"Chu Bei, be careful behind!" When a ghost suddenly appeared behind Chu Bei, Xia Hanyan called out anxiously.

"It's okay. For me, cutting them is as easy as cutting tofu." After Chu Bei smiled that he thought he was handsome, he couldn't throw his head back. It hit the ghost's right arm.


Different from the attacks of Xia Hanyan and the others, Chu Bei's attack was like hitting the entity, bringing out a strange sound.

"Don't be careless, these ghosts are immortal, they will recover."

Shortly after Xia Hanyan's words were spoken, her face changed because of the ghost who was defeated by Chu Bei It did not recover.

"How...how is it possible! How did you do it?" After confirming that the ghost had really disappeared, in addition to surprise, Xia Hanyan's eyes flashed with a hint of unnoticeable ecstasy.

However, Chu Bei did not answer Xia Hanyan's question, but saw its silhouette dancing and wandering among the floating ghosts, with left and right fists punching out rhythmically. Wherever it went, every punch was thrown, accompanied by the disappearance of a ghost.

In just a few seconds, there are half fewer ghosts in the field.

"What the hell did the little master's fellow apprentice do? Why can he break these ghosts, but we can't?"

"Look carefully at the fists of the little master's fellow apprentice, there is True Martial! His cultivation base is the Common Stage!"

"Teacher Xia is still an expert in the Martial Realm, and these ghosts are not the same! There must be other tricks in it."


"Leave him alone, anyway, the little master's fellow apprentice is the nemesis of these ghosts. We rescued him with his arrival!"


There is no ghost in the field yet The controlled dísciples looked at each other, with excitement in their expressions.

In the past two minutes, Chu Bei solved all the floating ghosts, and then focused on the ghosts attached to the dísciple.

These ghosts are firmly attached to the back of the controlled person. They seem to know that Chu Bei is their nemesis, and control the host to attack Chu Bei successively.

"Hanyan niece, can you temporarily restrain these people?" Chu Bei looked directly at Xia Hanyan. Since these controlled dísciples were too tightly attached to the ghosts, he was worried about breaking the white ball. I accidentally injured these dísciples. In order to avoid this, he must keep these dísciples still.

"It consumes a lot, but I can do it!" Xia Hanyan purse one's lip, nodded for a little thought.

After that, Xia Hanyan folded her palms together and split one after another, and vines formed by True Martial Qi emerged.

These vines are very fast, wandering among the people, and every time they pass by an uncontrolled dísciple, they will wrap up and restrain it firmly.

"What are you going to do now?" Xia Hanyan's cheeks are slightly red, and sweat is oozing from her forehead. Obviously, it is extremely difficult for her to restraint living in more than 30 people at the same time. .

Chu Bei didn't hesitate, after snatching the long sword from one person nearby, he quickly walked around behind a long-haired girl who was still struggling under the control of a ghost.

Afterwards, under everyone's attention, Chu Bei held up the long sword and slashed it against the back of the long-haired girl.

To be precise, it was the ghost next to the long-haired girl!

In an instant, the ghost collapsed.

"She's fine, you can let her go." Chu Bei looked towards Xia Hanyan and pointed to the long-haired girl in front of him.

Xia Hanyan hesitated a little, then tentatively loosened the vine.

"It's okay, I'm okay!"

The long-haired girl moved her body, and cried with joy when she realized that she had control over her body again.

"Many thanks little master's fellow apprentice, help!"

Unconsciously, all the dísciples controlled by ghosts were regained their freedom. Everyone surrounded Chu Bei with gratitude, and kept saying thanks. Obviously, these dísciples have recognized Chu Bei from the bottom of their hearts.

"Chu Bei, did you solve those ghosts just now?" The ghosts dissipated, and Liu Fei on the high slope led a group of people to run down.

"Didn't you see it?" Chu Bei shrugged.

"How did you do it?" Xia Hanyan asked Chu Bei with a stroke of the green silk on his forehead.

Chu Bei made a silent gesture, pretending to be mysterious: "Don’t say, don’t say!"

The voice fell, and under the gloomy eyes of everyone, Chu Bei followed Continue to deepen along the canyon.

The next journey went smoothly. After a quarter of an hour, Xia Hanyan and the others came to the'outer circle' area.

There have been a lot of people gathered here, and the two headed are the other two mentors who led the team this time.

"Hanyan, you are a little late. I was surprised when I learned that you are the leader."

"Purple Cloud Sect is the youngest Tutor, genius girl! Those guys in the sect are not afraid that you are fallen here. We are old guys and we are gone, but you are different, the future is bright!"

Seeing Xia Hanyan's arrival, the other two leading mentors jokingly said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Chen, Senior Brother Zhou, don't make fun of me. Since you are here first, why not enter the central area?" Xia Hanyan pointed to the front, with a trace of respect in his calm words .

"As of now, I didn't expect a way to take them in the past."

Chen Yu pointed to the bottomless gully in front of him. He was the first to lead the team. here.

"Isn't there a way?" Xia Hanyan brows slightly wrinkle. Only when they reach the military commander can they stay in the void for a short time. With their Martial Spirit's cultivation base, they can't cross this gully.

"There is no way." Chen Yu shook the head, "Hanyan, your brain is better than us, is there any good way to get there?"

Xia Hanyan did not answer, Choose silence.

"Yes...something is coming up!" Suddenly, the dísciple closest to the gully screamed.

Hearing the sound, everyone moved towards the gully and cast their gazes, and countless white clouds appeared in the dark gully.

"Tutor, what is this?" A dísciple looked towards Chen Yu.

Chen Yu browses frowned, and did not immediately answer dísciple's question, but instead shot the rocks in his hand, and the rocks landed steadily on the white clouds.

"The white cloud group seems to be able to bear the weight, can we step on it? So we can enter the core area."

"Don't worry, everything depends on the tutor."


Xia Hanyan, Chen Yu, and Zhou Cheng exchanged expressions in the eyes of the dísciple.

"I'll try it." When the voice fell, Xia Hanyan moved and came to the side of the gully in an instant.

Under everyone's attention, Xia Hanyan stepped forward to the white cloud group. Then, both feet stood firmly on the white clouds.

"Really loadable!"

"Let me just say, after all the difficulties came here, how can there be no way to enter the core area!"

" I'm so stunned, why don't you go over!"


Everyone in the field saw Xia Hanyan standing on the white cloud group, there was a conversation first, and then they showed excitement and couldn’t wait. Ran towards the gully.

In an instant, the field became chaotic and surging.

"Don’t worry, everyone, I’m just..."

Xia Hanyan's words have not been finished yet, nearly a hundred people have stepped on the cloud group, crazy toward Run to the opposite core area.


Suddenly, a scream of horror sounded, one after another.

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