Lan Hui Immortal Emperor stabilized his breath, frowned, and looked at the red robe middle-aged man with extremely solemn expression.

Although he is only behind the opponent by 1-star cultivation base, this is a qualitative difference. Judging from the color of the source strength of Heaven alone, we know that they are not on the same level. .

"Fellow Daoist is really a big tone! Could it be true that I don’t put my Yuantian Pavilion in my eyes?"

At this moment, they were angry. The voice of intention wafted from the battlefield, and then echoed across the entire chaotic universe.

next moment, a huge circular gap appeared in the world battlefield above All Heavens Store.

In the buzzing sound, various unusual forms appeared in the gap, and a dazzling golden light avenue stretched out. Then, the Sound of Great Dao sounded, and a silhouette came out slowly from it.

This is a man in plain clothes. From the moment he appeared, the energy fluctuations in the world battlefield seemed to be imprisoned for an instant.

The azure robed man held his hands behind, his faint gaze first swept across the Immortal Emperor who were watching the battle, and then his gaze fell on the mysterious force nine-star Immortal Emperor, his expression indifferent.

"Master Yuandi! He also appeared!"

"Golden Yuan strength of Heaven! This time is his deity coming!"

"It is indeed The same is the Nine Stars Realm! Even though I am also the Immortal Emperor, I can still feel the suffocating feeling from them across the battlefield barrier! It's terrifying!"

"It seems this Lan Hui Immortal Emperor helping All Heavens Store represents not only his individual, but also the entire Yuantian Pavilion!"


On the square, a group of Powerhouses His gaze was fixed on the azure robed man's body, with a look of consternation on his face.

It was also when the mysterious force nine-star Immortal Emperor and Yuandi appeared in the world battlefield, the high-star Immortal Emperors of other big regions took actions one after another.

In a large area in the northwest, in a Holy Mountain shrouded in fairy mist, all around shrouded Star River, a lithe and graceful silhouette disappeared from the top of the mountain.

In a flash, this lithe and graceful silhouette appeared above the All Heavens Store. She occupies a void, her clothes danced with the wind, and she looked at the world battlefield very seriously. His light eyes seem to be without Heaven and Earth baptism, and there are endless roads intertwined in the eyes.

"A collision between Yuantian Pavilion and extraordinary forces?" The lithe and graceful woman murmured softly, her eyes seemed to penetrate thousands of domains at a glance, capable of clear comprehension of all cause and effect, delicate and flawless facial features Outline allows some dignity.

In a large area in the southeast, there is a Desolate Land without any vitality. There are only a few ruined leaves on the gray-brown land, which is cold and withered. Desolation and emptiness coexist, and some huge rocks stand scattered on the ground, which looks like tombstones at first glance.

The sky is drowsy, and the faint black mist adds a touch of gloom to this Desolate Land. Far and silent, there is no sign of life.

"For an All Heavens Store, is it really necessary for Yuandi? Although the All Heavens Store Sect Master has also entered the nine-star realm, he has finally fallen."

In the depths of the boundless earth, a long, low, misty sound came out, and then another silhouette appeared above the All Heavens Store.

A certain large area in the far north, it is an endless blood-colored ocean, it is like a blood pool after the death of a Supreme Powerhouse, with a pungent smell.

In the breathtaking sound of hua hua, there was a sudden loud noise in the sea of ​​blood. The surface of the sea seemed to have been cut by the Heavenspan giant sword, divided into two halves, and then surpassed the 8-Star Immortal Emperor. The terrifying gas machine overflows, transcending the past, the present, and the future.

"It's time to explore the details of those extraordinary forces." A seemingly thin silhouette came from the depths of the seabed to the surface of the sea, a pair of cold eyes looked towards Tianyu, eternal shaking, and the long river of years collapsed directly. Immediately after that, he stepped out and appeared on the top of All Heavens Store.


In just a few breaths, in addition to Xiao Yan, Sun Wukong, Floating Immortal Emperor and the others, there are several more silhouettes above All Heavens Store.

The breath of these silhouettes is all overbearing, giving people a terrifying oppression. Even the weakest among them, the cultivation realm has reached 8-Star Peak.

"That is the second only to the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Emperor!"

"And the Return to Origin Immortal Emperor of Ranked 3rd, the fourth Heavenly Immortal The emperor, the fifth Ziyun Immortal Emperor!"

"They are all out! They are all here!"

"This is the first time they have appeared together in thousands of years! The last time I went out together was when the Immortal Emperor was in the battle."


After watching the powerhouse recognize the identities of the silhouettes that appeared above the All Heavens Store, one by one He was dumbfounded, his face was full of disbelief.

In the world battlefield, the mysterious force nine-star Immortal Emperor also noticed the arrival of Xuanyuan Immortal Emperor, Return to Origin Immortal Emperor and the others. After frowning, his eyes turned to Origin Emperor.

"What you are doing now is to erect an enemy for the Yuantian Pavilion! Don't let the Yuantian Pavilion fall into the land of eternal damnation for a small All Heavens Store." The nine-star Immortal Emperor of mysterious force Looking coldly at Yuandi opened the mouth and said.

"If I guessed right, what you represent is the Tianluo clan." Emperor Yuan squinted his eyes and said very plainly.

"It seems that you really know a lot." Heaven Gathering Clan's nine-star Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Heaven Gathering Clan? Is this the mysterious superpower! But why does this race sound familiar?"

"It is the Ancient Clan who controls reincarnation! But this Didn’t the race disappear long ago? It’s said that it can be traced back to the era when the great realm of the heavens took shape!"

"They didn’t even die under that catastrophe? is it possible that, Behind those extraordinary forces, are the ancient forces that survived the catastrophe?"


I heard the name of the mysterious force from the Emperor Yuan, even Immortals such as Xuanyuan and Return to Origin, Imperial Capital were moved, with a state of astonishment on their faces.

"Tianluo Clan!" Ancient Dragon Phoenix eyes suddenly shrank.

"Old Dragon Phoenix, do you know anything about this group?" Seeing the expression of Ancient Dragon Phoenix, Xiao Yan, Sun Wukong and the others immediately asked.

Ancient Dragon Phoenix nodded: "In my inherited memories, there is indeed such a group! Even in Ancient Clan, this Heaven Gathering Clan is also a terrifying group with an extraordinary status! Because this group controls Reincarnation!"

"Controlling reincarnation?" Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and the others looked at each other with confusion in their eyes, and then cast their eyes on Ancient Dragon Phoenix together.

"All living creatures, the end of life is death. If the Divine Soul of the deceased is not eliminated, he will enter the reincarnation. And control the Reincarnator, this is the Tianluo clan!" Ancient Dragon Phoenix glanced at the world battlefield above his head The nine-star Immortal Emperor said: "Simply put, after an ordinary creature dies, they will enter the reincarnation passage, and the master who controls this passage is Heaven Gathering Clan! They can decide whether a deceased continues to enter the reincarnation or is true. Die."

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