"Elder Liu, the temple on the opposite side is much larger than this one. I'm afraid that there is not enough manpower there. I think Chu Bei and I should go over there." Then, Xia Hanyan grabbed Chu Bei's arm and walked towards the opposite temple.

"Teacher Xia, don't forget, I am the leader. I cannot refute what I said." Liu Bei said solemnly with a cold face.

"Then don't let everyone get scattered, and search the temples one by one." Xia Hanyan made a suggestion.

"No, that would be a waste of time. The three of you come in with me." Liu Bei pointed to the temple behind, with a little anger in his words.

Xia Hanyan's expression became serious when she heard Liu Bei's words.

At first, Liu Bei deliberately singled out her, Chu Bei and Liu Fei, and intuitively told her something was wrong.

As for Li Chao and Lu Rover, they are Liu Bei’s Direct Disciple.

So, she tried it a bit.

Who knew that the other party was so persistent, this obviously confirmed her guess, the other party must have a plan.

Recall that in recent days, Liu Bei and Li Xian have been in frequent contact to support him as the Sect Master...Xia Hanyan's face instantly became heavy.

She has a terrifying guess, maybe since Chu Bei participated in this mission, the other party has planted a conspiracy.

"Ninth Elder, or the three of us will wait for you outside. There is a real opportunity inside, so I will let you." Liu Fei seemed to see something too, somewhat laughed embarrassingly.

"Don't you listen to my orders?" Liu Bei stared at Xia Hanyan and Liu Fei, his voice was cold, a tyrannical breath burst out, and True Martial's qi fluctuation robe convinced Shanshan. .

"Listen, of course you have to listen. The first rule of Purple Cloud Sect is not to execute upper-level orders unconditionally."

Chu Bei took a big step to Xia Hanyan, In front of Liu Fei, smiled at Liu Bei and said, "Let’s go in together."

"Chu Bei!"

Xia Hanyan immediately grabbed Chu Bei's arm and moved to the other party. Whispered in his ear: "Are you crazy? He might want your life!"

At this moment, Xia Hanyan is a little regretful. In the early morning, she should invite Fourth Elder to stop Chu Bei from coming. of.

What made her even more annoyed was that she praised Chu Bei yesterday. Today, she is as stupid as a pig, and she can't see such an obvious conspiracy.

"Relax, it's okay."

Just when Xia Hanyan thought Chu Bei would wake up when she heard her, the other party turned his head towards her and brightened her white teeth. , A heartless smile.

After that, she broke free of her restraint and followed Liu Bei's behind leisurely.

"Stupid pig!"

Looking at Chu Bei's back, Xia Hanyan's angry gnashing teeth, fiercely cursed and followed along.

"Close the door."

As soon as the three of Chu Bei walked into the temple, Liu Bei motioned to his two dísciples to close the iron gate of the temple and substation on both sides of the gate , In case someone gets inside.

"Elder Liu, what do you mean?" Xia Hanyan pointed to the closed door and questioned Liu Bei.

"Didn’t you guess it just now?" Liu Bei adjusted the dressing corner, and looked at Xia Hanyan and Chu Bei jokingly, "Since the doors are closed, I don’t have to Cover it again."

The voice fell, and the smile at the corner of Liu Bei's mouth disappeared, and there was a killing intent in the cold and severe eyes.

"I'm very curious. You killed me like this. Aren't you afraid to arouse the suspicion of those dísciples outside? On their side, how are you going to explain it? Is it possible that, and you will kill them all?" Chu Bei put his hands around his chest and looked at Liu Bei with a playful look, with curiosity in his words.

"It's this time, what's the point of asking this." Xia Hanyan flustered and exasperated stared at Chu Bei, and said that he had to follow up when he said not to come in.

"Not only to kill you, but the two of them must die too!"

Liu Bei pointed his hand at Xia Hanyan and Liu Fei in turn, and said: "As for the outside Of course I will not kill those dísciples. After all, as the leader of this team, if I am not dead and the disciplines are all dead, Sect will not be able to stay out of it. As for how to explain yours to them Die, I figured out a plan yesterday."

Liu Bei had a proud expression. After speaking, he took out an exquisite wooden box of sandalwood from his arms.

The box opens, and inside is a white Medicinal Pill that is round and full.

"Jiangdan, I used to buy this at a high price. If the Martial Spirit above 7-Star eats it, you can enter the military commander realm directly."

Liu Bei sniffed Sniffing the scent of Jiang Dan, holding it in his hand and playing with it: "When the time comes, I will tell the little fellows outside that you have found a Jiang Dan in this temple. Unfortunately, this Jiang Dan has a spiritual object waiting. When I arrived, the three of you had been killed by the spiritual object. As for the witnesses, they are my two good disciplines."

Slap, slap, pa!

" It's really a good argument. Although it's a bit far-fetched, it doesn't sound like a big loophole." There was applause, Chu Bei was somewhat satisfied and nodded.

"Chu Bei, are you scared stupid? Do you think he is joking with you? He is from Great Elder, and you are a stumbling block to Great Elder. He really wants to kill You!" Looking at Chu Bei who was still calm and composed calm, Xia Hanyan snarled.

Next moment, adhering to the principle of starting first, Xia Hanyan drew out the long sword around her waist, her feet continued to touch the ground, the tip of the sword danced with flowers, and the silver glow shot towards Liu Bei.

"trifling 3-Star Martial Spirit."

Liu Bei glanced at the attacking Xia Hanyan disdainfully, did not look at the opponent in the slightest, raised his hand, A windblade evolved from True Martial Qi shot out.

Looking at the oncoming wind blade, Xia Hanyan eyes shrank, hurriedly placed the long sword in his chest.


The wind blade hits in the long sword, and the blade trembles. Even though most of the wind blade's power has been removed, the remaining power still shocks her Qi and blood churning, the silhouette swept forward and retreated.

However, at this moment, Liu Bei's silhouette moved.

Her stature hasn't stabilized, Liu Bei has appeared in front of him, and the fist wrapped in True Martial has already strikes her forehead.

Xia Hanyan's heart sank, and the violent True Martial anger of the other party has poured on her cheek, causing bursts of tingling.

Looking at the fist close at hand, she felt that Death God was so close to her for the first time.

"If I don’t have much strength, I can’t help but do it? I deserve it!"

Xia Hanyan closed his eyes unwillingly, waiting for his head to be blown away. As it splashed around, a familiar and extremely uncomfortable joke echoed in his ears.

Xia Hanyan just wanted to yell the rhetoric of'Chu Bei, my old lady will never let you off if she is a ghost'. Next moment, she only felt that her waist was surrounded by a pair of big hands.

After that, there was a boom!

Another fist appeared in her sight, and this fist steadily struck the fist of Liu Bei who was killing her.

Amid the loud noise, she was embraced by a silhouette and took two or three steps backwards.

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