"Why is there another one? Heaven is going to kill us!"

"No, they are not in the same group!"

"Hehe, no matter which of them survives, our ending will not change."


The dísciple's eyes are on the flame giant and the giant Knight. Like ashes.


The giant Knight roared suddenly, and his huge body rose into the air. At the moment of its soaring due to excessive force, a half-meter deep and two-meter-diameter appeared under his feet. Round pit.

Under everyone's gaze, the giant Knight carrying the World Destroying Might punched the flame giant with a fist. The void trembles and ripples swells wherever the fist passes.

chi chi!

However, it was such a horrible punch that made everyone unable to resist. Before touching the flame giant’s body, he was caught by the latter The black flame sprayed from the mouth melted.

Immediately afterwards, the flame giant punched.

This fist is silent.

hong long!

But it was the moment when this calm punch touched the giant Knight, an incomparable destroying heaven extinguishing earth energy burst out.

In an instant, the entire castle was wrapped in black flame, and then the wall rubble turned into nothingness.

Xia Hanyan watched all around in horror, the weird dark flame wandering in front of them. Not only intentionally or unintentionally, the Black Flame, who could even burn the void, avoided them.

In the line of sight, one can vaguely see that the invincible giant Knight is already crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood at a visible speed.

The dark flame gradually dissipated, and a head was revealed from the flame giant. This is an old man. The wrinkles on his face are covered with traces of time. The most conspicuous feature is the long scar on his left face.

"many thanks Old Senior life-saving grace!" After Xia Hanyan glanced at the magic jade hovering in front of the flame giant, his eyes fell on the old man’s head with a respectful look: "Junior Xia Hanyan is the instructor of Purple Cloud Sect."

"This year's magic jade, the old man will accept it for you." The old man glanced at Xia Hanyan, his voice hoarse.

This flame giant was naturally made by Chu Bei. When he noticed that something was wrong, Chu Bei immediately ate Mera Mera no Mi. As for the current appearance of the old man, he used the ability to save face and fruit. As for only revealing one head, it's all because of the taste of the chicken ribs, and it can only change the appearance.

The voice fell, Chu Bei reached out and reached for the magic jade.

long long long ——

As Chu Bei held the magic jade, the earth began to shake violently, and the world began to collapse.

"Illusory Territory is going to disappear?" Xia Hanyan whispered softly, and strange red silk emerged from his body, which became thicker and thicker until it enveloped her whole person into a pupa.

In the crisp sound of cracking, Xia Hanyan's body in the pupa gradually became transparent until it disappeared.

At the same time, the body of the other dísciple also undergoes the same changes until they disappear.

"Illusory Territory has disappeared!"

"It seems that the phantom jade was acquired, and I don’t know who is the lucky one."

"Last year’s The magic jade was obtained by Senior Brother Qiu, and the cultivation base went directly from the breakthrough of Ninth Stage to 4-Star Martial Spirit. I am envious and jealous!"


Ziyunfeng Peak , Hundreds of dísciples gathered together to discuss works.

"Come out, they are out!"

Above, the black vortex at the entrance of Illusory Territory gradually dissipated, and more and more dísciple in the gap poured out from it.

"Senior Brother Liu, what is there on the island? Are there opportunities everywhere? I am still too afraid of death after all, I dare not try to pass!"

"Senior Brother Liu, you You must have seen Huanyu, right? Tell me, who got it!"

"Huh? Why do you only see Teacher Xia, Teacher Chen, and Teacher Zhou?"


Looking at the Junior Brother Junior Sister who was looking forward to him, Liu Fei scratched his head in embarrassment: "The Central Zone opposite the gully is called Yuehua Island. There is an old castle on the island. , The magic jade should be inside. But my cultivation base is not enough, and I was scared away by the meat-killing bug guarding the castle. As for who got the magic jade, you should ask Teacher Xia."

Not far away, Xia Hanyan and the cultivation base dísciple from the Ninth Stage have been surrounded.

"What? There is such a terrifying existence in the castle! Teacher Chen is dead!"

"So, this year's Ziyun Illusory Territory is quite dangerous! Fortunately, I didn’t go in, otherwise my life would be lost in it."

"The magic jade was taken away by an old man? He can still be transformed into flame! This cultivation base has surpassed Martial Spirit, right? Why can he not be rejected by Illusory Territory?"

"In the end, so many senior and junior brothers died in vain? Huanyu actually gave it to an old man, and I don’t know this old man. The identity of a man!"


"Have any of you seen Chu Bei?" Liu Fei glanced all around.

"I didn't see him coming out."

"Speaking of the little master's fellow apprentice, I really want to thank him. When we first entered, we met a mutant wild boar, no He said, we are all dead."

"I also owe my life to the little master's fellow apprentice, he killed those ghosts."

"It's a pity, the once genius little master's Fellow apprentice died in the Illusory Territory just after he came back."


The dísciple, who was saved by Chu Bei, couldn't help his eyes red.

Wang, woof, woof!

Suddenly, the violent barking sounded abruptly, echoing throughout Purple Cloud Sect.

Looking up, Illusory Territory dissipated in a huge black shadow, a big black dog that shrouded the sun in Shrouding The Heavens.

With the disappearance of the barking, the big black dog gradually became transparent until it completely disappeared from the sight of everyone.

"Fuck, this dog looks familiar!"

"Damn it, could it be the Old Ancestor that chased down our small black dog, right?"

"I got angry at the thought of that dog, and I was almost killed by it!"

The dísciples who entered the Illusory Territory gnashing their teeth one after another, and looked angry.

At the same time, Chu Bei, who was rushing to the courtyard from the mountainside, stopped, and looked at the area where the big black dog disappeared, his mouth twitching nonstop.

Others may not recognize it, but he will not admit it wrong. This is definitely the small black dog that he ravaged!

Just somehow, this small black dog has become so huge! With his body shape just now, if he meets this dog again, it may be that the other party abuses him.

After the astonishment, Chu Bei didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, he won't have a chance to meet this black dog in the future.

As soon as he returned to the courtyard, Chu Bei closed the door.

After that, the air from the source of heaven in the body turned, stimulating the magic jade.

In an instant, the magic jade bloomed with brilliant light.

At this moment, Chu Bei only felt that the cells in his body were beating rhythmically. The True Martial Qi in the magic jade is pure and without any impurities, it is directly integrated into Chu Bei's pulse**.

Fourth Stage Day!

Fifth Stage!

Sixth Stage days!



There was a deep explosion from Chu Bei's body, True Martial Qi gushing out of his body, and a layer of shallow blue armor emerged.

Spirit armor, the symbol of Martial Spirit!


When the magic jade shattered, Chu Bei’s cultivation base had climbed to 3-Star Martial Spirit.

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