"Drop...fall! How...how could this happen? Isn’t it safe?"

Look at the dísciple who was madly rushing towards the gully. Looking at the scene ahead, he was so scared that he stopped quickly.

The wave of people who set foot on the cloud group first, some people have stepped out!

To be precise, it wasn't a step in the air, but the white cloud under their feet split on its own. This sudden change caused them to fall vertically into the deep gully before they had time to set foot on another cloud.

"Teacher Xia, help...save me..." The name dísciple stood on the cloud group, trembling with his legs, and calling Xia Hanyan for help with white lips.

Xia Hanyan purse one's lip, legs all around wrapped in a layer of True Martial Qi, and then moved towards the dísciple who asked for help.

On the way, the cloud group under Xia Hanyan's feet also split a little, but because its speed is really fast enough, the cloud group has not completely decomposed, the former has already set foot on another cloud group.

After sending the dísciple for help to the other side, Xia Hanyan rescued the other students; the other two tutors did the same, and continued to rescue the dísciple on the cloud group that was too scared to move with extreme speed.

"You have also seen that although these clouds can be stepped on, they have a certain chance to decompose. If you are good luck, you may not encounter the decomposed clouds. However, once the clouds decompose According to my estimation, I am afraid that only the cultivation base can step into the next cloud group before it is completely disintegrated at the speed of the Fifth Stage or more."

Speaking of which, Xia Hanyan lowered her voice: " Although there are many opportunities in the core area, life is more important. This gap is up to you to decide. My advice is that if the cultivation base is less than Fifth Stage, you should stay here and wait conservatively."

"Instructor Xia is right, the leader is only three of us, we are impossible to send you over one by one. Someone has entered the core area just now, maybe it is even more dangerous, we are impossible to stay here too much time "Chen Yu echoed.

At the end of the speech, the three instructors swept across the clouds.

"Keep up!" Seeing the mentor pass by, the dísciple whose cultivation base has been in the Fifth Stage for more than a day burst out at the fastest speed, stepping on the clouds and rushing to the opposite side. Many of them are under the clouds. The clusters are all decomposing, but because the speed of these dísciples is faster than the speed of the cloud clusters decomposing, one by one arrived safely on the opposite side.

"Are we going to go? The cultivation base in the field is in Fifth Stage. The world's dísciple are looking at each other, no one is in a hurry to step on the cloud.

One second, two Seconds, three seconds...

"Hope for opportunities! I've died several times on the way here, and I don't care about it more than once! "

Finally someone couldn't help it, and one jumped to the cloud group for life. Although this person's speed is far less than the five detached people, he is still outstanding in the dísciple.

"He passed! "Seeing your companions arrive at the opposite side safely, some dísciple begin to stir, and after the entanglement, I also squeezed my fists and embarked on the journey of life and death.

"Chu Bei, your identity is unusual. For the sake of safety, you will stay away. it's here! After Liu Fei said hello to Chu Bei, he rushed into the gully.

"I'm here, I'm here! "

"Ah—help me—"

"God will kill me! "


The excitement and screams are mixed with screams of horror.

Chu Bei stands in front of the ravine, neither too fast nor too Slow picked a cloud and stepped on it.

Under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, this so-called danger is that there is no drop at all.

The internal structure of these clouds is actually It is constantly changing. The nine-one rule between the real and the imaginary is changing. After nine seconds of solidification, it will turn into the imaginary for one second; for good luck, the ones that are stepped on are always solid clouds; bad luck Yes, just...

"The little master's fellow apprentice is too calm, right? Those who are above the fifth stage of the world, dare not be so leisurely to him. "

"Little master's fellow apprentice is really not afraid of death!" However, his luck seems to be very good. It has been more than half of the time, and the cloud has not split yet. "

"How do I feel that the little master's fellow apprentice looks like seeing the mystery?" Plan in between! "


The dísciple who stayed in place and waited, cast their eyes on Chu Bei's body one by one, and the eyebrows were filled with surprise.

" I really can't see through. "Xia Hanyan, who has reached the opposite side, glanced at the calm and composed Chu Bei, whispered and turned away.

"Yuehua Island? ”

After Chu Bei landed safely, his attention was immediately attracted by a huge stone tablet. The three characters'Yuehua Island' on the tablet were particularly conspicuous.

Board on Yuehua Island. ,Entering the red ring of light, Chu Bei’s sight appears in small groups of dísciple in small groups, each looking for his own opportunity.

There is a water pool wherever his eyes can reach, clear and clear, with strands of water. The spiritual qi is transpiring, and spiritual medicine is scented by the pond. In the center, the towering peaks are colorful, set off by spiritual woods, and outlined by vines, like Fairyland.

"There There is a Fire Spirit grass! "

"There is a Tianyuan flower there! "

"There is a water Spiritual Vine! "


The people who have boarded Yuehua Island with their strength rushed in one after another, showing excitement one by one, and full of greed in their eyes.

As for the people who arrived before Chu Bei, they have already jumped over here, running over there, picking Heaven and Earth spiritual medicine.

In addition to the enhancement of human physical quality, the human body is not only absorbing the genes of life-saving beasts," It can also be enhanced by the spirit plant; different spirit plants have different effects and are divided into strengths and weaknesses.

"hong long!"

There are many dísciples searching for their own opportunities. At that time, a golden light appeared in the center of Yuehua Island, and then there was a thunderous roar.

"What's going on over there! "

Hearing the sound, all the dísciples stopped what they were doing and looked towards the direction where the golden light flashed.

"Such a big movement, shouldn’t it be that Where is the magic jade! "A dísciple has excitement on his face and light in his eyes.

"Chu Bei, you are so fateful that you followed in! "Listening to the voice, Chu Bei looked back, Liu Fei was moving towards himself and running.

"Partner? Chu Bei said.

"Can't ask for it! "Liu Fei patted Chu Bei's shoulder.

In a few minutes.

"Chu Bei, do you think the magic jade will be inside? Even if it does, can we get it? "Liu Fei glanced at Chu Bei next to him.

Before them, a wave of people who arrived first were surrounding a quiet castle. The gate of the castle was closed tightly, which looked very strange.

Three tutors, Xia Hanyan, Zhou Cheng, and Chen Yu, are at the forefront.


Chu Bei has not spoken yet, it is coming from the Yousen Castle There was a burst of rumbling. Then, the door of the castle opened slowly in the creaking sound.

Looking from the outside to the inside, it was pitch black, very scary!

At this moment, In the dark castle, there was a zhi zhi sound, and countless pairs of green eyes lit up in Darkness.

Although their eyes were small, they were densely packed and kept pouring out of the door.


"Not good! "

Xia Hanyan recognized the sudden changes in the expressions of the countless pairs of green eyes, and screamed.

"All scattered and escaped! "After Zhou Cheng and Chen Yu recognized this creature, they shouted at the same time.

next moment, after the three instructors made eye contact, armors gathered on the outside of the body, blocking the dark gate. , Seems to be preventing these densely packed creatures from pouring out.

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