"little girl, listen to my advice, not who you can fight. Leave now and avoid the suffering of flesh and skin."

Xiao Yan's eyes fell On Zi Yan's body, he couldn't help but speak, and persuade him.

"I'm so angry!"

But when Zi Yan heard Xiao Yan's words, not only did he not leave, but the breath became stronger.

"Where did these guys come from!"

"Don't run away, even if you dare to provoke Brute Force Queen! It's really fatal!"

"Even if there is Elder here, I'm afraid I can't keep them."

"Look, the new card!"

"It turned out that it was just selected from the Outer Academy this year. No wonder that even Brute Force Queen dare to provoke!"


I noticed the signs on Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er, and the sympathy and pity on the faces of the crowd around the audience became even greater. .

Dongdong dong!

Zi Yan strode towards Chu Bei.

When each step falls, the bluestone bricks under its feet will shatter every inch, leaving a deep footprint.

With about two meters away from Chu Bei, Zi Yan suddenly accelerated and punched out at the same time.

Zi Yan is extremely fast, and wherever his fist passes, it rubs against the air and produces a harsh sonic boom.

Faced with Zi Yan's offensive, Chu Bei's face did not change at all, and the corners of his mouth were still smiling.

Seeing Zi Yan's fist reached within half a meter, Chu Bei right hand protruded, palm green and red two rays of light flowed, fluttering out.

There was no collision as expected.

Some are just shocking scenes.

When Zi Yan's fist strikes on Chu Bei's palm, the latter's palm seems to have a weird force, pulling and removing the power from Zi Yan's fist.

This directly led to Zi Yan leaning forward abruptly and swept over from Chu Bei right hand.

"What happened just now!"

Zi Yan punched him empty, and after steadying the stature, he questioned.

Chu Bei just laughed and did not respond.

"Damn it!"

Zi Yan bit her lip, and the anger on her white and tender face grew even worse.

I shot again, faster, and the breath on the fist became more terrifying.

However, a similar scene happened again.

She had already hit the opponent, but an inexplicable force drew her strength to the outside, hitting another place.

Zi Yan punched again, but because the speed was too fast, he almost fell to the ground.

"Why is this!"

After one after another attempt failed, Zi Yan pouted, and panting with rage stared at Chu Bei unwillingly .

"haha ——"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yan finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hearing the laughter, Zi Yan turned his gaze to Xiao Yan: "If you can't hit him, if you don't believe it, you can't hit you!"

Hearing the sound, Xiao Yan laughs Suddenly, he shuddered inexplicably when he met Zi Yan's cannibalistic gaze.

"Boss Chu, help!"

Xiao Yan quickly hid behind Chu Bei.

He doesn't want to taste Peak Dou Wang's punch!

Zi Yan threw a punch, deterring people.

This time, Chu Bei still sticks out his right palm.

However, the green and red flowing palms have changed, and they suddenly fuse together.

At first, this weird force pulled off Zi Yan's fist first, but then it didn't let Zi Yan lean forward.

Instead, a powerful counter-shock suddenly broke out and fell back on Zi Yan's fist.


A muffled sound.

Zi Yan's petite body drew a beautiful arc in the air and hit the ground.

With the wailing of pain, Zi Yan quickly got up from the ground, his eyes filled with anger, but he didn't know what to do.

"Brute Force Queen is flat!"

"My God! You read that right? What's the source of that guy!"

"Even both I can’t feel his Dou Qi fluctuations!"

"What a weird Dou Technique!"

"Yes, I always feel that he has eliminated Brute Force Queen's attack with skill. ."


A crowd of spectators talked aloud, with an unbelievable look on their faces.

"I don't believe you can resolve it every time!"

Zi Yan walked around Chu Bei twice, panting with rage snorted.

Immediately, shouting loudly, the fierce and violent Dou Qi gushed out of his body, condensing his fists.

The gathering is complete, Zi Yan silhouette disappeared again and appeared directly in front of Chu Bei.

However, Chu Bei seemed to have predicted Zi Yan's position a long time ago, and while the opponent shot, slowly came out the right hand.


The familiar scene happened again.

Zi Yan's power was first vented strangely, and then a stronger horizontal counter-shock came suddenly.

Zi Yan flew upside down and added a big hole on the ground.

This time, Zi Yan quickly climbed up, then soared into the air, appeared above Chu Bei's head, and swooped down.


The ending remains the same.

In the unwilling low roar, Zi Yan blasted towards Chu Bei again and again.

Three bangs, four bangs, five bangs, and six bangs...

However, the ending is repeated round and round without any change.

Looking at all around, there are already deep pits.

Look at Zi Yan again. Her long hair is messy, her clothes are intact, and her delicate white face is dusty.

At first glance, it looks like that little madman begging.

However, Zi Yan still did not give up, as if confronted with Chu Bei.

Later, perhaps because Chu Bei's strength began to increase, Zi Yan made a sound of suction and his attack speed continued to slow down.

Look of dreading emerged in the big black eyes.

Not far away, the Inner Academy dísciple, who witnessed this scene throughout, was already in a daze.

The sluggish expressions, like a thunderbolt on a clear day, looked at the battlefield with both eyes blankly.

