After entering the Inner Academy, except for Chu Bei, Hu Gan distributed a freshman sign to each new dísciple.

Then the team disbanded and allowed a group of dísciples to form a team to visit the Inner Academy.

Just when Chu Bei arrived in front of a pavilion, several dísciples swarmed towards one direction.

From the fine conversation, Chu Bei found out the reason.

In the Inner Academy, there is a strong list, and just now, the two dísciples, who are both in the top ten of the strong list, started their daily competition.

"Boss Chu, let's go see it too?" Xiao Yan looked expectant.

Chu Bei nodded, and immediately moved towards the direction where the crowd was rushing.

Soon, Chu Bei and the three came to a square.

There is an arena in the center of the square, and there are two figures on the ring facing each other, waiting in full array; the arena all around is crowded with people watching, and it is noisy.

"Do you think Qian Mo can succeed in the challenge this time?"

"Although both are Dou Ling Peak, Qian Mo has challenged Yan Hao no less than three times in the past six months. No success. I guess it will end in failure this time."

"haha, I think so too."

"But this time Qian Mo seems to be confident. It looks like it might really be possible to defeat Yan Hao."


Amidst the fierce discussion, the three Chu Bei squeezed into the inner circle.

"Qian fatty, do you just want to sit in the fifth position? Can you be a little self-aware?" On the ring, a youth sighed.

"hmph! I am no longer the youth I used to be!" Another youth coldly snorted.

"That's all, then abuse you again."

As Yan Hao's banter fell, the two on the stage simultaneously drew out their weapons.

Yan Hao’s weapon is a huge jet black hammer, while Qian Mo is a large golden object like circular sawtooths, with sharp sawtooths glowing with cold light.


Qian Mo was the first to attack.

The shout fell, and the rich Dou Qi surged out violently from his body, his arm suddenly shook, and the weapon in his hand was like Golden lightning, shooting away at Yan Hao.


Almost at the same time, Yan Hao's black hammer fiercely hit the ground.

In an instant, a crack with a thick arm spread rapidly, and then an extremely powerful and deep yellow energy burst out from the crack, just hitting the golden lightning that flashed past. It counter-shocked and went back.

"Money fatty, you have nothing to grow!"

After dissolving Qian Mo's attack, Yan Hao laughed out loud.

"Don't look! Run! Brute Force Queen is here!"

However, when Qian Mo was about to launch another attack, there was a panic from not far away. The scream resounded throughout the audience.

Hearing the words Brute Force Queen, the ring all around the people who were originally watching with keen interest pleasure, a touch of fear appeared on their faces.

On the ring, Yan Hao and Qian Mo's complexion instantly became heavy, and they tightly grasped the weapons in their hands.

"Brute Force Queen?"

"This name looks terrifying."

Looking at the moved towards the crowd gathered in one direction, Xiao Yan Muttered, and looked curiously towards the direction from which the scream came.

In a short while, first a youth with a face full of fear ran quickly, and then a petite silhouette came over carelessly.

This is a little girl in white clothes who is only one meter tall, about twelve or thirteen years old, with long lavender hair reaching her waist.

The white and tender cheeks, together with the big black and watery eyes, look like a doll made of jade.

"This is the so-called Brute Force Queen?"

Notice the fear in the eyes of the crowd looking towards the girl in white, Xiao Yan was speechless.

When he thinks about it, Brute Force Queen, which can scare so many people, is at least a stupid big fellow with a back of a tiger and waist of a bear two or three meters high.

Clinker turned out to be a little girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals.

Looking at Chu Bei again, when he saw the little girl in white, a smile appeared inadvertently at the corner of his mouth.

"Xiao Yan big brother, look at the Golden medicinal ingredient she put in her mouth." Xiao Xun'er seemed to have discovered something and pulled Xiao Yan's arm.

"Jingang Pu?!"

Xiao Yan recognized the golden medicinal ingredient in the girl's mouth.

When he was about to say something more, ka-cha said, the medicinal ingredient was crushed by the girl's teeth.

" could it..."

There was a crisp chewing sound in my ear, and then I looked at the girl’s smacking the lips, which are like small snacks, Xiao Yan’s subconsciously swallowing After swallowing saliva, an astonished expression appeared on his face.

Jingang Pu, although the grade is not high, but its body is as strong as black iron, and ordinary flames can't do it.

But right now, the girl in white could easily chew it up with her teeth, as if she was eating candy.

"Boss Chu, is this girl still a human?" Xiao Yan took a deep breath, muttering.

"No." Chu Bei responded lightly.

"Huh? She is really not a human! What is that? A monster?" Xiao Yan was taken aback first, then dumbfounded.

He was just shocked, so he said casually, didn't expect that the other party is really not human!

After all, when Xiao Yan looked at the little girl again, his eyes clearly allowed some vigilance and fear.

"She is Magic Beast, she just turned into a human form." Chu Bei added.

"Magic Beast transformed? Could it be that she has entered the realm of Dou Huang?" Xiao Yan's mouth opened wide.

Chu Bei shook his head: "No, she just ate Body Transformation Grass."

"It turned out to be like this." Xiao Yan understood nodded.

