Although three instructors blocked the door, some creatures rushed out of the castle.

" this a carnivorous insect?" Part of the well-informed dísciple screamed, and there was panic in his eyes.

"What are you still doing? Don't let it go!" Xia Hanyan glanced back and glanced at the crowd of dísciple coldly shouted who were still in place.

A group of dísciples reacted. Although most of them still don't know what kind of creatures this black and crushed piece is, they know that it is absolutely dangerous.

Within a moment, the sand flies up in front of the castle, and all the dísciples flee, panicking.

"Chu Bei, run away!" Liu Fei tugged Chu Bei's arm and called.

"Brother Liu, do they have such terrifying?" Chu Bei pointed to the black insect and asked.

"Meat eating insects, of course, are not terrifying individually. The terrifying thing is that they are in groups." Liu Fei took a deep breath, "There are only two ways to survive. One is to escape. , But like those guys, they can condense the True Martial gauze!"

Behind the three instructors, there are fifteen dísciples fighting against the flesh-eating insects. Covered with a tulle dress made of True Martial air.

The defensive ability of True Martial Shayi is not as strong as the spirit armor of Martial Spirit, but it is enough to deal with the flesh-eating insects.

True Martial gauze, this is also the iconic ability of Ninth Stage!

"Brother Liu, just leave me alone, my defensive ability is much better than them." Chu Bei pointed to Yuantian cloak on his body, and not only did not run away, but also rushed into the bite. In the swarm of meat insects.

"Damn, there is this equipment!" Seeing Chu Bei really okay, Liu Fan wailed enviously before showing off a martial skill about the movement method, turning around and fleeing.

Clang, clang, clang.

A series of impact and collision sounds sounded.

Hundreds of flesh-eating insects keep struck on the source cloak, and their sharp mouthparts chi chi bite; however, no matter how hard they try, they can’t stay on the source cloak. A little scratch.

"It's so convenient!"

The corner of Chu Bei's mouth was proud, and he threw out punch after punch. The Flesh Eater couldn't hurt him, but he hurt the Flesh Eater!

In a short while, Chu Bei's feet were covered with carnivorous corpses.

Look at the fifteen dísciples who have fallen from the Ninth Stage, all around are covered with carnivorous corpses.

The Flesh Eater seemed to have noticed their power, and gave up attacking them one after another and moved towards the direction where they ran away from dísciple.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, can you sell this cloak? You can change it!" A dísciple walked to Chu Bei and opened the mouth and said.

Chu Bei faintly smiled shook the head, the dísciple left in the field now, even him, only sixteen people remain.

For those who enter the Illusory Territory, the higher the cultivation base, the greater the chance of getting magic jade. At least this way, from the ominous beast on the way to the gully outside Yuehua Island, and then to the previous Countless flesh-eating insects were screened down, and only the dísciple of Ninth Stage was left.

hong long long!

Suddenly, fierce fighting sounded.

Chu Bei and the others heard it and saw that in front of the castle, the target of the three instructors was no longer the Flesh Eater, but the black armored Knight.

These Knights are so powerful that every time they swing a long spear in their hands, they will bring up a black lightning bolt.

Xia Hanyan and the three of them have obviously moved in real life, one by one, they have reached their extreme speed, and various martial skills have emerged in an endless stream, each entangled with a black armored Knight.

"Teacher, when can you finish the fight?" A dísciple seemed to be unable to wait and asked aloud.

"Damn it, what's the reminder? You bastard, why don't you give it a try?" Chen Yu fiercely stared at the talking dísciple, he had already been angry, this was fighting with him The defense of the Black Knight is too strong!

Ominous beast encountered on the way, he can kill with simple ordinary punch at will. But against this black armored Knight, he couldn't help the opponent with all his might; fortunately, the opponent's attack speed was not fast, and he would not fall below.

"The opportunity belongs to you, but you also need to bear the risks. If you consider it well, you can enter the castle at any time." After Xia Hanyan avoided Knight's attack, her lips moved slightly. , A flat voice floated from the air.

"It's hard to come here, how can you shrink back!" A crowd of dísciple made eye contact and made the same decision.

one after another silhouette swept in a flash entered the castle.

"Why haven't I seen the armor on your body?" Just as Chu Bei was about to enter the castle, Xia Hanyan's voice reached his ears.

"Hanyan niece, I can give it to you in the future if you want it." Chu Bei teased Xia Hanyan, his steps quickened.

As soon as I walked through the gate, a strong medicinal fragrance came out, and then I heard the sounds of fighting, which came from different corners.

"It seems that there are a lot of babies here, otherwise they won't cast aside all considerations for face to fight for it!" With the faint light, Chu Bei paced and carefully looked at the castle. everything of.

Here, there is no gold and jade in glorious splendor as imagined, but some are one after another gloomy.

Black beams, gray candlesticks, and swaying Zhu Huo. The tall gray interior walls are covered with dark green vines. There are so many that even the wet ground is covered. With some green spots.

In the gloomy castle, ten large and small rooms are arranged in an orderly manner. At this time, most of the rooms are mixed with rays of light, and the sound of fighting continues.

"Help me!"

Suddenly, fighting stopped in one room, and immediately followed by a cry for help mixed with miserable pain.

The man's cry for help was so loud, repeating it over and over again, the fighting in the castle gradually stopped.

After a while, people from other rooms ran out one after another, following the call for help, with a curious look, they walked towards one room at the same time.

Chu Bei also walked out of the room, moving slowly and cautiously.

Just as someone just arrived at the door of the room where the person calling for help was, the call for help suddenly disappeared.

next moment, a crash-bang sound of water sounded from that room.

The sound of water sounded, and when everyone was puzzled, a scarlet beam of light suddenly lit up from the room.

Just as the weird blood red light pillar appeared in the room, the entire group closest to the door retreated slowly with vigilance.


Suddenly, a group of scarlet lights flew out of the room and entered everyone's sight.

When everyone saw its appearance, all of them were stunned.

This is a ball of water, but the color is so breathtaking, it looks like blood. In the center of the water mass, there is a jade stone exuding golden light.

"Phantom Jade! This must be Phantom Jade!" Everyone's eyes were projected on the jade stone, their eyes were filled with greed, and the screams were mixed with excitement.

"No, I heard Jia Tian calling for help before, where did the others go now!" One person seemed to want to hit something, moved towards the room, and the complexion greatly changed.

"Yes, what about people? is it possible that disappeared out of thin air!" Everyone in the field browses frowned.

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