"Why my son died in the Illusory Territory, and this damn Chu Bei is still alive! Ao'er's death is sure that this kid can't get rid of the relationship!" A luxurious room Inside the room, Li Xian slapped a palm on the table, and the table suddenly all split up and in pieces, roar sounded with terrible hatred.

"What's even more unexpected is that this kid has actually got a huge opportunity. If he is really allowed to go on like this, I am afraid it is really possible for him to breakthrough into a military commander."

Third Elder picked up the tea on the table and sipped it: "If that time comes, I am afraid that the position of Sect Master will really be given to him."

"The position of Sect Master, I will definitely get it! Third Elder, think about it for me, is there any good way to get rid of him without knowing it?" Li Xian looked towards Third Elder.

"Right now, at a sensitive time, Old Fourth and Old Ba must be watching Chu Bei's every move to ensure his safety. If you want to get rid of that kid without disturbing them , Let me think about it.” After saying that, Third Elder was lost in thought.


Just then, a silhouette knocked on the door and walked in.

"Lao Jiu, what makes you so happy." Li Xian looked at Liu Bei with a displeased face. Now he is happy at all, does not raise.

"Brother, I'm here to tell you a happy event." Liu Bei pulled a chair and sat down and said with a smile, "You know about Setting Sun Valley remains, Chu Bei kid just signed up. "


Li Xian and Third Elder got up from their chairs at the same time. They were surprised at first, and then looked at each other. It is not difficult to see joy from their eyes. The color.

"Heaven Has a Way, he won't leave, hell has no way to find him." Li Xian's fist squeezed his eyes and a fierce flash of cruelty flashed, and his eyes fell on Liu Bei's body, "Old nine, you I should know how to do it? This time, there is no room for error, he must die!"

"Hehe... don't worry, I promise to do it cleanly." Liu Bei patted his chest and his brows were filled with confidence .

In one day, the news that Chu Bei was not dead was like a tap water effect, and it was quickly known to everyone in the clan.

2nd day.

As soon as it was light, Chu Bei got up.

When Chu Bei came to the meeting place designated by Liu Bei, he unexpectedly saw two familiar silhouettes.

Xia Hanyan from childhood sweethearts, and Liu Fei, who is also well-known for the Heaven Ranking.

"Chu Bei, where did you hide these days? After separating from the Illusory Territory, I thought you were dead in it. I wasted the paper money I burned."

Liu Fei couldn't help but gave Chu Bei a punch. "It is said that you still know the old flame. He even gave you the magic jade, so that your cultivation base will directly reach Martial Spirit 3-Star."

"There is a saying how to say this, bad people don't live long, good people live for thousands of years. How can I not die before you." Chu Bei moved towards Liu Fei and hit haha.

"Chu Bei, are you okay to stay in the clan?" Xia Hanyan looked at Chu Bei with an unhappy expression.

"Hanyan niece, why can you go but I can't? My cultivation base is not weaker than you now." Chu Bei moved towards Xia Hanyan shrugged, and the angry opponent trembled.

"Since everyone is here, let's go." Liu Bei, as the leader, cleared his throat and said after passing Chu Bei lightly.

There are more than 20 people in the team, and more than half of the dísciples are listed on the Heaven Ranking.

Ling Tian City, Northern Part of City ten kilometers away, Setting Sun Valley.

Outside the valley, crowds are dense and loud and loud.

Looking around, there are hundreds of people, in small groups, gathering together and discussing intensely.

Looking at what they are wearing, it is obvious that they are just ordinary people in Lingyun City. Perhaps they have received some news, and coming here is just to have fun.

"Look, everyone, someone is coming!"

In the crowd, somebody yelled, and then many people swept towards the east and looked.

I saw that the robes worn by this line of teams are the same, and the pattern behind a long sword is particularly conspicuous.

"They are the people of Divine Sword Sect!" Some people with eyesight in the crowd yelled.

"Look, Trigram Fire Sect is here too!" Another line came, each of them dressed in fiery red daoist robe, and the chest of the robe was printed with a blazing flame pattern.

"It is indeed the Luoshui Sect, there is not even a man." A team came to the west. The team members are all women, and the leader is a middle-aged woman.

"Unexpectedly, they were quite punctual." Liu Fei patted Chu Bei's shoulder while pointing at the other Three Sects and couldn't help but say.

"Remains, no matter which Sect attaches great importance to it, there will be no absences. If there are any absences, it would be good for us, after all, there is one less competitor." Xia Hanyan glimpsed了眼Liu Fei opened the mouth and said.

"Liu Bei, didn't expect Purple Cloud Sect to lead the team will be you." The middle-aged woman led by Luo Shuizong glanced at Liu Bei coldly, and then fell on Chu Bei’s I was probed, "Are you Chu Bei?"

"Aunt Hong, I haven't seen you for five years, can you not recognize me?" With the memory in his mind, Chu Bei and the middle-aged The woman said hello.

Since the distance between Luoshuizong and Purple Cloud Sect is fairly close, the communication between the two Sects is also relatively close.

The middle-aged woman is named Xie Hong. Like Liu Bei, her cultivation base is also a military commander 5-Star.

The leader of Divine Sword Sect is called Quanguang, and the leader of Trigram Fire Sect is called Zhu Yi, who is also a 5-Star general.

"It's only time for Sacred Domain to come, and I don't know how many people they will send this time." Liu Fei whispered in Chu Bei's ear.

Different from the four Sects, Sacred Domain is one of the Five Great Influences, but it is particularly mysterious. on the surface, I only know that its background is not weaker than the four Sects, but it is not known how strong it is.


At this moment, a long rainbow thread swiftly passed by in the distance, and half a second later a silhouette hung over the Chu Bei entire group.

This is a youth, about 20 years old, with long eyebrows like willows, body like a jade tree, complexion of bronze, well-defined features and deep, black hair hanging around her ears.

The most eye-catching thing is the long sword under his feet, which revolves smoothly and releases a terrifying killing intent.

"Holy Artifact! This Sacred Domain is such a great handiwork!" Xia Hanyan's gaze fell on the long sword at the foot of youth, and there was a little surprise flashing in her eyes. The sword that can carry people's spatial flight, absolutely It is a spiritual Holy Artifact.

"Senior, Junior has something on the road. It's late to come, let me wonder. In Xia Hanyang, Sacred Domain contemporary Holy Son." The youth smiled slightly and exuded his own powerful breath at the same time.

Feeling Han Yang’s burst of breath, the faces of the people in the spring light changed slightly, and their expressions were amazed: "Holy Son is still young, and he is a training base but a military commander 5-Star. Let us old fellows We are very ashamed."

"Senior praised." Han Yang kept smiling, with a gentle expression on his face.

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