Body Transformation Grass is a rare spirit plant in the forest. The Magic Beast under Dou Huang can be swallowed by Human Transformation, but only when the strength reaches Dou Huang can it be changed back to Magic Beast, and the two forms can be switched freely.

But not long after, Xiao Yan seemed to think of something, staring at Chu Bei in surprise: "Boss Chu, how do you know this? Did you know her before?"

Chu Bei smiled knowingly: "When you are strong enough, you can deduce everything in the world and predict the future, let alone such a Magic Beast who is not strong enough in Dou Huang."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan tugged at the corner of his mouth and stopped asking.

"Are you two discussing each other? My hands happen to be itchy, take me."

After chewing Jingang Pu, the girl in white jumped to the ring and moved towards Yan Hao and Qian Mo showed their white and neat teeth.

Looking at the innocent smile of the girl in white, Yan Hao and Qian Mo shivered at the same time.

"You can't run, I will chase whoever ran away."

Looking at the two people who are constantly backing away, the girl in white raised her white and tender fist, like a oriole There was a deep threat in the voice like that.

Hearing the words of the girl in white, Yan Hao and Qian Mo's face instantly changed into pig liver color.

The ring all around, a crowd of dísciples gathered together from a distance, glanced at the girl in white on the ring, and couldn't help but shrink her neck.

At the same time, everyone mourned Yan Hao and Qian Mo in their hearts.

As for Chu Bei, he looked at the girl in white with a smile on his face, and looked at it from head to toe without shy.

"Come on, let's go together, hit me!" The girl in white moved towards the two opponents unscrupulously beckoned.

"Zi Yan Senior Sister, you must always be gentle! If you are serious, if you blow it down, I am afraid that my body will become meat sauce on the spot."

Yan Hao and Qian Mo looked at each other, and they felt miserable in their hearts.

Their cultivation base is Dou Ling Peak. Although they are fifth and sixth on the strong list, compared with the monster who is the number one on the strong list, the disparity can be described as one Heaven, one Earth.

In the previous time Strong Ranking Grand Competition, they witnessed this Brute Force Queen turning Lin Xiuya, who had already entered Dou Wang, Ranked 2nd, into a meat bun.

There are even rumors recently that this Brute Force Queen will break through into Dou Huang!

"What are you afraid of, Senior Sister just wants to loosen up your muscles and bones."

Zi Yan looked at Yan Hao and Qian Mo with a smirk, and said: "Don't you Come on, then I'll take the shot first."

Yan Hao let out a long sigh when he heard Zi Yan's words.

After that, Dou Qi surged rapidly in his body, and the skin on the surface of his body instantly became like a rock, allowing some gray.

Step out, a loud explosion sound, and threw away the black hammer with both hands.

Almost at the same time, Qian Mo squatted and bent his waist to exert strength, and the weapon in his hand also shot out like lightning at a tricky angle towards Zi Yan.

Faced with two fierce attacks, Zi Yan did not evade, and casually stuck out two white tender hands.


With two muffled sounds, Zi Yan caught the weapons of Yan Hao and Qian Mo with no difficulty.

Under the gaze of countless line of sight, Zi Yan Bai Nen's hands seem to be unbreakable welding tongs. If Yan Hao and Qian Mo drag them, they will not be able to regain control of the weapon from their hands. .


At this moment, Zi Yan silhouette disappeared strangely in the sound of breaking through the air.

Yan Hao and Qian Mo's pupils shrank suddenly, and a sense of fear rose in the mind.

But they didn't have time to do something, the disappearing petite silhouette appeared in front of them.


next moment, in their horrified eyes, seemingly weak fists pressed against their chests.

Two screams screamed, haunting everyone's ears.

On the arena, two figures shot backwards like cannonballs. After flying tens of meters in the air, fiercely fell to the ground.

"The hand feels really good."

Zi Yan patted his hands with a satisfied look on his face.

In the distance, Yan Hao and Qian Mo wailed in the deep pit and dared not get up.

The crowd of onlookers saw Zi Yan triumphantly looking like a small adult on the stage. They wanted to laugh but were afraid of them. From start to finish, they were silent.

If you say that among those who watch the battle, the only natural expression is Chu Bei.

"Are you laughing at me!"

At this time, Zi Yan also spotted Chu Bei with a grin, and his eyebrows wrinkled immediately.

"This guy is bold enough!"

"Couldn't he be the name Brute Force Queen who hasn't heard of Brute Force Queen?"

"Huh? By the way, this guy is a bit strange, I haven't seen it before."


The eyes of a crowd followed Zi Yan and shifted to Chu Bei's body. .

"Come on! My hands are itchy again!"

When Chu Bei did not respond, Zi Yan panting with rage shouted.

"Hey, another poor man."

When Zi Yan spoke, the crowd gathered around the audience not far away, watching Chu Bei let out a sound of sympathy .

At this time, Yan Hao and Qian Mo finally dared to get up from the pit and quietly mixed into the crowd.

In their gazes looking towards Chu Bei, there is no taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, only pity.

"Hey you guy! You can't hear me, right?"

Zi Yan put his hands in his waist, Ping Ping's chest trembled with breath: "Since If you don't come up, then I will go down!"

With that, Zi Yan jumped off the ring.

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