"many thanks for reminding." Chu Bei hugged cup one fist in the other hand. If the small black dog in the team with him dared to attack, he wouldn’t mind killing it other side.

"Huh? Why hasn't that mad dog come yet?"

"It's a bit weird, it's dark all day, is it possible that the mad dog can't find us? "

"If this is the case, then it is very good! You have to worry about being bitten by a dog!"


The sky has dimmed, The most discussed in the crowd is about why small black dogs have not attacked this topic.

Chu Bei is in the middle of the team, with a smile on his mouth. In fact, the small black dog had already visited earlier. It's just that the other party immediately noticed his existence, and after looking at each other for 30 seconds, the small black dog licked his teeth and left unwillingly.

The closer you get to the middle area in the Secret Realm, the more desolate it is.

At the moment, all around is just the bare ridges and the spreading loess, and the few trees are also dead.

"What about the good opportunities, is it all a lie?"

"This is also a big space, but fortunately enough water, otherwise you have to die of thirst in this ghost Place."

"Although there is no green vegetation and no streams and green peaks here, the view is good, and the ominous beast can be immediately discovered."

"Listen! What sounds Suddenly, Liu Fei called out, and at the same time gestured for everyone to keep quiet.

Chu Bei frowned, and he heard it too. It seemed to be a human voice, but there was panic in the voice.

"It's Teacher Xia! They seem to be in trouble!" Turning a loess high slope, Liu Fei took the lead.

Chu Bei's pace quickened, and soon he came to Liu Fei's side. When he was on a high slope, he really understood the magic of this Illusory Territory.

The location of the central area covered by the red light is like the inner circle of concentric circles. There is a bottomless ravine between the inner circle and the outer circle; outside the outer circle, it is layered on top of each other. The mountain wall is like a natural barrier.

In these mountain walls, there are five great valleys distributed in a ring shape. The ends of these great valleys converge in one place is the'outer circle'.

At this moment, in the gorge closest to them, nearly a hundred people gathered together, looking at their panic expressions, it seemed that they were in trouble.

"Senior Brother Liu, then...are those ghosts?" Someone tentatively asked the person behind who followed.

"Perhaps, after all, I haven't seen it either." Liu Fei took a deep breath, replied uncertainly.

Chu Bei looked down blankly. At this moment, those wearing Purple Cloud Sect robes are dealing with these ghosts, and the head is Xia Hanyan.

In addition to Xia Hanyan, Chu Bei also met his former friends. These people are named on the Heaven Ranking and have a cultivation base that is above the Fifth Stage.

"Teacher, help me! I can't control my body." Huo Ran, a panicked voice floated from the air.

That was a red-haired young man, his body was uncontrollable, he was holding a long sword and hacking at his companion.

"Teacher, these ghosts can't be eliminated at all!" After a tall and thin young man punched a ghost, within two seconds, the disappeared ghosts gathered together again.

Listening to the yelling of all around dísciple, Xia Hanyan frowned. Although it was not the first time she entered Secret Realm, she had never encountered a ghost before.

Even if these ghosts are defeated, they will be restored immediately; if they are entangled by the opponent, they seem to lose the autonomy of the body and let the opponent control.

Looking at the dísciple who was killing each other in the field, Xia Hanyan didn't know what to do for a while, and could only increase the frequency of attacks to try to attract more ghosts from the hatred to attack him.

"Damn! How can these ghosts be completely wiped out!" The battlefield became more chaotic, and more than half of the dísciple in the team was controlled by ghosts. The dísciple, who is still fighting at the moment, is no longer facing a ghost but a companion controlled by the ghost.

The situation in the field is extremely passive!

"Don't mess up!" Xia Hanyan glanced at all around the crowd, her lips moved slightly, and the cold voice floated from her breath again.

"It is worthy of being an expert who touched the Martial Realm." Chu Bei cast his gaze on Xia Hanyan's body, with approval in his eyes.

At this moment, there are at least thirty ghosts besieging Xia Hanyan, but none of these souls can get close. Xia Hanyan's body surface is condensed with a thin layer of spiritual armor, these armors composed of True Martial Qi completely isolate him from ghosts. On the contrary, those ghosts that were cut by Xia Hanyan's True Martial were instantly divided into several parts.

The headache for Xia Hanyan is that although these ghosts can't help her, she has nothing to do with the other party, all due to the strange innate talent that the other party can regroup and recover.

"The dísciple on the slope will leave quickly, and choose another canyon to enter the Central Zone!" Xia Hanyan discovered the existence of Liu Fei Chu Bei and the others, and her cold voice carried a majesty that could not be denied .

"Senior Brother Liu, what shall we do now?" The crowd waited for Liu Fei's instructions.

"Listen to Teacher Xia, go to other canyons." Liu Fei said simply. Even Xia Hanyan couldn't solve the trouble, and they didn't know anything about it. If this is going to help, maybe it will send myself into the abyss.

Chu Bei remained silent and soon noticed the clues in the ghost.

Each ghost has the same invisible energy fluctuations on its body, which comes from a transparent fist sized white sphere. In Chu Bei's perception, when these ghosts are defeated, the white sphere will give birth to a transparent silk thread, which quickly reorganizes the decomposed body.

The position of the white sphere on each ghost is different, some on the chest, some on the head, some on the limbs...

"Where are you going, Chu Bei ??"

"I'll do a favor."

Chu Bei smiled, moved towards Liu Fei and waved him not to worry, then ran towards the canyon below. .

"Hanyan niece, you can't attack like this." Chu Bei screamed while running towards Xia Hanyan.

The sudden voice made Chu Bei become the focus of everyone.

Especially Xia Hanyan, upon hearing this familiar and owing voice, a horrible flame rose from his cold eyes.

"Chu Bei, Master’s death hit you a lot. You can re-cultivation, I am happy for you. But, enter the Illusory Territory with your current cultivation base, nine deaths and still alive!" Having said that, Xia Hanyan lowered her voice and stared at Chu Bei, "Also, didn't you hear what I just said? Didn't you let you go, why are you coming over!"

" Hanyan niece, we haven't seen each other for two years, counting the time. Don't be like strangers as soon as you come up. The atmosphere is weird!" Combining the memory of the'original Chu Bei', Chu Bei couldn't help but jokingly said.

In terms of age, Xia Hanyan is two years older than'Chu Bei', because the other party has worshipped his father since childhood, so the two grew up together from childhood, which is considered childhood sweethearts. . 但自打小开始,这Xia Hanyan 仗着自己的cultivation base 略高一筹,时不时的就要痛揍一番'Chu Bei ',美其名曰【爱的抚摸】。

In fact, the root cause of the beating of'Chu Bei' is still based on seniority.

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