Chu Bei still hangs above, but the golden light armor outside his body has dissipated.

His source strength of Heaven is still a little bit, but most of the energy was emptied when he just cast the Seven Defying Swords.

Although he still has spare energy now, he can only deal with Han Yang and others.

If it is used to deal with the woman below, it is a joke.

Compared to Chu Bei, the woman seems to be weaker.

The beautiful face is extremely pale at the moment, and the dark and strange pupils have also returned to their original form.

While watching Chu Bei vigilantly, the woman threw a crystal clear Medicinal Pill in her mouth.

At the entrance of the Medicinal Pill, the woman immediately distanced herself from Chu Bei. While refining medicine efficacy, she seemed to prevent Chu Bei’s sneak attack.

What surprised the woman was that the other party clearly occupied the upper side, but did not intend to make a move.

Furthermore, the breath that made her strange to her is receding, replaced by familiar energy fluctuations.

General 2-Star!

In midair, Chu Bei's body landed vertically, hitting the space barrier.

"Why..." The woman came to Chu Bei with cold words and confusion in her eyes.

"The move I just performed touched the restriction in my body, and my cultivation base was forcibly sealed." Chu Bei made a helpless expression.


The woman is nodded who seems to understand, raises her right hand, and a black lotus appears in her palm: "Finally, what else do you want to say? Is it?"

"Can you let me go?"


In the cold syllables, the woman's eyes condensed and she slapped her palm. Between the eyebrows by Chu Bei.

Looking at Black Lotus getting closer and closer, at this moment, Chu Bei was suddenly relieved.

The fear of death in the last second disappeared inexplicably.

Death under the rose flower is also romantic.

Maybe this is the best interpretation of him.

even more how, he even looked all over the other person.

The scenes of more than three months are rolling in my mind.

I was obviously a trial person, but in the end I was about to die in such a place, and I was a bit unwilling.

Maybe Mu Xue'er who is still in the yard waiting for him to go back.

Hate it?

Of course I hate it!

Want to torture that small black dog to death, deep-fried dog legs, steamed dog whip, braised dog head, dog meat and scallion noodles...

[Detecting the host receives a fatal blow, The host enters a state of suspended animation for a quarter of an hour]

[Immunity from any damage during the period]

Just as Chu Bei was quietly waiting for death, the system sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

At this moment, Chu Bei entered a very mysterious state.

His Meridian points stop absorb, True Martial Qi stops flowing, cells stop beating, breathing is gone, heart stops beating... Fortunately, there is consciousness.

Chu Bei immediately used his domineering experience to perceive everything that was happening outside.

hong long!

The woman's palm was firmly attached to Chu Bei's between the eyebrows, and the black lotus exploded.


The woman looked at Chu Bei's'corpse', frowning, and under her palm, the other party's shirt was not torn.

With confusion, a glimmer of brilliance in the woman's hand swept across Chu Bei's'corpse', and her brows gradually opened up.

"That's all, leave you a whole body."

The woman waved her hand, and the diamond space barrier all around turned back into a blue square box and returned to her hand. Then, the slender legs kicked Chu Bei's waist, kicking the'corpse' to the shore of the lake.

After that, he fluttered away and disappeared at the end of the lake.

Under the mental perception, after confirming that the woman had gone away, Chu Bei relaxed his consciousness.

However, at this moment, he is still unable to move even a little bit, and the time limit of suspended animation has not disappeared.

one minute ,

two minutes ,

3 minutes ,

At this moment, Chu Bei felt a Fresh life.

"Woof, woof!"

The damn small black dog is back! After looking around vigilantly, it jumped to Chu Bei's'corpse', barking triumphantly while the dog dug out a deep hole.

This small black dog circled around Chu Bei's'corpse' and pushed Chu Bei into the pit with a push of its two front paws.

Then, the dog digs up again, refills the pit containing Chu Bei's corpse, and hops for life, jumping and stomping on it.


After doing all this, the small black dog roared with joy, then swished and jumped into the lake.

When it came out of the lake, it had two huge fat fishes in its mouth.

Get the rocks and set up the grill, and the small black dog spouts a ball of Fireball from the mouth, and then the fat fish is cooked up.

As time goes by, the smell of fish gradually floats out of the air.

Buried in the pit, Chu Bei's already angry Divine Consciousness is about to explode. For him, every second is torment.

He is counting down, counting down to death!

Another 3 minutes passed.


The small black dog sniffed his nose, rubbed his palms, and called out comfortably.

However, when it picked up the grilled fish and opened its mouth, ready to enjoy the food, the filled pit suddenly burst open.

The sudden explosion made the small black dog tremble all over, and the grilled fish in his claws were all lost.

Yes, but before it can escape far away, a powerful hand has grabbed his throat.

"Wow, woof, woof woof woof woof woof woof woof..."

When Chu Bei was seen clearly, the pupils of the small black dog shrank suddenly, and the dog's tail clipped Tighter, his mouth kept shouting, and his voice was full of panic. In addition to fear, there was confusion in his eyes, as if he did not understand why Chu Bei was not dead.

Chu Bei squeezed the small black dog's neck with his left hand and pressed him to the ground, his right hand clenched into a fist, and True Martial entangled.

Boom, boom, boom...

Without the slightest reservation, Chu Bei poured his whole body power into the moved towards fiercely on his fist, and smashed the dog's head on the ground.

"Tell me to hunt for treasure?"

"Hide breath for me, right?"

"Take me here and show me She takes a bath?"

"Remove the ball from my body and let her find me?

"I was beaten to death. You will come to collect my body, right? "

"Yeah, I also know that I dug a grave and buried it for me. "

"Not only can grilled meat, but even fish can be grilled. Good technique! "

"Hawky dog, I want to kill you ahhhh! "


While Chu Bei muttered in his mouth, he used his fists to vent his anger frantically.

The low crash sound continued.

Slowly, Chu Bei's fist was covered with blood, and the miserable dog barking became weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

Chu Bei didn't know how many he swung. Fist, I only know that I’m tired, and the small black dog is almost turned into patties by the blood and blood of his hammer.

For a guy who wants his own life, even a dog, he Never let it go easily!

"The pits you dig are left to yourself. "

Chu Bei casually threw the dead small black dog into the pit, wiped off the dog blood on his hand, and took the fatty fish that had been cooked on the grill and ate it. Eat it.

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