"Chu...Chu Bei, you...you..."

Xia Hanyan broke free from Chu Bei's embrace, feeling the other person's body that is far beyond her Several times the tyrannical breath, his eyes are full of incredible colors.

The whole person stands there like a wood, as if the brain has lost its ability to only know how to do it, just staring at Chu Bei with two eyes dumbly, even his speech becomes hesitating.

"Fuck, you actually took Elder Liu...I yeah, you actually took a punch from the villain Liu Bei!" Liu Fei swallowed a few salivas in succession. It is as big as a ball.

Li Chao and Land Rover guarding the door were also dumbfounded, as if they had been hit with a stick on the head, and their eyes stared like copper bells.

"2-Star military commander! This...how is this possible!" Liu Bei's expression was like seeing a ghost, and it was like being struck by thunder in the daytime, and was stunned to death on the spot. Staring at Chu Bei, his eyes were almost staring out.

"Why? Obviously you only had the cultivation base of 3-Star Martial Spirit in the great hall yesterday; only one day has passed, and your cultivation base has become the military commander 2-Star."


Liu Bei was full of consternation and asked Chu Bei: "How did you do it!"

"The world is so big, there are so many things you can't understand. This I don’t know one, and it has no effect on you."

Chu Bei shrugged, glanced at Liu Bei jokingly, his face suddenly became cold, and his tone changed: "Anyway, you will be a dead person. "

Liu Bei was taken aback when he heard Chu Bei's words, then he looked up and laughed like he heard the funniest joke in the world.

After smiling, he looked at Chu Bei with a grim face: "I have to say, you are indeed hidden very deeply, even the big brothers are deceived by your harmless to humans and animals surface. If you can bear it a little longer, I am afraid I will really fall into your hands. But now you, the 2-Star general, I don’t take it seriously!"

The coldly shouted voice fell, Liu Bei's robes shook, and the domineering purple True Martial surged out, as if a huge purple wave surged around him.


A cold syllable floated from the air, Liu Bei once again pinched his fist moved towards Chu Bei and blasted away, the rushing purple waves let out a deafening roar The sound of this fist is far more powerful than the previous punch to Xia Hanyan.

"Hanyan niece and Lao Liu, it is not a problem for you two to deal with Land Rover and Li Chao, right?"

After Chu Bei glanced at Xia Hanyan and Liu Fei, The True Martial breath also came out all over the body. Facing the snarling purple True Aura blast, he took the long sword in Xia Hanyan's hand and then slashed it out.


Liu Bei didn't use weapons, and completely relied on a pair of Iron Fist to blast towards Chu Bei's fierce long sword.

However, the collision lasted only one second, and the long sword ka-cha in Chu Bei's hand broke into two pieces with a sound.

Seeing Liu Bei's fist was about to hit his chest, Chu Bei hurriedly greeted him with his palm.

hong long!

In the deep muffled sound, Chu Bei was directly shaken backwards, and a long trace was drawn on the ground under his feet.

"This is the difference between 5-Star and 2-Star."

Liu Bei raised his fist triumphantly, and looked at Chu Bei mockingly like a victorious rooster. Said: "Desperate?"

At the door, Xia Hanyan Liu Fei, who were fighting with Land Rover and Li Chao, saw Chu Bei's defeat, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes. . At the same time, the attack power in the hands of the two became more and more fierce, and the two Land Rover and Li Chao were defeated.

Looking at Liu Bei's crazy expression of believe oneself infallible aloof and remote, Chu Bei responded with a smile.

As the other party said, he really just wanted to see how big the gap is between him and the 5-Star generals in the pure power competition.

Now that I know it, the other party should die too.

I saw Chu Bei flipped his palm, and a glimmer of brilliance flashed through. From the origin of strength of Heaven, a wide knife engraved with the Azure Dragon pattern was evolved.

After that, Chu Bei stared directly at Liu Bei, the big dragon sword in his hand was dancing regularly, where the blade passed was accompanied by one after another slender black lightning, endlessly coming from nowhere The dark Black Demon surged into the dragon sword with anger.

Amidst the lightning and thunder, the Dragon Blade madly absorbs demonic energy.

The cold blade glow gradually formed outside the blade, and the blade glow quickly became longer and wider, and it had gradually become substantial.

Finally, the big dragon sword including the blade glow is three feet long, and the Azure Dragon engraved on the handle seems to be alive. The eyes of the dragon head keep closing and vaguely speaking a dragon roaring.

As the black lightning around the dragon sword disappeared, a clanging metal trembling sounded through the temple.

At this moment, Chu Bei unexpectedly felt a sense of sorrow in his heart, and he couldn't help but rise up a kind of invincibility. It was a kind of self-confidence. Just like a sword in his hand, I would like to ask who is the hero of the world and the heroic fight.

Although he is not as strong as he thought.

Looking at the rising dragon sword in Chu Bei's imposing manner, Liu Bei's face gradually became more solemn, and the body armor became stronger and stronger, and the purple True Martial aura was like a blazing flame. Beating outside of him.


Liu Bei took down the soft sword wrapped around his waist. It was a sword with a golden body.

Perhaps due to the pressure of the big dragon sword in Chu Bei's hand, Liu Bei directly used his strongest sword move. With the soft sword dancing in the hand, every sword is drawn out, and the golden glow of the sword body will become stronger and stronger.

Gathering is complete, Liu Bei takes the lead in launching an attack.

At this moment, the soft sword in Liu Bei's hand is like a round of Golden sun, with blazing golden glow blasting across the sky.

"It's just right!"

Chu Bei took a step, the blade pointed directly at Liu Bei, and he slammed it down.

A knife was swung out, but seven blade glow shot out. The blade glow that appeared later seemed to be slightly faster than the previous one in terms of speed. Soon, these blade glows were superimposed together.

Every time you stack one, the imposing manner of blade glow will rise one level. When the seven blade glows were stacked again into one, the black lightning that had disappeared reappeared around the blade glow.

In an instant, the imposing manner climbed to an incomparable Peak!

“clang! ”

First, there was a harsh metal clash, and the energy of the collision shook the bluestone bricks underneath. It shook Xia Hanyan, who was peeking at the gate while fighting. The four were frightened.

Before the sound of metal clashes died away, the golden sword in Liu Bei's hand was chopped by blade glow, and it was scattered on the ground.

The blade glow went on, with a sneer, and went straight through Liu Bei's between the eyebrows. Then fiercely slashed to the ground, and with a loud bang, the ground was split with a huge crack.

Looking back and looking towards Liu Bei, the originally erect body suddenly moved from the eyebrows to the middle of the legs, divided into two, and fell to the ground.

Brain plasma, intestines, internal organs... all fall in one place.

The bloody picture, disgusting, unbearable to look at!

It's not just the battlefield on Chu Bei's side, but the battle between Xia Hanyan Liu Fei and Li Chao Land Rover at the gate also came to fruition.

I saw Li Chao and Lu Hu kneeling on the ground, shouting instructor Xia constantly, and kowtow to Xia Hanyan for mercy.

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