"It's you! It really is you!"

Looking at Chu Bei floating in the air with his feet off the ground, the bandit leader's pupils shrank suddenly. His face changed suddenly.

"He was still lying there just now, how come he was in front of the head in an instant!"

"He really knows sorcery! The Third Brother and the fourth brother are all He killed it!"

The other bandits also showed horror, staring at Chu Bei very vigilantly.

If you say that the most shocking people in the field are the villagers, each with wide eyes and mouth open, looking at Chu Bei in a daze, motionless, as if there is no wood.

"Isn’t this Little Chu? Isn’t he paralyzed? How can it be better!"

"Shh! Stop screaming! You didn’t see him flying Is it in the air?"

"I knew he was different from us! How can anyone be in a coma for more than three months and live without eating or drinking?"

"immortal He must be immortal!"

"Do you remember the sudden death of the ominous beast in the mountain when the claws of the ominous beast were about to fall on Xiao He? Now it seems, It must be related to him."

"My God! Then you say, we are resurrected from the dead, will it also be related to him?"


The eyes of a group of villagers were fixed on Chu Bei's body. After being shocked, they couldn't help but talk.

"Chu big brother." Xiaohe whispered softly, and suddenly she felt that the originally familiar silhouette in the air not far away was a little strange.

Chu Bei seemed to hear Xiao He's soft call, and the instantly changes on his cold face eased, turning his head and looking towards Xiao He, with a smile on his mouth.

"No matter what sorcery you have, you will die if you block the way!" The bandit leader loudly shouted, holding wide knives in both hands, fiercely moved towards Chu Bei and smashed his head.

Chu Bei didn't even look at the bandit leader, a white radiance flew out of his body, and instantly passed the bandit leader and other bandits.

At this moment, in the eyes of a group of villagers, they only felt that a dazzling divine light came, and then they saw the bandits and their horses, all of them evaporating in an instant, turning into Nothingness.

"Disappeared, all disappeared!"

"Very good! The band of thieves who had committed the crime are all gone!"

A group of villagers froze After stunned, they began to hug each other, exclaiming in excitement.

Until after a long time, these villagers seemed to remember something, the noise disappeared, and everyone looked towards Chu Bei's direction, with restraint on their faces.

After the old village head moved towards Chu Bei bowed, the other villagers bowed to follow suit.

"Old village chief, you don’t have to be like this. I’m still the Xiao Wu in your mouth. If you do this, I feel very alienated." Chu Bei appeared to a group of villagers during his steps. before.

"immortal, how dare we still use this name for you? Isn't that a life loss?" The old village chief waved his hand again and again, saying that he didn't dare to call Chu Bei Xiao Wu again.

"Chu big brother, how are you doing?" Xiaohe bit his white teeth lightly, Shuiling looked at Chu Bei with big eyes, he wanted to talk but he seemed to have a lot of questions to ask, but He didn't dare to speak.

Chu Bei naturally saw the thoughts in Xiao He's heart, and after reaching out to touch his head, he said: "The reason why I am in the mountains is because I was seriously injured in a fight with the enemy. , I was reduced to a useless person. Now, my cultivation base is not only restored, but also to a higher level. As for your attack by Wild Beast, and resurrection from the dead, this is indeed what I did."

Chu Bei looked at Xiaohe dozingly, and proactively spoke out the answer to the question he wanted to ask.

"Chu big brother, now that your cultivation base is restored, do you want to leave?" Xiaohe looked at Chu Bei reluctantly.

"There will be a day of seeing each other again."

Chu Bei squeezed Xiao He's face, then waved his left hand, and wisps of light flew between all the villagers in the village. in the eyebrows.

"Everyone, that was the All Heavens Store Qi Method I created just now. As long as you can cultivation according to the method described above, let alone the previous bandits, they are thousands of times more powerful than them. The people of Bei are not your opponents. When the cultivation initial mastery, you can achieve immortality and undying, coexist with Heaven and Earth."

Chu Bei glanced over all the villagers: "During this period of time, Thanks to your care, I also like this village very much. But, after a long time, I should return to my original life."

"Xiaohe, do you want to leave with me?" Chu Bei looked towards Xiaohe again.

"Chu big brother, where do you live? When I succeed in the spell cultivation you gave, I will look for you. As for now, I don't want to leave." Xiao He bit his lip , The voice is very soft, seemingly afraid of Chu Bei's blame.

"The Great Domain of Chaos, Heaven Above, All Heavens Store, Dizhou."

After finally touching Xiaohe's face, Chu Bei broke through the barriers of time and space and stepped on again Over the years.


On the other side.

The chaotic universe, in the world battlefield above the All Heavens Store, the battle between the two 8-Star Immortal Emperors has become increasingly fierce and terrifying.

The majestic source strength of Heaven collided with each other, constantly intertwined and blended.

A group of Powerhouses who watched the battle were terrified, as if they were afraid that the aftermath of their battle would break the barriers of the battlefield and strikes on them.

Heaven Above, more and more Immortal Emperors appeared on the All Heavens Store, even 8-Star Peak Immortal Emperors like Longquan Sect Master and Shinto Mountain Sect Master looked at the world seriously Fierce battle in the battlefield.

However, although the battle is already in a fierce state, it is still impossible to see that Lan Hui Immortal Emperor and the mysterious force 8-Star Immortal Emperor are stronger and weaker.

Between the two, the strength is equal.

hong long!

However, just as the two 8-Star Immortal Emperors were unable to fight for a long time, a burst of Golden origin suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

The appearance of this power broke the deadlock in the field in an instant, because this Golden Origin Strength of Heaven attacked Lan Hui Immortal Emperor.

Lan Hui Immortal Emperor hurriedly fought against each other, but his 130 drops of Zhan blue source strength of Heaven was not worth mentioning in front of the Golden source strength of Heaven, and it shattered in an instant.

Lan Hui Immortal Emperor was hit by the Golden Genstrength of Heaven, his body flew upside down, his face turned pale all of a sudden.

"What's going on? Lan Hui Immortal Emperor is suddenly seriously injured!"

"A new Immortal Emperor Powerhouse has joined the battlefield!"

"Look at it! It's the nine-star Immortal Emperor of the mysterious force!"

"It turns out that the rumors are true! The strength of Heaven, the source of the nine-star realm, belongs to Golden!"



The battlefield was calm, and the crowd watching Powerhouse saw the silhouette of the joining, and after recognizing the identity of the opponent, they suddenly exclaimed one by one.

"Do you represent you personally or the Yuantian Pavilion behind you? If it is the latter, the name of Number One Influence, the great domain of the chaotic heavens, should be changed to another family."

A middle-aged man wearing a red robe stood blankly beside the 8-Star Immortal Emperor, looking at Lan Hui Immortal Emperor coldly.

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