"The Immortal Emperor's realm can actually be further subdivided into the Three Great Realms. The nine-star Immortal Emperor you know is nothing but the Peak that's all of the First Realm realm, also known as Be the first realm of the emperor. After the first realm, it is the second realm of the emperor, and above it is the third realm of the emperor."

The system sounded: "Source strength of Heaven, that is the first realm 4- Star can only control the power; and this source sky space is the divine ability that can only be touched by the second realm. As for the difference between the source sky space and the source strength of heaven, you will know it when you use this energy. "

"Where are the three emperors?" Chu Bei asked.

"Yuantian world." system responded again.

However, when Chu Bei continued to ask some questions, the system chose to remain silent and stopped answering.

Chu Bei didn't ask any more, divine sense instantly enveloped the world he had been in for an unknown number of years.

At this moment, he finally determined that he was already not in the Chaos Heavens Domain. Although the area of ​​this world can't be compared with the chaotic universe, the law power in the sky is faintly higher than the heavens.

In Chu Bei's view, this should also be a big area lost by one party.

crash-bang ——

With a wave of Chu Bei's sleeve robe, a long river of years leaped forward. Finally, he swept the mysterious battlefield below his eyes and took a step forward.

Chu Bei carried behind with his hands on his back, and walked up the river over the years. In the process, he witnessed scene after scene that he had experienced.

He saw the country where he was researched as an unknown creature, the battlefield between the two countries where he was swung around, and the fire fox that rescued them from the ground.

Across the river of years, Chu Bei a finger pointed when the Huoyou Fox was about to be killed. A majestic force instantly penetrated the void barrier and killed the natural enemy of the fire fox.

"Mother, what's wrong? It, why did it die?" The young fox was surprised.

"I don't know, in short, we have escaped this catastrophe." The adult Fire Fox was in shock.

"Mother, that human being is gone!" The young fox yelled, pointing at the location where Chu Bei was supposed to be.

"Let's go, he asks for more blessings." Huo Youhu also looked confused, how could the human that it rescued from the ground disappeared all at once.

Chu Bei looked at the leaving Huyou fox, the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and then he looked ahead, and continued to walk along the river, the speed of the river collapsed as if it slowed down.


This is a remote mountain village, located in the rolling mountains.

However, the originally quiet and peaceful mountain village is now blood flowing into a river. Many villagers fell into a pool of blood, no longer alive, and became corpses.

The pungent smell of blood permeates the air, which is disgusting.

In this huge village, in addition to the dead villagers, there is a group of bandits with bloodthirsty eyes in their eyes.

"Leader, it's all done!"

A red-clothed bandit licked the blood on the blade with his tongue, kicked the old woman just killed, and closed it. The knife looked towards the bandit leader.

"Hongjiu, didn't you see that there is a fish that escaped the net?" The bandit leader looked towards the red-clothed bandit.

"Brother Nine, what are you still doing? is it possible that you sympathize with him?" Another bandit said with a smile.

"When did I have the word sympathy under my knife? This is just a paralyzed waste!" The red-clothed bandit laughed and moved towards the company on the ground with the knife. The silhouette who can't move is chopped off.


However, when the blade in the hands of the red-clothed bandit was about to fall on the silhouette’s neck, there was a clear cry and the machete seemed to have been hit. The invisible shock wave directly shattered thousands of pieces. Immediately afterwards, before the red-clothed bandit could react, the invisible shock wave swept through his body, directly shaking him and his clothes into bloody mud.

"What's going on!"

"Boss, Hongjiu is dead! Why is he dead!"

"Who can see anything?"

Seeing this scene, the bandits were stunned immediately, staring at the pile of bloody mud on the ground, each with a fear of the unknown in their eyes. Even the bandit leader who was still on horseback drew a big knife from his waist, his face extremely alert.

"It must have something to do with that trash! You go up together!" The bandit leader looked towards Chu Bei, and his eyes flashed with brutality.

"Yes, the death of Brother Nine must be related to him!"

"We killed him together! Revenge for Brother Nine!"

A group of bandits After looking at each other and making some exchange of eyes, at the same time, holding a knife and walking towards that silhouette on the ground not far away.

"An unforgettable scene."

In the long river of years, Chu Bei watched the scene being played in the village, the smile on his face disappeared, and the eyes appeared thick. Strong killing intent.

oh la la!

The long river collapsed over the years, and the silhouette of Chu Bei disappeared. It pierced through the barriers of time and space for an instant and sank into the body of the immovable silhouette on the ground.

Almost at the same time, a ray of blue light enveloped the entire mountain village, turning into countless dense blue light spots, slowly flying into the bodies of the dead villagers in the village.

Under these blue light spots, the knife-edges of a group of villagers healed at a speed visible to naked eye, and their cold bodies were rejuvenated, and their pale faces became bloody. Breathing out.

At this moment, a group of bandits have surrounded Chu Bei on the ground, and slashed with a machete in angrily.


A similar scene was staged again.

The machete of these bandits has not touched Chu Bei's body, it is as if they have touched some kind of terrifying taboo. Under the invisible force, each body exploded and turned into a rain of blood.

"Boss, the Third Brother and the fourth brother are also dead!"

"Although that guy won't move, he will definitely do sorcery, very strange!"

The remaining bandits pointed at Chu Bei, their faces full of horror.

"Look, look at the villagers who were killed by us!"

"Alive, all come alive!"

"Why...how Probably!"

A group of bandits have not come back to his senses from the strange death of their companions. In their eyes, a scene that made them even more shocked was staged.

Even the bandit leader on horseback had a dull look full of surprise, and was shocked by the scene before him.

He couldn't understand in any case how the villagers who were killed by them all came alive all at once.

"Huh? Am I dead? How come I'm still conscious?"

"Alive! We're alive again!"

"Dead Resurrection! God must pity us."

After a group of villagers were resurrected, their faces were filled with joy, but when they saw the bandits who killed them were still there, their expressions changed again. Becomes heavy.

But soon, they discovered that these bandits were different from the previous ones, and the latter had a look of fear on his face.

"Retreat! Retreat first!"

After the bandit leader came back to his senses, he immediately gave instructions to the remaining bandits.

Subsequently, the bandit leader turned his horse's head first. But when he was about to leave, a silhouette appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

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