In this fire sea, not only can they not feel the blazing heat, but they can feel the endless breath of life.

Under this invisible Life Power, their injuries recovered at a terrifying speed, and the originally chaotic breath calmed down again.

"Look at the dead comrades! They moved!"

"The breath fluctuates! They are coming back to life!"

" My God! What happened to this!"

"Could it be that God opened his eyes? My Human Race is not dead!"

"Death to guard the homeland! Drive away these invading aliens Living creatures!"


In the fire sea, those Human Race Powerhouses that have already died, first breathed again, and then their limbs began to move until their strength was completely restored.

These resurrected Human Race Powerhouses were in a trance for a while, and when they looked towards the densely packed alien creatures, the monstrous killing intent rose again in their eyes.

I witnessed this weird scene, not only the Human Race Powerhouse in the battlefield, but also the nine alien leaders in the sky, Duan Tianya, Mo Xiaoyao, Bu Tian Xie and even the incomparably long-lived war madness. With an unbelievable expression, they all stared blankly at the Human Race Powerhouse that was resurrected below.

"Is it because of the fire Feng Huang!"

"Can anyone in this world be able to come back from the dead?"

Mumbling In the self-talk, the gaze of the leader of the alien race and Zhan Kuang was cast on Divine Phoenix's body.

But before they release the divine sense, Haosheng looks at Divine Phoenix, and Divine Phoenix turns into a phantom and disappears in the sky.

Divine Phoenix disappeared, replaced by a ripple, in which several silhouettes emerged, headed by a youth man in purple.

"Who are these people!"

"Does it mean that the previous Divine Phoenix is ​​related to them! Is the purple clothed man resurrecting his dead comrades?"

"The people next to him are the seven beasts of the forest of heavenly punishment!"

"Very good! Allies of the forest of heavenly punishment have arrived!"

"But then again , Where did the purple clothed man come from? How could he be with the seven beasts? And looking at their positions, the seven beasts seem to be headed by him!"


Seeing the Chu Bei entire group, the Human Race Powerhouse in the battlefield suddenly heated up discussions. When Powerhouse recognized the seven beasts, the brows filled with joy.

"War of reincarnation! It turns out that you are the culprit for the collapse of Sky Pillar Mountain!"

Lu Beast Zun coldly looked at that silhouette beside Beiqiao Taro, eating and drinking. Overwhelming hatred, killing intent emerged from the cold eyes.

"senior, this war of reincarnation was born in an era with Nine Nether! Because of his addiction to war, he was called a combat mad in that era!" Mei Xueyan said beside Chu Bei .

"Zhan Kuang, what does he come from!"

Far away in the sky, the alien leader Kitahashi Taro looked towards the Zhan Knit beside him, pointing in the direction of Chu Bei, browsing tightly knit.

This purple clothed man who suddenly joined the battlefield really surprised him by its methods, and it could bring the dead back to life!

If these methods can be used repeatedly, isn't the Human Race already invincible?

"This sage has never seen this person!"

Zhan Kuang looked at Chu Bei, his face was extremely ugly, "Moreover, his breath is also very strange, there is no The slightest wave of profound energy! Some is another breath energy that has never been touched."

Chu Bei carried his hands behind his back, hovering in the air, and looked very calmly at Kitahashi Taro and Zhan. After going crazy, he looked towards the prison that blocked Duan Tian Ya, Mo Xiaoyao, Bu Tian Xie and the others, and a beam of gaze shot out.

hong long!

Suddenly, when the beam of gaze arrived, the prison collapsed.

At the same time, the powerhouse of the eight alien sacred monarchs who were consecrated out of the prison, his face was pale. It was as if they had been backlashed, with blood spewing from the mouths of both heads at the same time.

However, before they waited for their breath to stabilize, the eyes that shattered the prison turned into ripples moved towards all around, spreading, and enveloping them in an instant.

At this moment, they only felt a terrifying force that seemed to be far more surpassing than several levels of their terrifying power, which instantly invaded every corner of their bodies.


Under this force, the powerhouse of the eight alien sages did not even have time to make a scream, but it turned into a cloud of light and disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Kitabashi Taro's pupils shrank suddenly, his complexion turned gray for a moment, and his whole body seemed to be stiff.

Zhan Kuang's expression is also startled, and there is obviously a touch of jealousy and vigilance in the eyes looking towards Chu Bei again, his whole body is tight like a stone, and his heart sinks as if filled with cold lead .

"It's... it's him!"

The cage collapsed, Duan Tianya, Mo Xiaoyao, and Bu Tianxie regained their freedom. At this moment, they finally came back to his senses from their consternation, looked at each other, took a deep breath, and exclaimed.

An hour ago, they were still ordering to capture the missing Powerhouse beyond Supreme, but the mission ended in failure.

Now, seeing each other in the current battle of the sky, their moods are extremely mixed, their thoughts are flying, and they are numb.

In any case, they did not expect that the opponent's strength has been so terrifying!

Only one eye can obliterate the powerhouse of the eight sages of the alien race!

These eight sage Powerhouses are among the alien army, and that is also the second only to Peak existence of Kitabashi Taro. It can be said that this beam of Chu Bei's gaze directly weakened the threat of the alien army to the Human Race side by 80%.

Looking at the calm and composed that silhouette not far away, Duan Tianya, Mo Xiaoyao, and Bu Tianxie were inexplicably grateful. If it weren't for the collapse of the Sky Pillar Mountain, they would probably have to grab each other by themselves. If that were the case, they might have already wiped out the Divine Soul physical body at this moment.

"Who the hell are you!" Zhan Kuang's whole body tensed, condensing the imposing manner to the extreme, his eyes fixed on Chu Bei.

For the first time in ten thousand years, Zhan Kuang’s expression revealed fear. Since the first youngster of Nine Nether left Xuanxuan continent, he has always regarded himself as Xuanxuan continent's first Powerhouse. Even if he was facing the Lord of Three Great Holy Lands at the same time, he was still very calm.

But at this moment, when facing this mysterious person of unknown origin and no profound energy, he felt a pressure that he had never had before.

This sense of pressure even far exceeds the sense of pressure created by the first young man with Nine Nether.

"As a native of Xuanxuan continent, you are in collusion with a foreign race. You should kill." Chu Bei's calm and indifferent voice sounded, spreading throughout the battlefield.

Hearing Chu Bei's voice, a chill rose in Zhan Kuang's heart inexplicably.

Keng clang!

At the next moment, accompanied by a metal trembling, a pitch-black sickle appeared in Zhan Kuang’s hands.

The sickle danced, Fracture Tianyu brought a roar, and went straight to Chu Bei. Wherever it passed, the surging profound energy fluctuated into a sky-shattering storm, bringing up all kinds of terrifying wind blades and blasting towards Chu Bei.

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