hong long!

The black lotus collided with the golden palm print, causing the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, and the void where the collision was Opened, countless dark gaps spread. The lake below is setting off a heaven overflowing giant wave in this aftermath, and one huge vortex emerges one after another.

After the black lotus and Golden palm prints were deadlocked for a while, it was obvious that the energy of both was exhausted at the same time.

"Girl, even if I really watch it, it won’t kill me. Besides, I said I’m willing to be responsible for you, what do you want!" Chu Bei left the ground and The woman was flat, with a little helplessness in her voice.

Perhaps because of Chu Bei's words, the woman's face has become more and more heavy, and the killing intent in her eyes seems to be condensed.

After the woman stared at Chu Bei in disgust, she knotted her hand.

Suddenly, the sky dimmed from a high altitude, one after another serpentine lightning appeared.

Looking up at the dark clouds above, Chu Bei couldn't help twitched the corner of his mouth.

It's still the black lotus, but this time it was not one, but hundreds of them emerged from the dark clouds.

xiū xiū xiū!

in the sky is like a black lotus rain, but the lotus flowers that have fallen are targeted to Chu Bei.

"Yuantianqiong Gouyu."

The syllable fell and Chu Bei shook his hands quickly in the air, drawing with his hands to draw out a square area.

I saw tens of millions of light bombs bursting out of the square area circled by Chu Bei.

xiū xiū xiū!

These light bombs are densely packed like raindrops. With a wave of Chu Bei's hand, they pounced at the swarming lotus flowers at lightning speed.

Boom, boom, bang!

Continuous explosions sounded in the air. The two colors of gold and black are intertwined. Although not as gorgeous as fireworks, the formidable power is far more than ten million times.


After Yuantianqiong Gouyu played, Chu Bei didn't love the battle at all, and directly moved towards the light barrier when he came.

Let him act on a girl he has seen her whole body, he really can't do it!

Of course, the fundamental reason is that this girl is very strong, so strong that even if he is in the present state, he is not sure that he will be able to defeat it!

The most terrifying thing is that his source strength of Heaven reserves are limited, and it's about to run out.

If you don’t go, your life will really be lost on this plane!

However, just before Chu Bei wanted to slip, the woman followed up with her back foot and threw a blue square box in her hand.

Without waiting for Chu Bei to pass through the light barrier, the blue square box suddenly became larger, and it instantly became a huge diamond space.

Cha Cha, this space envelops Chu Bei and the woman.

"You can't escape, you must die!" The woman seemed to see through Chu Bei's thoughts and said coldly.

Chu Bei right hand affixed to the diamond space barrier, fiercely punched it up.

However, the space barrier is completely motionless, with no ripples at all.

"Seal Divine Item, you can't break it." The woman step by step towards Chu Bei.

Considering that there is not much time left, and what kind of Divine Item is extremely hard, Chu Bei simply gave up the idea of ​​running away.

What he has to do now is to defeat the woman in front of him before the source strength of Heaven is exhausted.

[Fist Bone Meteorite]

The flat voice fell, and the golden light suddenly formed a huge armor outside of Chu Bei's body. The armor was a hundred zhang high.

Chu Bei stood in the center of the light armor, and appeared above the woman in one step.

As soon as the shout fell, the golden fist thrown by the golden light armor giant turned into a pitch black like a huge black iron block.

black astral qi moved towards The woman surging away, like a rushing wave, is as terrifying as the waves. Wherever he went, the void was shattered and rumbled. Vaguely, a little purple lightning appeared in the golden light armor, and the crackle was intertwined.

"Black Lotus Overprint!"

Looking at the Iron Fist blasting from above, the woman finally changed her complexion, and her eyes became a little more solemn.

With a soft shout, I saw a black lotus mark full of ten zhang high appearing behind the woman. The lotus spins frantically, and the billowing black air around it all around becomes more solid every time it turns.

When it stopped spinning, the woman's fibrin hand pulled it, and directly pushed it towards the Iron Fist, which was hitting directly above.

hong long!

Two different black energies interweave and explode.

The changhong brought out by the aftermath of the collision is like a billowing Yangtze River like a surging river, moving towards the outer periphery, and even the diamond space barrier swayed.

"Fuck, you can take it all!"

Chu Bei was tumbling, looking at the woman below in amazement, with an urge to curse the street.

To talk about the shock in my heart, the woman below is even more than Chu Bei. from start to finish She didn't expect the other party to be so strong.

At first, she thought that the other party was an ant, and she could crush it to death with one finger.

Clinker, the opponent's strength can match her.

What makes her a little puzzled is that the fluctuating breath on the opponent is very strange, it is a kind of energy that she has never touched.

Chu Bei's face has already appeared anxious, the silhouette flashes constantly, punch after punch moved towards the woman.

What made him feel helpless is that every punch he made was taken by the opponent, although it was not easy to look at the opponent.

But at this moment, he is not actually fighting with a woman, but with time!

Unable to capture the woman below, Chu Bei's face became more anxious, and after a little contemplation, he evolved a dragon sword based on the strength of Heaven.

He has an idea, but he has never tried it, and he doesn't know if it will bring any uncertain consequences, but he has to do it in the current situation.

[Light Armor·Seven Demon Swords Against the Sky]

Chu Bei is holding a large dragon knife and dancing along the line of rotation in his mind regularly, and at the same time, he strengthens the source of the body in his body. Heaven crazily squeezed into the dragon sword.

Gradually, the huge golden light armor outside Chu Bei's body has a blade awn in his hand.

The big dragon knife madly absorbs the golden light all around, and the blades gradually become golden, bright and dazzling.

Under the blessing of the source strength of Heaven, the Azure Dragon engraved on the handle seems to be covered with a layer of Golden armor, and the dragon eyes open and close, emitting a dragon roaring.

Chu Bei swung it down.

I feel my whole body power is taken out.

The huge golden blade glow crushed the void and slashed towards the woman below. Azure Dragon swam in the blade glow, and a dragon roar stunned the void.

Feeling the horrible imposing manner above, the woman's lithe and graceful body is slightly trembled, and this force actually made her feel a little palpitating.

【Fengshen·Luo Sheng Gate】

The woman has no time to hesitate, and her mouth spurt blood is in two white palms. After a quick seal, both palms snapped together.

Suddenly, the void exploded, and a sinking iron gate with black glow and lotus imprints came out of the gap and lay above the woman.


The metal crash that shook the mind lasted for several seconds.

With one knife and one door, the rays of light produced by the collision directly illuminate the originally dim world.

The rays of light gradually dissipated, and one knife and one door disappeared.

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