"Illusory Territory is very dangerous, and the opening of Illusory Territory every year is different from the previous year. Even I don’t know what will be in the Illusory Territory this time, maybe I may not be able to come back either."

Following Xia Hanyan's speech, the laughter of the dísciple in the square disappeared, replaced by a dignified look.

Although they knew what Xia Hanyan said before, they were still a little flustered when they said it from the other side.

"In fact, sometimes calm down and think about it. The cultivation in Sect is also good. Although the cultivation is a bit slower, at least you don’t have to worry about losing your life. There is still some time now, so you can think about it. Fan."

"After a quarter of an hour, if you continue to decide to enter the Illusory Territory, follow me to the top of the mountain. In the Illusory Territory, in addition to facing all kinds of strange creatures, you must always guard against those in Sect. Other people. Even if you have the best relationship with you, you must keep some vigilance with each other. After all, in the face of interest, many people lose their nature."

Time passes by.

Perhaps Xia Hanyan's words played a role. Some people chose to quit, but the overwhelming majority still decided to enter the Illusory Territory.

"When you arrive in the Illusory Territory, everyone will be randomly sent to a place, and everyone will try their best to stay warm. If you can meet me or other leading mentors, it is best to follow closely from behind."

Speaking of which, Xia Hanyan stared at the black whirlpool above the mountain top, said solemnly: "Make a decision, and get ready to follow me into the Illusory Territory!"

Everything is ready Later, Chu Bei squeezed into the crowd and followed the three instructors' behind moved towards the top of the mountain.


When he came to the top of the mountain, Chu Bei calmly looked at the black vortex, which contained a huge suction.

"Enter Illusory Territory!"

When Xia Hanyan's order was issued, a number of dísciples started one after another, and then they were pulled in by the suction force in the vortex.

Chu Bei followed a white clothed youth behind, but as soon as he entered the whirlpool, the white clothed youth suddenly disappeared from his sight.

In an instant, his feet that had originally vacated in the vortex gained strength, and at this moment, everything in his line of sight began to change.

Chu Bei walks on the black ground, swinging his head and looking around, looking at this strange Small World.

Below his feet is a wide, dark avenue. The end of the avenue is invisible and you don't know where it leads. On the right hand side is a winding stream, and in the distance are towering mountains.


Suddenly, a sky-splitting sound started.

Aware of the strong wind coming from behind, Chu Bei subconsciously exerted force on his right foot, and moved towards the left sideways.

A touch of cold glow touched Chu Bei's right hand and slid across it.

Chu Bei stabilized the stature and looked forward. When he saw the guy who had attacked and killed him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

In his up ahead, a white rabbit is staring at him fiercely, with a blade in his mouth!

The silhouette of the rabbit moved again, and moved towards Chu Bei came.

This time Chu Bei did not avoid it, the right hand wrapped around the strength of Heaven, turned his palm into claws, and directly held the blade.


Chu Bei slammed hard, followed by a crisp cracking sound, and the short blade in the white rabbit's mouth broke into two pieces.

The weapon was destroyed, the white rabbit not only did not escape, but became more vicious, moved towards Chu Bei zhi zhi called twice, opened his mouth and moved towards his neck and rushed.


Chu Bei punched, feeling the impact of the white rabbit, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and the opponent's strength was not weaker than that of the Qi-quenching 8-Layer Fighter.

Of course, this kind of strength is far from his opponent. In the wailing sound, the silhouette of the white rabbit fell into the stream like a cannonball.

After a short rest, Chu Bei fell into confusion. His cultivation base dissipated, and East, South, West and North were unclear. Where should he go now?

The most important thing in Illusory Territory is magic jade, and magic jade will exist in the Central Zone of Illusory Territory.

The question is, how to determine where this Central Zone is?

On the occasion of Chu Bei not knowing what to do, a loud noise suddenly came from the distant sky, and then the void began to twist, and a circular red beam of light fell from the twisting place.

Looking at the circular beam of light, Chu Bei flashed a little information in his mind, a curve of mouth appeared, and his eyes became firm.

With the target location, everything is easy.

"Too master's fellow apprentice? Why did you come in too!"

"That's right, you are just a waste...without a cultivation base, coming in is not equal to death Is it?"

"Don’t be stunned, we were caught by a big guy, let’s run away! Slow, we will die!"



Just as Chu Bei was about to leave for the Central Zone, a panic scream came into his ears; following the sound, a group of people were rushing in his direction.

"These guys are scammed!" Chu Bei brows slightly wrinkle. These guys knew that there was a danger, so they ran towards him, their behind was chased by a huge black shadow.

Looking at it, the shadow looks similar to the mountain boar on Earth, except that it has doubled in size.

"What an unexpected experience."

Chu Bei sighed, two dísciples had fallen to the ground during the chase, and the blood was flowing from the wound to stain the red ground, act recklessly .

"Too master's fellow apprentice, run!" The dísciple who ran at the front roared again.

Chu Bei hesitated for a moment, after all, clenched his fists.

Let him watch the little fellow who called him too master's fellow apprentice die, he couldn't bear it.

"Too master's fellow apprentice, do you really want to live? Hey..." Looking at Chu Bei who came running, a group of dísciples sighed again and again.


The big wild boar rushing forward seemed to feel Chu Bei's provocation, and after a howl, it retreated, and the speed was unexpectedly faster.

Looking at the wild boar approaching, Chu Bei held his breath and blasted his fists at the same time.


In an instant, two forces of brute force collided.

The huge galloping body of the big wild boar suddenly stopped, and then the head against Chu Bei's fist collapsed, and then he shot out.

Along with the heavy slamming sound, the wild boar that was hit by Chu Bei vomited frothy and his body kept twitching.

After a short fight, Chu Bei also understood why these little fellows of the tempering realm were going to flee, and the power of the wild boar of feeling had reached the 1 Heavenly Layer.

Not far away, the fleeing dísciple stopped running wildly, looking back at Chu Bei one by one, shocked in his eyes.

"Damn, that big guy is dead!"

"A group of us are not its opponents, it is too master's fellow apprentice to destroy it!"

"Too master's fellow apprentice, isn't your cultivation base abolished? Why...why can you kill it?"

"Could it be that the once genius too master's fellow apprentice is back? "

"Too master's fellow apprentice, you used to be my only idol. My first dream when I joined the clan was to be able to put my name on the Heaven Ranking just like you."


In the discussion, a crowd of dísciple admired Chu Bei.

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