"That is the Holy Artifact Nether Scythe of War Samsara!"

"As far as I know, using this Nether Scythe requires blood sacrifice! Less than as In the case of a last resort, he would never use it!"

"It seems that he really values ​​seniors very much, and the strongest killer move is the one shot!"

Recognize the battle The pitch-black sickle in Kuang’s hand, heavenly punishment, the complexion of the seven forest beasts was slightly changed. The fierce force released from the sickle, although it did not target them, made them chill and unable to resist any resistance.

The gazes of Duan Wuya, Mo Xiaoyao, and Bu Tianxie also fixed on the Nether Sickle, allowing some dignity on their faces.

Looking at Chu Bei again, when facing the ghost sickle of Zhan Kuang, his expression remained unchanged from beginning to end. Just inadvertently raise his hand, simple and direct a finger pointed, without any fancy.

Under countless eyes, high in the sky, a gorgeous fingertip rays of light intertwined and collided with the pitch-black sickle.


With a crisp sound, the Nether Sickle shattered.

But this is just the beginning. Before all the Powerhouses all around came back to their senses, the rays of light broke the fingertips of the pitch-black sickle and continued to swept forward, and came to Zhan Kuang in an instant.

Zhan Kuang’s pupils suddenly enlarged, not daring to hesitate, raising his hands immediately, casting a hard wall of light in front of him with profound energy.


Unfortunately, in front of the fingertip rays of light shot by Chu Bei, this light wall is much more fragile than the pitch-black sickle.

In an instant, the rays of light hit the wall of collapsed light with fingertips and shot into the war mad body.

When Zhan Kuang’s body was submerged by the rays of light at his fingertips, his body expanded multiply, his expression was extremely painful and distorted, followed by a boom, and his Divine Soul burst open. .

From Chu Bei a finger pointed to the death of Zhan Kuang, the process seems to be a long time, but in fact it is just between the light of calcium carbide.

"All clansman obey orders, retreat immediately!"

Betting on this scene, Kitabashi Taro didn’t think about it. As Zhan Kuang’s body exploded, he faced the alien race below. The army gave orders.

"Why? Afraid?"

But before Taro Kitabashi escapes into the void, Chu Bei's voice with a joke and a smile floats in the sky.

Almost at the same time, Kitahashi Taro found that the space all around his body was imprisoned by a powerful invisible force.

"If you let me go this time, I promise I won't invade the Xuanxuan continent again!" Kitabashi Taro's voice made a horrified voice.

Chu Bei laughed, there is no response.

Perceiving Chu Bei's expression, Kitahashi Taro is coldly snorted. Although he knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the opponent, the opponent obviously did not want to let him go.

In this case, he can only fight to the death!


There was a strange and sharp neighing sound from the mouths of Taro Kitahashi’s two heads at the same time.

next moment, its whole body is covered with magic lines, the neck lines bulge, and blood drips from the outside of the body, and it starts to burn.

Not only that, but the pupils of Taro Kitabashi's heads have also turned into crimsons. Just looking at it makes people terrifying and terrifying inexplicably.

As the blood outside of Kitabashi Taro's body burned, a terrifying Immeasurable Light erupted. Its breath is also growing stronger, and there is a faint feeling of wanting to break through the barrier of the holy monarch.

Compared to Zhan Kuang, Kitabashi Taro seems to be more powerful at this time.

"Burning the original blood, is the leader forced to go to this step!"

"Is that Human Race really terrifying to this level?"

"Is he already comparable to the Nine Nether ten thousand years ago!"

"This and the others, in the past battle, why never showed up!"

"Maybe he is the last Guardian God of Human Race! If it weren't for this time, we colluded and crashed Sky Pillar Mountain, I'm afraid he still wouldn't make a move."


In the battlefield below, a group of powerhouses of foreign races with the strength of the Lord looked at Beiqiao Taro, and looked towards Chu Bei, their faces very heavy.


The cold voice filled with killing intent fell, and Kitahashi Taro's whole body was wrapped in red glow, and his two heads merged into one, and then he directly used Secret Skill Evolved into a giant axe, moved towards Chu Bei suddenly hacked away.

At this moment, facing Chu Bei, it can only burn its original source and sublimate it to the extreme.

He knows that he is impossible to win. But even if he died, it would hurt the foundation of Chu Bei!

As Kitabashi Taro himself turned into a giant axe, all of a sudden, the void froze.

hong long long!

The blade is bright, its fierce momentum, tore the void, and its power is extremely powerful. The axe body has a combination of various secret techniques, intertwined with terrifying profound strength.

Chu Bei faintly glanced at Kitahashi Taro, who had spared no effort to kill, and raised his hand to take a picture.


In an instant, the void held by Kitahashi Taro shattered, and a giant palm covering the sky was covered by Kitahashi Taro's body.

There was no accident. Under this palm, Kitabashi Taro's body was directly annihilated, and there was no ashes.

Perhaps until his death, Kitabashi Taro could not imagine that everything it did, even burning the original blood essence, still failed to cause Chu Bei a trace of harm.

"Die, the leader is also dead!"

Taro Kitahashi is dead, and the alien army below is like a thunderbolt blow, and it seems to be injected with cold spring water from head to toe. His expression was stiff and numb, without a trace of blood.

"Retreat, quickly retreat!"

"The life left is, and one day I can avenge the leader."

"Yes, ours Lifespan is longer than these Human Races!"


After the alien army came back to his senses, he quickly turned around and moved towards the direction he came.

Chi, chi, chi!

I didn't wait for them to go away, accompanied by a sharp neigh, a black bird with four wings appeared in the sky.

The bird spit out from its mouth, and tens of thousands of black sharp arrows were shot from its mouth, and each sharp arrow carried an extremely terrifying energy breath fluctuation.

In the sound of breaking through the sky, black arrows fell like a pouring rain, strangling all the fleeing foreign troops in an instant, leaving no one alive.

When the black bird turned into a streamer and plunged into Chu Bei’s body, the boundless battlefield suddenly became quiet, and there were just a bunch of Human Race Powerhouses that had not yet come back to his senses, and that turned into Flesh and flesh of foreign army corpses everywhere.

"The knot... is over."

Gradually, all Human Race Powerhouses regained their senses, looking at the flesh and blood, and taking a breath, their expressions were a little trance, like not knowing what to do, like a person with a clay sculpture and wood carving.

Heavenly punishment The seven beasts of the forest looked at each other in blank dismay, each of them was dumbfounded. They looked at each other, first they were silent, and finally they turned into shaking their heads. A wry smile, the laughter seemed to allow some self-deprecation.

They broke through aggressively and condensed the final blood energy to the end of the battle. But in the end, they hadn't even been on the battlefield, and the All Heavens Store Sect Master was defeated by the All Heavens Store Sect Master alone, which was really ridiculous.

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