Yan Hao and Qian Mo were dumbfounded, looked at each other in blank dismay, and fell into a conversation for a while.

When Zi Yan first found Chu Bei, they sympathized with the new student of Chu Bei.

Who would have thought that the same experience would have turned out to be quite different.

Looking at Zi Yan who has dared not to make any more moves, the two of them couldn't help but feel dark, and their eyes looking towards Chu Bei were full of worship and respect.


At this moment, a sky-splitting sound started, from far to near.

Hu Gan heard the sound.

Looking at Hu Gan, whose hands were behind and pedaling on the void, Zi Yan was taken aback first, and then he was full of joy.

"Old Man Hu, you...you have a breakthrough to Dou Zong!"

Zi Yan exclaimed in excitement, as if he had found a helper, pointing to Chu Bei and said:" Hurry up, help me clean up this guy! He was injured badly with many teeth knocked out!"


But Zi Yan was dreaming about how to use Hu Gan. When Chu Bei was ravaged by his hands, Hu Gan yelled in his ears.

Next moment, Hu Gan fell in front of Chu Bei.

"Old Man Hu, who do you say is Hu..."

Zi Yan just wanted to rebuke Hu Gan, we can see Hu Gan's attitude towards Chu Bei, the words to the mouth are Half of it was because of the shock and swallowed it back.

"Boss Chu, Zi Yan is still a child. If you offend, I hope you don't care about her." Hu Gan was very polite.

"He... who is he!"

"Master Deputy Headmaster is so respectful to him!"

"We actually thought him stupidly It's also a new life."

"It's ridiculous to think about it now. How could it be an ordinary person to be able to ravage Brute Force Queen's existence so arbitrarily."


Hearing what Hu Gan said, the expressions of all the dísciple in the field became more astonished.

They are all well-known figures of Outer Academy, and they all know the temperament of this Deputy Headmaster.

Except for Headmaster, they have not seen this Deputy Headmaster to whom such respect.

"How can I care about her, I really like it." Chu Bei smiled and looked at Little Zi Yan.

And Zi Yan shuddered inexplicably when meeting Chu Bei's seemingly loving gaze.

"Zi Yan, I just came to admit my mistake!" Hu Gan turned and shouted coldly.

"No!" Little Zi Yan raised his head stubbornly.

Hu Gan shook the head, then walked to the side of Little Zi Yan, lowered his head and said something in his ear.

Zi Yan was taken aback for a moment, then looked towards Chu Bei and his eyes rounded.

Finally, I walked up to Chu Bei very obediently, bent over and bowed, and sincerely admitted his mistake.

"Whatever you look at, it's not going away!"

As Hu Gan coldly shouted, the dísciple not far away rushed away with confusion.

Obviously, they are all very curious about what Hu Gan said to Zi Yan, which prompted a big change in her attitude towards Chu Bei.


"Xiao Yan big brother, what do you think the Deputy Headmaster said to that Brute Force Queen?"

Bring it in Hu Gan After Little Zi Yan left, Xiao Xun'er looked towards Xiao Yan with curiosity on his face.

"In my opinion, it must be related to Boss Chu."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yan seemed to think of something, and quickly turned his head towards Chu Bei: "Boss Chu, The trick you just used to deal with Brute Force Queen is a bit familiar."

"Changing Yin-Yang two qi, leveraging on strength, its name is vast." Chu Bei glanced at Xiao Yan, indifferently said.

This Qi Method comes from The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, it is Mingjiao Sect Protecting Treasure, and it is also obtained by Chu Bei spent 30,000 Force of Desire Value.

After going around for another quarter of an hour.

Chu Bei stopped.

A hundred meters away, there is a large, sunken land.

In the center of the depression, a huge Black tower is buried deep in the ground, with only a spire of the tower exposed on the ground.

"The tower buried in the ground?"

"Could it be said that this is the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower that the Deputy Headmaster mentioned can speed up the cultivation!"

Xiao Yan fixed his eyes on the spire and exclaimed.

At this moment, there are several dísciples queuing in orderly all around the spire of the tower.

Perhaps due to the rules, these dísciples are extremely quiet when they enter.

"Some riots."

Chu Bei narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

Even if there is a certain distance apart, he can feel the hot energy that diffuses from time to time in the tower, sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

"Boss Chu, are we going to take a look at the tower?" Xiao Yan looked at Chu Bei expectantly.

"Since you are in someone's turf, you have to act according to other people's rules."

Chu Bei lightly patted Xiao Yan's shoulder: "After you are assigned to Fire Energy, Enter the tower again."


The sun sets.

Night is approaching.

When Chu Bei had just returned to the home arranged by Hu Gan and was ready to take a rest, a petite silhouette swooped into the house.

This is a little girl in a pink dress, about twelve or thirteen years old, and her long lavender hair naturally falls on her waist.

The white and tender cheeks are sculpted into jade, which makes people want to play with it personally.

Looking at the girl in the pink dress who turned up without being invited, Chu Bei showed a playful color on his face.

The girl is Brute Force Queen Zi Yan who was ravaged by Chu Bei during the day.

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