"With just such a little cultivation base, I even dared to enter the Illusory Territory, one by one is really too fateful!" Chu Bei wiped the dust off his body, and left after speaking.

"Too master's fellow apprentice, won't you go with us?" When the crowd saw Chu Bei leaving, they hurriedly got up and ran forward.

"With you?" Chu Bei's mouth raised a playful arc.

"Yes, so many people are powerful! You are alone, it is too dangerous."

"That is, we can look for mentors together, and we will be safe if we find them."

A group of dísciples tried to win Chu Bei with them.

"I don't want to take you gangsters on the road. See you in the Central Zone if it is destined." Chu Bei laughed, speeding up under his feet, and moved towards the direction where the circular beam of light was.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and Chu Bei no longer continues on the road, but searches all around for a place to rest.

Just as it was over a hill, a miserable cry came over, and there was still a vaguely cursing sound.

Following the sound source, Chu Bei paced and slowly approached.

"Li Ao, you are a bitch, I really followed the wrong person!"

"Wang Hu, you can't blame me for this. If you don't use you as bait, We all have to die here."

"I might as well die as I am now!"

"Why don't I satisfy you?"


"You will go to hell!"

"If God can accept me, even let him collect it!"


Chu Bei stands behind a rock, his up ahead is a long-haired young man wriggling on the ground painfully, his lower body is ulcerated, it seems that he has just been eaten by some kind of ominous beast; beside the long-haired young man is standing. A tall and thin boy, lying on his feet is a Wild Beast corpse nearly two meters long.

Coincidentally, the long-haired boy who was wailing in pain on the ground was beaten by him three days ago.

Under Chu Bei's attention, Li Ao pulled up the long sword inserted on the corpse of Wild Beast, and fiercely pierced Wang Hu's neck.


Just as Chu Bei labelled Li Ao as inhuman, a gust of wind slammed behind him.

This feeling is very familiar to him, and as expected, he is a white rabbit with a knife in his mouth!

One side of Chu Bei subconsciously avoided the past, and then a hand knife slashed. Accompanied by the dull sound, the white rabbit fell heavily to the ground, with no breath.


Almost at the same time, Li Ao's cold voice floated from the air.

In the rustle, Li Ao's silhouette flashed and appeared behind the rock in the blink of an eye. When he saw Chu Bei's appearance clearly, the corner of his mouth suddenly raised a sinister and vicious smile.

"there's a road to Heaven yet you don't walk it, hell has no way, you don't walk it!" Li Ao wiped the blood on the blade quickly, "Chu Bei, I just wanted to find it As for you, you brought it to the door yourself. It seems that God is really not bad to me."

"Young Martial Nephew, I wonder what do you call the master's fellow apprentice?" Chu Bei thought about it. I guessed it, but on the surface he still pretended to be nonchalant.

"You said, isn't it good for you to be an ordinary person? With Purple Cloud Sect to support you, you don't have to worry about eating and drinking. But, unfortunately, you have some kind of opportunity, and you can cultivation again! "Li Ao's face suddenly turned heavy, "Do you know that your existence is an extremely unstable factor for Daddy!"

"Young Martial Nephew, listen to you like this, Are you trying to kill me in this Illusory Territory?" Chu Bei didn't show any fear on his face, and even laughed jokingly.

"hehe, kill you here without knowing it. People outside will not associate your death with us. After all, death is normal in Illusory Territory It's up." As he said, Li Ao shook his long sword, a grinning smile appeared between the corners of his mouth.

"Young Martial Nephew, don't worry." Chu Bei lightly said with a smile, "I am curious about a question."

"What's the matter?" Li Ao Ba played with long sword, "Anyway, you are almost dead, I will satisfy your curiosity."

"The problem is..." Chu Bei prolonged his tone, his tone suddenly Turning, "Where does your confidence feel that the person who died here is me and not you!"

The cold and the sound of killing intent fell, and Chu Bei silhouette moved, with a punch and moved towards Li Ao hit his head.

The sudden change caused Li Ao's expression to change suddenly, and after taking a quick step back, he also squeezed his fists and blasted out.


The two fists touched, Chu Bei silhouette stood still, but Li Ao was shocked and withdrew, leaving a two-centimeter ditch mark on the ground with his feet.

"How...how is it possible?" Li Ao restrained the blood in his chest from rolling, staring at Chu Bei with horror, "You obviously only have the cultivation base of Qi-Qi 8-Layer, which is strong. Why..."

"Who told you that my cultivation base is Qi Qi 8-Layer?" Chu Bei glanced at Li Ao disdainfully, and then pointed to Wang Hu's body on the ground said with a smile, "is it possible that it's him?"

"Damn! Did you hide your strength from him?" Li Ao frowned deeply.

"Otherwise, if I use my full strength, he would have been a corpse three days ago.

"Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, his eyebrows with sarcasm," Did you say so? My Young Martial Nephew."

After listening to Chu Bei’s words, Li Ao took a deep breath. Through the previous fights, he was very sure that the other party’s cultivation base was in the Third Stage. Above, it is simply not something he can deal with as someone who has just stepped into the Common Stage.

Understanding this, Li Ao didn't hesitate at all, and quickly turned around and ran out.

"Want to run?!" Chu Bei sneered and caught up with him at a faster speed.

After 3 minutes.

There is an extra corpse next to Wang Hu. This corpse has been beaten in a disastrous manner. The whole body is covered with purple bruises, and some parts of his head are even deeply sunken in. Especially crippled.

After taking a few leaves and covering the two corpses, Chu Bei continued to find a place to rest for the night.

"The sound of the fighting just came from here!"

"Quickly, come and see! There are corpses here!"

"This ...Li Ao! He...he actually died! Was this Wild Beast perish together?"

"I also know this other person. His name is Wang Hu. Look at him. The leg was obviously bitten by Wild Beast. But Li Ao's death, how does it look weird? It always feels like he was beaten to death with a fist."

" Hey, if Great Elder knows that his treasured son is dead, and it is still in such a horrible state, he might be sad."

"A pitiful person, why Li Ao just don't understand why Well! If I were him, I wouldn’t come to Illusory Territory. Just wait for my father to successfully become a Sect Master, and then be a Young Sect Master with peace of mind. How beautiful!"


Shortly after Chu Bei left, a group of dísciples came to the corpse and sighed while burying them.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and I can't see my fingers when I reach out.

Chu Bei has come to the side of a mountain peak, he is still climbing up, because there is a cave at a higher point, and there is a faint fire in the cave.

In the dark night, although he can't be like the day, he won't be invisible at all.

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