
Xia Hanyan just glanced at Liu Bei's corpse, and almost vomited all the contents in his stomach.

Even the great master Liu Fei couldn't help covering his eyes with his hands, and he dared not look at Liu Bei again.

It's so scary!

As for Li Chao and Lu Rover, they were already trembling with fear and trembling.

"Chu Bei, how do you plan to solve these two people?" Xia Hanyan stepped on Li Chao's shoulder and asked Chu Bei's opinion.

"Do you think we were killed by Liu Bei, what would they do?" Chu Bei smiled and looked at Xia Hanyan.

"Of course it was to testify for Liu Bei that we were killed by Spirit Beast." Xia Hanyan replied with great certainty.

"Then you said how to deal with them?" Chu Bei's eyes suddenly turned cold, "Of course it was killed!"

"Little master's fellow apprentice, we are all I was forced by the Master, no, I was forced by Liu Bei."

"Little master's fellow apprentice, please forgive us, forgive us!"

I heard what Chu Bei said. , Land Rover and Li Chao were full of fear, their pants were soaked wet, desperately begging for mercy.

Yes, what awaits them is still a blade glow.

"Chu Bei, what's the matter with your cultivation base?" Xia Hanyan glanced at the bodies of Lu Rover and Li Chao, and finally asked the confusion in her heart. Liu Fei on the side was also He raised his ears high.

"Who doesn't have any secrets yet. I can only tell you that my current strength is inseparable from the flame old man you see in Illusory Territory. He is my teacher." Chu Bei blushed. It was not red, and his eyes started to ridicule without blinking.

"The flame old man, who is he? Why does he appear in the Ziyun Illusory Territory of my sect?" Xia Hanyan continued to ask.

"I promised my teacher that I can't tell anyone about him." Chu Bei sighed, pretending to be helpless.

"Never mind, then I won't be troubled by others." Xia Hanyan was a little bit lost, "Huh? What about the knife you just used, why is it missing? That knife is not simple, it can make you Use the cultivation base of the military commander 2-Star to kill the 5-Star military commander! Take it out and let me see."

"The knife was also given by the mentor and cannot be borrowed for viewing." Chu Bei continued I threw the pot to the flame elder that I had compiled.

"Chu Bei, now you make me a little bit confused." Xia Hanyan suddenly became serious and looked at Chu Bei again.

Perceiving Xia Hanyan's gaze, Chu Bei looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle. His gaze was very faint: "People will always grow. Sometimes, tolerance is also an attitude. "

Hearing the emotion from her heart, Xia Hanyan felt a strange feeling inexplicably. Just when she wanted to come forward and soothe her, the next sentence of the other party made her stunned, even Want to cruel each other.

"Don't fall in love with me because you see me now. From start to finish, I just treat you as a martial niece. There are differences in generations, and we have no results."

Chu Bei's words echoed in Xia Hanyan's mind for a long time.

Xia Hanyan's anger grew stronger and stronger, and finally converged into a syllable with monstrous anger.

"get lost!"

The roar shook the sky.

"Chu Bei, how are we going to deal with these three corpses now? How do we explain to the senior and junior brothers in a while?" Seeing that the atmosphere in the court was not right, Liu Fei opened the topic with interest.

"This is easy to handle. Didn't he even think about the rhetoric for us before? I think it's good, you can use it." Chu Bei pointed to Liu Bei's corpse, his mouth raised with a smile .

After speaking, Chu Bei walked to the left half of Liu Bei's corpse leisurely, bending down and picked up an exquisite wooden box of sandalwood.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, what happened, why are you so flustered."

"Little master's fellow apprentice, don't worry, take your mouth water, and speak slowly. "

"What the hell do you want to say? Don't be afraid, we are crowded."

"Liu Fei, teacher Xia, master's fellow apprentice, what happened to him, he looks like It's like being frightened."


In the temple opposite, a crowd of Purple Cloud Sect dísciple surrounded Chu Bei, all with anxiety on their faces.

Look at Chu Bei again, shivering, his face pale, the expression of horror was like he had just experienced a nightmare like hell.

"Senior Brother Nine...he...he..."

Chu Bei said with a vibrato, he froze for a long time, but he didn't say it. It was just right. The hand kept pointing in the direction of another temple.

"What happened to Ninth Elder?"

"Go, let's go over and take a look!"

The crowd of dísciples can no longer care about Chu Bei, They spread their legs and ran to the opposite temple at the fastest speed.

When they saw the tragic condition of Liu Bei's corpse, they were so frightened that their legs became weak, and some people slumped directly on the ground and vomited continuously.

"At that time, Senior Brother Nine took the five of us to search the temple. He intuitively found a Martial Spirit pill. Unexpectedly, this Martial Spirit pill was guarded by an extremely vicious Spirit Beast. "

"In the fierce battle, Senior Brother Nine...he died tragically under Spirit Beast's sharp claw. Fortunately, Senior Brother Nine was also seriously injured by Spirit Beast, and he killed Lu in another sneak attack. After the two Martial Nephew, Hu and Li Chao, they immediately flee."

The serious expression of Chu Bei's nose and tears, as if the facts are like this.

Next, Chu Bei is holding head with both hands, his veins are exposed, and he has a regretful expression: "I hate, I hate that I am not strong enough! If I am also a military commander, maybe Brother Jiu won't have to die. Now, the animal is dead."

At the end, Chu Bei cautiously took out a delicate wooden box of sandalwood from his arms, opened the box and took out the round and full Medicinal Pill: " This is Martial Spirit Dan under the protection of Brother Nine desperately."

"This damn beast actually killed Ninth Elder and the two Junior Brothers! If I meet it, must strip it. !"

"Ninth Elder died so miserably, let's bury him on the spot. I hope he can vote for a good person in the next life."

"Ninth Elder, I hope you go well, there is no ominous beast in heaven."


A crowd of dísciples with red eyes, one after another became busy, and began to bury Liu Bei, Li Chao, and Land Rover. The bodies of three people.

"Chu Bei, your acting skills are really eye-opening for me! What you say is more real than what you said!" Liu Fei couldn't help but give Chu Bei a thumbs up, again and again Praise.

"If you can do such a shameless thing so perfectly, I am afraid that there are no more people in the whole continent." Xia Hanyan glanced at Chu Bei with contempt.

Chu Bei directly ignored Xia Hanyan's eyes, and Quandang praised himself in disguise.

After a while, Chu Bei handed the Martial Spirit pill in his hand to Xia Hanyan: "I am already a military commander. This pill is of no use to me. You can take it and eat it."

"You still have a conscience." Xia Hanyan is not polite, she took Martial Spirit Dan into her arms.

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