"Little master's fellow apprentice, this...what a beautiful skirt!"

When Mu Xue'er saw the blue skirt in Chu Bei's hands, eyes immediately When it lights up, the small mouth slightly opens with rich expressions, surprised, delighted, and excited.

As a girl's instinct, Mu Xue'er involuntarily reached out and stroked the colorful dreamy blue skirt that was still in the hands of Chu Bei.

The extraordinary texture, the cold touch, the embroidery of resembles nature itself, the most amazing thing is the faint blue rays of light, which is extremely dreamy.

"Yuantian skirt, a surprise for you."

After Chu Bei handed the skirt to Mu Xue'er, he stood with his back and smiled. As long as a woman can't refuse the temptation of beauty.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, this...Is this really for me?" Mu Xue'er swallowed saliva and said, his tongue froze, and he stubbornly made a sentence Come complete.

"Otherwise?" Chu Bei shrugged.

An affirmative answer was received again, Mu Xue'er smiled, and the dimples of became faintly discernible looked very sweet.

"Thank you little master's fellow apprentice." Mu Xue'er's heart was like a bottle of honey, with a smile at the corners of his eyebrows, and even a faint red light on his cheeks.

"Recovered! Go to the house and change your clothes, and wear them to the master's fellow apprentice." Chu Bei moved towards Mu Xue'er raised his eyebrows, and then pointed to the room behind.


Mu Xue'er was heavily nodded, and then under Chu Bei's attention, he quickly returned to his house.


After about one hour, the sound of cheerful footsteps came from the back room.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, does it look good?"

When I came to Chu Bei, Mu Xue'er pouted, "Such a beautiful dress on me, isn't it? Was it ruined?"

Looking at Mu Xue'er who put on the Yuantian skirt, Chu Bei's complexion was startled, and he was stunned for a long time and shook his head again and again: "The air is like orchids, beautiful and mortal!"

Listening to the evaluation given by Chu Bei, Mu Xue'er flushed, slightly shy, and glanced at Chu Bei angrily: "Little master's fellow apprentice, you are not allowed to tease me in the future!"

Chu Bei scratched his head in embarrassment. He knew that he had lost self-control a little bit earlier.

He understands Chen Nan a little bit now, maybe when the other party first saw Yuxin, he was just like him.

"Xue'er, stand here and don't move. The master's fellow apprentice will show you the real power of this star skirt." Chu Bei motioned to Mu Xue'er to stand up.

"en. ”Mu Xue'er is well-behaved and lightly complied.

After one minute.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, don't smash my face, it won't be good if it suddenly fails." Mu Xue'er bit his white teeth lightly, his eyes locked in Chu Bei's hands Stones, slender hands tightly pinched the skirt.

"Don't worry, you won't lose your face." After comforting Mu Xue'er, Chu Bei threw the stone in his hand.


From the sky-splitting sound, under Chu Bei's throw, the stones moved towards Mu Xue'er accurately.

Kang Dang!

However, just as Mu Xue'er closed his eyes tightly in fear, the Yuantian skirt outside his body released the rays of light of the sky blue.

The sky blue rays of light, such as a hard wall, steadily shakes the rocks out.

"It scared me to death. Fortunately, it did not fail."

Mu Xue'er glanced at the stone not far away, lightly patted his chest, and then his eyes fell. On Chu Bei's body.

With a frown, a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes stand up without any surprise: "Little master's fellow apprentice, I told you not to smash your face, you can change it... Is it?"

Chu Bei avoided Mu Xue'er's cannibal gaze, scratched his head, quickly glanced at the fullness of the opponent's chest, and smirked: "There is wind, this does not control the accuracy. "

He really just toss it casually, because he knows that the system must produce high-quality products, but who knows, which part is not good, but it is positioned to the full place...

" Ignore the master's fellow apprentice!" Mu Xue'er snorted lightly, turned around and returned to his house.

Close the door and let Chu Bei sway in the wind alone.

Looking through the window at Mu Xue'er who turned his face faster than the book, Chu Bei shook the head: "Oh, woman!"

【Host gets one Illusory Territory Seed】

At this moment, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

The living Illusory Territory will appear every other year. Those forces with Illusory Territory will go in to find opportunities and pursue the existence of magic jade during the time that Illusory Territory is opened.

But there are also some undiscovered Illusory Territory, perhaps because of time, or other special reasons, when it no longer produces magic jade, it is called the'dead Illusory Territory'.

It has another name, called remains.

Once Illusory Territory dies, it will stay in one place forever, even if the opportunities in it are emptied, it will still not disappear.

Every Illusory Territory just dies, it will cause a sensation.

Because it will give birth to a seed, it is said that if this seed is obtained, as long as the method is right, it is possible to give birth to a new Illusory Territory.

"Where to find the remains, but also the one with the seed." After Chu Bei murmured, he turned around and moved towards the contribution hall in the sect.

Contribution Hall, Purple Cloud Sect is a place to publish tasks. At the same time, it is also the place where the most extensive information is collected.

The dísciple in the clan can accept the tasks released here, and get certain contribution points after completion. These contribution points can be used to redeem the martial skill, spirit pill and marvelous medicine in the Hidden Treasure Pavilion, etc. .

When he came to the contribution hall, Chu Bei looked straight and turned, his eyes were attracted by a task.

Maybe God is favoring Chu Bei, and this task is related to the remains.

It's just that Chu Bei frowned when he saw the name of the person who posted the mission.

Liu Bei, Ninth Elder of Purple Cloud Sect, 5-Star general, a person who supports Li Xian’s superiority.

This dead Illusory Territory is located in Lingyun City. It was discovered by a local woodcutter in Setting Sun Valley four days ago.

With Lingyun City as the center, there are five Great Influences and Four Sects domains within a radius of one hundred miles.

The Purple Cloud Sect where Chu Bei is located is one of the Four Sects.

Perhaps for harmony with each other, Five Great Influences immediately blocked the news, and each sent people to guard the remains all around.

Agreed to enter the remains together five days later, which is tomorrow. As for the ownership of the Illusory Territory seeds, it all depends on their respective strengths.

Although the remains are the dead Illusory Territory, they also have restrictions. This time, only people whose cultivation base is in the general 5-Star and below are allowed to pass. As long as the cultivation base surpasses the general 5-Star, when it touches the restriction outside the remains, it will be shocked by a strange force.

After reading the message of the mission, Chu Bei signed up without the slightest hesitation.

The reason for looking for the seeds of Illusory Territory, the reason why you have to publish a task for dísciple to participate is undoubtedly just to find some cannon fodder. However, Chu Bei didn't think he would become cannon fodder.

With the active strength of Heaven in hand, Chu Bei has already seen the Illusory Territory seeds beckoning at him.

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