See the title,

Are you a little out of reach?

This is also a decision I hesitated for a day.

Bajiejun is an author and a reader.

From the reader's point of view, the chapters I like most to read in a book are the testimonials on the shelves and the testimonials from the end.

So, when Bajie Jun sends out this chapter, even if there are many Jun who have not seen the latest chapter, they will click in.

Following text:

Ba Jie Jun wrote the book, always upholding the principle of large quantity and fullness, but the new book term's daily tael is a bit aggrieved.

The editor said: Don't you want to make a big update, then you can put it on the shelf. After it's on the shelves, you can change it every day.

The editor also said: If it is put on the shelves, the next Sanjiang and forced pushes will not be with you.

Choose one of the two, I chose the former.

Lianggeng is really not my style, I just want to make Zhujun look cool every day!

So, tomorrow is Friday at 12 o'clock.


The old readers who followed from the last book also know that after the new book period, Ba Jie Jun will not ask for recommendation tickets again.

Today is the last day of the new book period. For the last time, Lord Ba Jie begged the Lords to move their fingers and vote for this book.

If you have already voted, I hope that tomorrow’s recommendation votes can be reserved for this book.

Of course, I'm sad, after tomorrow is on the shelves, some people will be allowed to leave.

It is difficult to avoid.

Bajiejun will continue to learn in the process of writing a book until he writes a book that everyone likes.


Talk about the results of this book.

The starting point here is to test the water push, go through the one-stop process of promotion, currently 8500 collections.

On the creation side, all the way to the promotion, currently 20,000 + collections, the free list is ranked 12th.


Talk about the content of this book.

Some people scold, some love.

Whether it is the former or the latter, at least it means that you have read this book.

I think of a reader of the last book, spraying from head to tail, my head is big.

I didn't fight back. Why, this product was a genuine subscription all the way, and even when I finished the book, I even got a foul-mouthed reward of 10,000 coins.

Some readers have suggested that it is too monotonous for a businessman to just turn the plate. Which is a businessman?

Don’t worry, the book has just begun, the rhythm should be steady, and there will be more and more mall functions in the future.

It was too ruthless at the beginning of the game. How to write later, I'm afraid I can't hold it!

Some readers are also dissatisfied with the paragraph about killing Jiaalie Clan.

In fact, when I wrote that paragraph, it was during the most severe period of the epidemic, and Jialie Clan also used poison in the plot. In order to eliminate the poison, so...

Look back and look again. At that time, it was indeed a bit past, but it should not be that difficult to accept.


Let’s talk about the updates after the release.

The readers who followed from the last book know that I still owe many updates to the old book Alliance Chief.

As long as they find this book someday, I will make up for it.

After being put on the shelves, the guarantee is still two more.

Based on the guarantee update, the principle of adding more changes is:

Before the end of August, every 2,000 starting currency rewards will increase by one.

Every time an increase of 100 is set, one is added.

Every time a monthly pass increases by 100, one more is added.

Starting the day after tomorrow, priority will be given to repaying the debts of those who have been rewarded in the new book period.


From tomorrow, you will see a terrifying update of Bajiejun!

I hope that Zhu Jun will continue to support this book with a genuine subscription, and Ba Jie Jun will do his best to write this book, so that Zhu Jun will not be disappointed!

At the end of the testimonial,

I ask for a recommendation ticket for the last time!

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