, and Bu Tianxie recognized this alien creature wearing a golden crown at a glance.

"jié jié, none of you died, how could I die first! However, today I will bury you by myself!" In Kitabashi Taro's gloomy laughter, another eight figures appeared. However, these eight figures are not standing side by side, but standing in an octagonal position, just surrounding Duantianya, Mo Xiaoyao and the others.

"Not good! Disperse!"

Recognizing the identity of these eight figures, Duan Tianya, Mo Xiaoyao, Bu Tian Xie seem to realize something, eyes suddenly shrank. Then, there was a simultaneous shout in his mouth.

But, everything is too late.

weng weng!

With a weird trembling, the bodies of the eight alien creatures who appeared after Kitabashi Taro burst out with dazzling divine lights, intertwined with each other, and they formed a The huge square light cell blocked Duantianya, Mo Xiaoyao and the others Peak Powerhouse.


Looking at the prison walls all around, Duantianya, Mo Xiaoyao, and Bu Tianxie shouted at the same time, erupting an incomparable terrifying breath.

This is a powerful energy fluctuation that belongs to the sage!

"Before you die, let's watch how my family kills all your fellows! This continent will eventually be the residence of my family! jié jié jié jié... "Taro Kitahashi glanced at Duan Tianya, Mo Xiaoyao, Bu Tianxie and the others in the prison, and let out a low neigh, like a calling order.

long long long ——

Not long after Kitahashi Taro’s hiss sounded, the ground below shook more violently, and bursts of numbing shouts were not far away Sounded everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, densely packed alien creatures emerged from the billowing smoke. The number was in the hundreds of millions, and the end could not be seen at a glance, all over every corner.


"Death to guard the homeland! Drive away these invading alien army!"

Not long after, Duan Tianya, Mo Xiaoyao , Bu Tianxie and the others heard the roar of human beings. Accompanied by the brilliant brilliance of the various treasures, and the collision of magic weapons.

As the Lord of Holy Land, Duan Tianya, Mo Xiaoyao, and Bu Tianxie have already entered the realm of holy monarchs. Their divine sense is so powerful that they can naturally detect the battlefield situation in the dense smoke.

This time the sky-sweeping battle is almost a one-sided trend. Although the Human Race party is proud of its fighting intent, it has no strength to fight back at all. From the very beginning, it is in a rout.

Under the encirclement and suppression of alien creatures, the countless Human Race Powerhouses of Supreme, Venerable, and Saint Sovereign fell with hatred, and their blood poured on the earth.

"War mad! If it were not for you to destroy Sky Pillar Mountain, I would lose 80% of the Three Great Holy Lands battle strength, how could I have fallen so far! Your crime deserving ten thousand deaths belonged to the entire Xuanxuan continent. Sinners of the ages!"

In the first battle to capture the sky, Duantianya, Mo Xiaoyao, and Butianxie Three Great Holy Lands were the main forces. Over the past ten thousand years, due to the establishment of the advantage of Human Race, they gradually began to forget their original intentions. But when the Human Race crisis came, their thoughts of protecting the Xuanxuan continent were aroused again, and the eyes looking towards the alien army were filled with thick killing intents.


They keep making moves, and even use Secret Skill to burn the source power and strikes. However, no matter how they wield a terrifying attack, the seemingly thin light prison is only a ripple, allowing some small cracks to appear faintly.


Dian Tianya, Mo Xiaoyao, Bu Tian Xie San Great Saint uttered an unwilling cry. When they were trapped in this cage, they knew The major event is not good.

Although this cage may seem simple, it was sacrificed and refined by the eight Great Saints of different races, and the sacrifice took at least a few days. If it hadn't been dazzled by Zhan Kuang's heinous crimes, they would not easily fall into this cage.

"Don’t be a futile struggle! As the supreme of this continent, you might as well accompany me to welcome this historic moment!" Kitahashi Taro glanced at the three silhouettes in the prison, and sent out Complacent laughter.

long long long ——

In the battlefield of the collapsed Sky Pillar Mountain, thick smoke is everywhere. From time to time, the screams of Human Race screamed, with a strong resentment and hatred.

"Good kill!" Kitahashi Taro laughed loudly, with bloodthirsty in his voice.

"Did you see it? This continent will soon become our home!" Kitabashi Taro's voice came from the sky, echoing throughout the Sky Pillar Mountain battlefield.

However, before Taro Kitabashi's words could be answered, a demon wind suddenly hung on the battlefield. In an instant, the billowing smoke dissipated.

Not only that, but under this demon wind, the volcanic crater that originally spewed suddenly seemed to have become a dead mountain, and there was no more movement.

Suddenly great changes, the defeated Human Race and densely packed alien army in the battlefield all fell into a short period of stunned. Suddenly, the entire battlefield fell silent due to the temporary truce.

The thick smoke dissipated, and a scene in the battlefield became clearly visible.

Tens of thousands of Human Race Powerhouse corpses are scattered all over the corners, flowing red blood, converging into a river of blood. Alien creatures also died in a huge number, but in comparison with the entire base, the number of alien creatures Powerhouse is hundreds or even a thousand times more than Human Race, which is not a level at all.

"All the energy in those volcanoes has disappeared."

"What's going on!"

"What happened!"


In the battlefield, the more or less injured Human Race survived the Powerhouse. Looked at each other in blank dismay, with confusion and confusion in their eyes.

"Look at the sky!"

"That is the Immortal Palace Palace Lord, the dream blood sea Holy Lord, and the Supreme Jincheng City Lord!"

"No wonder I can’t see them taking action, so they are all trapped!"

"Why does that human stand with the leader of the alien race!"


Human Race Powerhouse discovered Duan Tianya, Mo Xiaoyao, Bu Tianxie and the others that were blocked by light in the distant sky. The complexion was greatly changed.

At this moment, the demon wind started again, and Divine Phoenix appeared inexplicably.

Divine Phoenix screamed, and when he opened his mouth, he spouted endless flames. In an instant, the battlefield was flooded with fire sea.

At first, the Human Race Powerhouse looked terrified, and immediately attached an armor of profound energy to the outside of the body to resist the burning of the fire sea. But soon, they discovered the difference in this blazing flame.

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