crash-bang ——

When everyone was looking for Jia Tian’s silhouette, only the blood-red water floating in the air gave out a dazzling rays of light . Then, its stature changed in the eyes of everyone.

First, the ominous beast transformed into a hideous appearance, and roared angrily. With his mouth wide open, fiercely swept across the crowd below, scarlet saliva dripped continuously in his white fangs.

Everyone hasn't reacted yet, and then they turn into flying butterflies, one up and down.

Then it was divided into seven again and turned into seven small long snakes, spitting out the snake letter, and making a zi zi sound at the crowd. In the end, the seven long snakes merged into one again and turned into a huge scary face.

Looking at the people below, the grimace that the blood-red water ball turned into seemed very excited, shaking back and forth.

Suddenly, the grimace stopped shaking, and a weird sound was made in his mouth, and a thin stream of water rushed out.

red light was extremely fast, and instantly hit the youth who was closest to it.

In the next second, youth, who was entangled in the water, had a panic on his face, then his face was full of pain, and his body struggled violently.

"Help me! Help me!"

Youth's cry for help just sounded, and the blood on his face began to disappear, until his complexion became pale.


At this time, the grimace once again turned into the original blood-red water ball, shook slightly, engulfing the pale and feeble youth.

"That's it!"

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, especially when the people at the forefront stepped back subconsciously, failing to figure out the details of the water ball Must be vigilant before.

"This...Do we want more magic jade?" A woman swallowed saliva and said in the field, glanced at the scarlet water group with fear, and retreated.

"Opportunity and danger!" A long-haired youth bounced up with a greedy face.

crash-bang ——

Just when the long hair youth was about to touch the water mass, the blood red water mass split into dozens of water snakes, and at the same time they shot at the long hair. youth.


Although the defensive long-haired youth flickered in silhouette, a water snake pierced his chest, and blood flowed from the wound.

Looking at the seriously injured long hair youth, this time, no one dares to step forward easily.

This scarlet water mass seems to be much more powerful than they thought! In front of the opponent, True Martial gauze does not seem to have any effect.

"Since the Martial Nephews are so humbly, then my elders will accept this magic jade for you." Chu Bei straightened the cloak for the entire source, and swaggered towards the scarlet water mass.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, you are not afraid of death!"

"Yeah, haven't you seen Jia Tian and Fang Heng both dead?"

"It’s hard to get here. It’s better to be alert, and don’t act rashly until you find its weakness."

"Don’t irritate this thing, or wait for your tutors to come in. "


In the words of everyone, Chu Bei right hand has reached the blood red water mass.


chi chi chi!

The scarlet water mass shook frantically. Several water snakes attacked Chu Bei from different directions, but these water snakes did not penetrate the latter, just constantly Brings a crisp crash sound.

At this moment, the cloak blue light outside Chu Bei's body suddenly appeared, and an invisible force was glued to the water snake.

"little fellow, your attack is useless to me." Chu Bei didn't care whether the water group could understand it or not, after jokingly, the right hand violently used force.


However, just when Chu Bei right hand reached into the water ball to hold the magic jade, before he was too happy, a huge force gushing out of the magic jade shook it away.

Under the counter-shock force, Chu Bei's body flew upside down.

Almost at the same time, the black-clad Knight who was fighting with the three mentors outside the temple stopped fighting, and then he burst out with hideous black rays of light.

next moment, three black-armored Knights are intertwined together, forming a giant five-meter-high Knight at a weird speed.

Starting from the sky-splitting sound, the giant Knight passed by Xia Hanyan, and instantly appeared under the scarlet water mass.

"What happened?" Xia Hanyan and Zhou Cheng ran into the castle.

crash-bang ——

The sound of water sounded, and under the eyes of a crowd, the phantom jade in the water ball submerged into the giant Knight’s between the eyebrows.

Suddenly, the giant Knight's eyes burst into red light

"Where did this big guy come from!" A crowd of dísciples looked at each other, with confusion in their eyes.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The black mist gushes out of the body of the giant Knight, as if it has evolved, and the body is covered with a thick armor. The armor is dark as a whole, and a red light is projected from the godless eyes under the helmet.

next moment, Knight's whole body rang out with friction, and at the same time a fierce and violent breath of horror swept away.

Faced with this breath fluctuation like a natural disaster, Xia Hanyan, Zhou Cheng and the others changed their faces suddenly.

“roar! ”

A loud roar resembling the ancient Great Desolate, resounding in the castle, terrifying sound waves echoed in the air, all around the bricks and stones shook It smashed.

At this moment, the giant Knight is like a Great Desolate savage beast awakened from a deep sleep. The roar was embarrassingly cruel and tyrannical, and seemed to be full of endless destruction and killing. The source of the roar seems to represent the most terrifying disaster in the world.

However, it is such a Great Desolate brutal beast that is now watching Xia Hanyan, Zhou Cheng and the others.

"The magic jade is providing energy for it. As long as the magic jade is taken, this big guy will disintegrate on its own!" Zhou Cheng and Chen Yu two instructors looked at each other, and then the whole body of True Martial gas surged. After the spirit armor was condensed outside the body, his toes hit the ground fiercely, and his body shot at the giant Knight like a cannonball.

Boom, bang!

As soon as Zhou Cheng and Chen Yu arrived in front of the giant Knight, the dark right palm of the giant Knight was raised and then photographed. The speed was so fast that they didn't give them time to react.

Suddenly, the void vibrated, and two groups of blood mist exploded.

"Zhou...Zhou mentor..."

"Impossible...impossible! Both mentors are Martial Spirit, how can I not beat this big guy! "

"Why is such a terrifying existence in Ziyun Illusory Territory? It is only the weakest Illusory Territory!"

"What should we do now? Do we still need magic jade?" "


A group of dísciple frightened giants, Knight, shivered, their feet seemed stiff under the pressure of horror, and they couldn't afford to escape.

Even the cultivation base of the mentor Martial Spirit was slapped into a blood mist by the opponent. Isn’t it enough that they trifling the cultivation base of the Common Stage?

Step, step, step.

The giant Knight neither fast nor slow moves towards a group of dísciples, and every step of the foot, there will be a low pedaling sound.

This voice strikes every soul of dísciple, and every time the opponent takes a step, they are one step closer to death.

At this moment, Xia Hanyan's face also changed, with fear in her eyes, and a sense of powerlessness between her eyebrows.

The opponent is too strong, so strong that she can't afford to resist.

All she can do is wait quietly, death!

Tzzzzzzz ——

However, when Xia Hanyan and the dísciple were frustrated, the temperature in the air suddenly rose.

A flame giant about the size of the giant Knight, slowly walked in from the gate of the castle.

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