Chu Bei seemed to think of something, his expression became extremely serious and said to Xia Hanyan and Liu Fei: "Regarding my strength, I hope you can keep it secret for me."

Xia Hanyan looked at Chu Bei in a puzzled manner, "With your 2-Star military commander’s cultivation base, you can already serve as the Sect Master in a justified manner. By then, Great Elder’s ambitions will be shattered."

Chu Bei shook the head: "Now is not the time to be exposed."

"Why?" Xia Hanyan's eyes became more confused.

"This is related to the death of old fogey." Chu Bei said in a tranquil voice.

"You mean Sect Master's death and..." Liu Fei took a deep breath on the side, and Chu Bei's silent gesture interrupted before he finished speaking.

"As long as you promise me to help me keep it secret, I will leave the rest to me." Chu Bei continued.

A quarter of an hour later.

A crowd of dísciple successfully buried Liu Bei and the three of them and surrounded Chu Bei.

Liu Bei has died, Chu Bei has the highest seniority here.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, Ninth Elder is dead, should we continue to search for Illusory Territory seeds or go back to Sect?" a dísciple asked.

"Of course, continue! Senior Brother Nine is dead, but don’t we still have Teacher Xia there?"

Chu Bei pointed to Xia Hanyan next to him, and said, "Even if we are not opponents of other forces now, this does not prevent us from joining in the fun. With good luck, what if we can get the seeds? Even if they are really out of touch with the seeds, we can still watch the field. What a wonderful scene.'

"It makes sense to listen to the little master's fellow apprentice. "Under the bewilderment of Chu Bei, a crowd of dísciple nodded in agreement.

So the line headed by Chu Bei continued on the road, moved towards remains deep.

Go all the way east, crossing the rivers, mountains and forests, and passing through a piece of Desolate Land.

Finally, Chu Bei entire group came to a vast flat area.

Though the trees here are It has become very rare, but the vitality between Heaven and Earth is getting stronger.

There are countless ancient buildings in this area. Looking from a distance, most of the ancient buildings are already Dilapidated, very few preserved intact.

Some of the buildings have been turned into ruins, like the “Gouye Temple” that was first seen. But even so, from those piled up like hills Looking at the rubble, one can still imagine the grandeur of the past.

"Is this really in the Illusory Territory? There are so many buildings. is it possible that, this Illusory Territory has ever lived in people? And looking at the current posture, there are still a lot of people! "Liu Fei couldn't help but say as she scanned the buildings.

Xia Hanyan was silent, Liu Fei’s doubts were exactly what she was thinking about

"You said, that would Will it be the Illusory Territory seed we are looking for? "Chu Bei speaks suddenly.

Hearing what Chu Bei said, everyone followed the direction of Chu Bei’s fingers.

Almost instantly, a crowd of people’s faces appeared. The color of excitement is full of excitement.

To the east of the building complex, there is a huge bald mountain. There is no forest in the mountain, and no ominous beast can be seen.

All of the bald mountain Around, there are endless ancient buildings scattered, and the fire above the ring-shaped mountain pass is soaring. Although far away, you can still hear the sound of lava boiling and roaring. Although the restless lava is still in the mountain pass, it has not flowed out, but it is already It’s scary. Half of the sky in the distance is burned red.

Just above the volcanic crater, a group of red light floats, rays of light shining, one after another terrifying arc surrounds it. .

The Bald Mountain is very high. When the Chu Bei entire group came to the crater on the top of the mountain, the ancient buildings below were already the size of an ant.

"Chu Bei, they are all already Arrived. "Xia Hanyan purse one's lip said.

Now, Zhu Yi from Trigram Fire Sect, Spring Light from Divine Sword Sect, Xie Hong from Luoshui Sect, and Han Yang from Sacred Domain are all here. .

At this moment, one by one is scattered around the crater pass, staring at the red glow directly above the pass.

Although they all have their eyes Hot, but strangely enough, no one started to snatch the seeds of the Illusory Territory above the mountain pass.

The arrival of the Chu Bei entire group soon became the focus of other forces in the Quartet.

"en? Why are you only here? What about your Ninth Elder? "Zhu Yi of Trigram Fire Sect frowned, his eyes fell on Chu Bei's body and asked about Liu Bei's whereabouts, with confusion in his eyes.

I saw Chu Bei look sad and uncomfortable. "Senior Brother Nine ran into an ominous beast on the way, and eventually died tragically. "

Get the answer from Chu Bei, Zhu Yi, Quan Guang, and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, let alone ominous beasts on their way here, not even a bird's corpse I see.

But Zhu Yi did not continue to ask. For them, Liu Bei is dead, and there are fewer competitors in disguise.

This is a good thing.

"Aunt Hong, this should be the Illusory Territory seed, right? Chu Bei pointed at the red glow above the mountain pass and looked at Xie Hong with a puzzling expression, "Why don't you guys do it?" "

"Not yet when the time comes. "Xie Hong glanced at the red glow shook the head," and the Illusory Territory seed doesn't seem to be as easy to get as we thought. "

Xie Hong's tone barely fell suddenly, the red glow suddenly became bigger, more and more dazzling, and burst into bursts of chi chi sound.

Under everyone's attention, the red glow changed a lot. , And then a fist sized object resembling a walnut faintly appeared.

"It turns out that the Illusory Territory seeds grow like this, which is really eye-opening. "Liu Fei stared at the'walnut' in the red glow and said.

long long long!

Suddenly, Illusory Territory seeds all around sprayed out hot flame, accompanied by flame The raging fire, bursts of rumbling sound, and a red light beam directly into the sky.

In a short while, half of the sky above the volcanic crater was dyed crimson.

" Guys, the Illusory Territory seeds are right in front of you. Who of you will try first? "Qianguang took a step and looked towards everyone, and said lightly.

"Since you have proposed it, let this opportunity be given to you first. "Xie Hong said with a smile.

Feeling the weird energy released by the seeds of Illusory Territory, the spring light smiled, and his eyes fell on Zhu Yi's body: "Well... Brother Zhu arrived first. Then follow the rules, come first, come first, let Brother Zhu go first. "

Looking at the few people who shied away from each other, Chu Bei slandered in his heart. They are all the Old Fox.

Without finding out the seeds of the Illusory Territory, everyone I don’t want to go up first, and I’m waiting for the other person to be this little guinea mouse.

"That's all, let me explore the reality first. "

After a stalemate for a long time, Zhu Yi sighed and bounced up with a long spear in his hand, his feet connected to the void.

Then, with a wave of the long spear, the gunshot sounded clear. There was a cry, and the chill was filled, and a translucent cone of ice shot out from the tip of the gun instantly.

The speed of the cone was extremely fast, and it appeared in front of the seeds of Illusory Territory in the blink of an eye. next moment, cone of ice Stabbed in the gap in the shell of the Illusory Territory seed.

"Come back! "

Just listen to Zhu Yi's scream and pick the long spear in his hand. The ice cone that pierced the Illusory Territory seeds seemed to have become spirituality. It turned around and took the Illusory Territory seeds straight to Zhu Yi. Go.

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