
"Brother, Xue'er Junior Sister, she...Great Elder, Third Elder, you are here too." With the sound of hurried footsteps, Wang Hu and the three ran in, when they saw Li Xian At the same time, he hurriedly bowed, his face was respectful.

"Just say anything." Before Li Ao could speak, Li Xian shouted coldly.

Wang Hu hesitated for a moment and said truthfully: "Brother, we will invite Xue'er Junior Sister according to your instructions. But when Xue'er Junior Sister promised to come, the little master's fellow apprentice asked her Stopped, and beat us."

"Which little master's fellow apprentice?" Li Xian was taken aback first, and then surprisedly said, "You mean Chu Bei?"

Seeing Wang Hu nodded, Li Xian frowned: "Didn't he fall off the cliff? And you all have a 5-Layer cultivation base, he is just a waste person!"

" Brother, the little master's fellow apprentice is not a useless person, his strength is far beyond ours. In my opinion, he should be quenching 8-Layer." Wang Hu hurriedly said, and the two beside him echoed again and again.

"Impossible!" Li Xian in the first seat looked moved, said solemnly: "The pulse points are blocked, and True Martial Qi cannot be absorbed. It should be completely useless."

"Brother, do you think this kid will get any chance?" Third Elder He Tian said aloud.

"No, this kid is alive for a day, I am not at ease. Even more how, he still has a cultivation base." Li Xian's expression turned heavy.

"Daddy, Child has a way to get rid of him." Li Ao used a color to make the three of Wang and Hu back, with a sinister smile on his lips, "There are three days left to Ziyun Illusory. On the days when Territory was opened, Chu Bei now has a cultivation base, he will definitely sign up for it. By then, the child can act on him in the Ziyun environment, so that he will be unconscious."

"Lao San, what do you think of Aoer's method?" Li Xian tilted his head and looked towards He Tian. One of the reasons why he could not act on Chu Bei in the clan was that his goal was too eye-catching. Chu Bei's death could easily arouse speculation. Second, he was not sure whether the secluded cultivation assaulted the former Sect Master into the holy realm. Really died.

"Feasible." Wang Hu nodded agreed, "If Chu Bei died inside, others would not be too suspicious. After all, death is a normal thing in Ziyun Illusory Territory. This is a good opportunity."

"Since you agree with Third Elder, then you have to deal with this matter." Li Xian sipped his tea, with a vicious look in his eyes.

"Child promises not to disappoint Daddy!" Li Xian heavily complied.

When Chu Bei came out of the courtyard, the sky was already dimmed.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, look at the top of the mountain, Ziyun Illusory Territory has appeared!" Mu Xue'er screamed suddenly, and Chu Bei looked up, only to see a huge emerge from the top of the mountain. The vortex looks like a black hole from a distance.

As time goes by, the black vortex expands and grows until a suspended black area is formed.

Xuanhuangcontinent Every Sect or force, the foundation of its roots cannot be separated from the Illusory Territory.

To be precise, because of the existence of the Illusory Territory, the power or Sect that controls that Illusory Territory will be derived.

Illusory Territory has five colors. Different colors of Illusory Territory have different degrees of opportunity and danger.

The Illusory Territory controlled by Purple Cloud Sect is the lowest level among the five Illusory Territory, the black Illusory Territory.

Illusory Territory is subject to change, and it will appear every other year. Although Illusory Territory have nothing common with each other every year, there is one thing in common, and that is magic jade.

Each piece of magic jade is an energy source that supports the emergence of Illusory Territory, which contains a huge amount of pure True Martial Qi, which can be directly absorbed for your own use by repairing Fighter. Under normal circumstances, the appearance of the Illusory Territory can last for seven days, but if someone gets the magic jade, the Illusory Territory will disintegrate in advance.

In addition to the only magic jade in Illusory Territory, there are other opportunities, such as the True Martial stone that also contains True Martial gas, and the spirit plant medicinal herb with various functions.

Of course, opportunity is often accompanied by danger. Although different Illusory Territory has different levels of danger, even the lowest level black Illusory Territory may have one or two terrifying existences.

"Will you go to Illusory Territory at this time?"

"Of course you go! Maybe if you go in and encounter an opportunity, you will break through to the Common Stage."

"It was half of the dead last time!"

"Danger lurks within the riches and honour!"


Listening to the dísciple conversation on the bluestone brick road, Chu Bei's mouth raised a faint smile.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, will you go to Illusory Territory?" Mu Xue'er bit his white teeth and stared at Chu Bei with big eyes, "Illusory Territory is very dangerous, every year There are many senior brothers and senior sisters who can’t come out."

"Don’t worry, the little master’s fellow apprentice is Heaven’s Chosen Son!" Chu Bei smiled knowingly. Since the system wants him to practice, he naturally can’t Miss every opportunity.


Three days passed in a flash.

"If you want to enter the dísciple of Ziyun Illusory Territory, go to the square and gather immediately!" Suddenly, a vigorous voice resounded in every corner of Purple Cloud Sect.

"Fuck! Is she really one of the leading mentors? She looks about the same age as me!"

"Indeed, I have been in the school for two years. I haven’t seen this instructor yet!"

"Don’t know how to guess, although this instructor Xia is about the same age as us, he is a real expert in martial arts, 3-Star Martial Spirit !"

"The reason why you didn't meet her in Sect is because she went out for experience two years ago. It is because of the death of the old Sect Master that she will come back."


At this moment, there are already vast crowds in the square, and all kinds of noisy discussions are in the air.

Among the crowd, Chu Bei looked at the purple-clothed women discussed in the dísciple's mouth with mixed feelings.

The purple-clothed woman's name is Xia Hanyan, who is the Direct Disciple of the original Chu Bei father. The original Chu Bei and his father came from the same Master, the old Sect Master who took office. In terms of generation, this woman who is one or two years older than herself has to call herself master's fellow apprentice.

Since Chu Bei came to this plane, his biggest headache has been his seniority. Really speaking, most people in the field have to call him too master's fellow apprentice.

"Keep quiet!" Xia Hanyan did not use the speaker, but the cold voice filled the square.

"Although I am a few years older than you at worst, I hope you can give me the respect that I deserve. You are gathered here, presumably all to enter the Illusory Territory. Due to the restrictions of the Illusory Territory rules, Ziyun Illusory Territory only allows three Martial Spirits to enter each year, and I am very fortunate to be one of them."

Speaking of which, Xia Hanyan glanced over some people in the field, and said: "Different from Martial Spirit in There is a limit on the number of people. Any dísciple from the Common Stage and the Aura can enter the Illusory Territory. Perhaps you are looking forward to it now, dreaming of getting opportunities from the Illusory Territory, and dreaming of taking it to the top."

"I have to say that there are indeed many opportunities in the Illusory Territory, but opportunities are often accompanied by dangers. I think none of the overwhelming majority of you have entered the Illusory Territory or have only entered once, and died in it. Dead, no one will even bring the body back to Sect for you."

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