How hungry you are!

But let alone, the craftsmanship of this small black dog is really good.

After eating the fatty fish efficiently and leaving only the bones of the fish, Chu Bei twisted his neck and moved his muscles and bones, then moved towards the light barrier and walked away.

Shortly after Chu Bei penetrated the light barrier, a strange scene took place over the lake.

I saw in the sky a dark and weird great hall. There was a stone tablet in front of the great hall. Three dazzling characters were engraved on the stone tablet.

Gouye Palace!

In the great hall, a burst of dark rays of light shining on the corpse of the small black dog.

After that, the corpse of the small black dog that had turned into meatloaf in the pit swelled and recovered at the speed of naked eye.

After two minutes, the small black dog suddenly rolled over with a carp and became alive and kicking again. At the same time, the Gouye Palace over the lake also disappeared.

Wang, Wang——!

The small black dog glanced at the fish bones left over by Chu Bei on the ground, picked up his claws, and threw it into his mouth to chew.

After eating, the position where moved towards light barrier is barking wildly, unwilling to roar with utter anger.

Setting Sun Valley outside.

"Chu Bei, you have to pee on the ground and go to waste?"

When Xia Hanyan saw Chu Bei, the worry that was on her face disappeared and replaced it. It was an angry look: "I thought you were dead inside!"

"After the small one, the big one came again. Hehe, I can't help it, just delay it for a while." Chu Bei scratched. Scratching his head and lied, "Where are the other people?"

"Already gone." Liu Fei patted Chu Bei's arm, "Sacred Domain's Holy Son Han Yang said when he left, visit my house when he has time. How about you."

"Why?" Chu Bei deliberately showed a surprised expression.

Liu Fei cleared his throat and could lengthen the tone: "Do you know that in the end it was your teacher who snatched the Illusory Territory seeds or snatched it from Han Yang. Not only that, Your mentor also snatched the Origin Force magic puppet that Han Yang brought to the prison!"

"What? My mentor did such a thing!"

Chu Bei shouted in cooperation, showing an expression of disbelief. In fact, the Illusory Territory seed is already lying in its mind, opening up a Small World for it.

"Your teacher didn't give you the Illusory Territory seed?" Xia Hanyan looked at Chu Bei suspiciously.

"Of course not!" Chu Bei shook the head without hesitation, "I haven't even seen his face."

"Waiting for your teacher to come look for it next time You, see if you can bring the seeds over. After all, if the Illusory Territory seeds can really feed, it will be a new Illusory Territory. For a Sect, it can be said to be invaluable." Xia Hanyan stroked Qingsi and said .

"No problem." Chu Bei dealt with it casually.

If it weren't for a small black dog this time, his trip would be perfect. Although almost all the source strength of Heaven was used, it was not a loss to get the Illusory Territory seeds and the Origin Force magic puppet.


Chu Bei returned to the courtyard of Purple Cloud Sect. Although Mu Xue'er still coldly treated him because of the day before, the table was His well-prepared meals have said everything.

"Xue'er, after eating this meal, the master's fellow apprentice is going to the far door again." Chu Bei took a piece of meat and threw it into the middle of the entrance.

"It hasn't been two days yet, I'm going out again!"

Mu Xue'er's deliberately stern face couldn't be stretched instantly when he heard Chu Bei's words. But for a look of grudge.

"Follow your mentor to practice. Only when you are strong can you better protect you."

Chu Bei stretched out his hand and pulled Mu Xue'er to his side. After experiencing a battle with that woman, Chu Bei desperately wanted to improve his strength, relying solely on the fruit ability bestowed by the system, he met bottleneck.

After saying goodbye to Mu Xue'er, Chu Bei entered the source space.

Time passes day by day.

Up to one day.

In the courtyard, a black gap emerged, and the Chu Bei silhouette descended slowly.

When Chu Bei saw everything all around, pupil suddenly shrink.

The place to stay is not his courtyard. To be precise, it is still his courtyard, but it has become a ruin!

When Chu Bei walked out of the source space, its cultivation base had reached Half Sage 3-Star.

At the same time, there was another flow of information in Chu Bei's mind. Through this flow of information, he has a better understanding of the cultivation system of the Xuanhuang continent.

On the Xuanhuang continent, above the ordinary person is the Qi quenching realm (one to 9-Layer), which is a realm of body refinement; upwards is the Common Stage (one day to the Ninth Stage), Has been able to initially achieve True Martial gas release; further up is the Martial Realm, this great realm is divided into three realms, Martial Spirit (one to nine stars) can already condense the spirit armor; the generals (one to nine stars) have been condensed in their bodies Channel, can stay in the void for a short time; Martial King (one to nine stars), is extremely skilled in the use of True Martial Qi, and has the ability to fly into the air.

Purple Cloud Sect was the last Sect Master, the father of the original'Chu Bei', and the cultivation base is the nine-star Martial King, the best powerhouse of Purple Cloud Sect!

As for the realm above the Martial Realm, I just learned it through the system.

Enter the holy realm. This great realm is divided into Half Sage, Saint Sovereign, and Saint Sovereign three realms. Each realm has nine stars.

Through the stacking of a series of reward cultivation bases, Chu Bei is now the cultivation base of Half Sage 3-Star. This realm has initially touched the Power of Space, which is probably equivalent to Dou Zong realm of Doupoplane.

Sha Sha Sha!

At this moment, there was a rush of chaotic footsteps coming from far and near.

"Quickly, the movement just came from here." Soon, a team of eight people appeared in Chu Bei's sight.

"Little...Little master's fellow apprentice, you are back!" Seeing Chu Bei, a team of eight people looked surprised at the same time.

"What happened? Why did my courtyard become like this? Xue'er her person?" Chu Bei fixed his eyes on a dísciple coldly said.

Vaguely, he already had bad guesses.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, you should leave as soon as Sect Master didn't find it." A dísciple hesitated for a moment and said.

"Sect Master? Do you mean Li Xian?" Chu Bei's expression was completely heavy after hearing that dísciple's words.

Next moment, its Divine Consciousness is released, covering every corner of Zi Yun Shan.

After a while, a killing intent appeared on Chu Bei's face, and his body rose into the air, moving towards the Ziyun Square on the top of the mountain and flew away.

"Am I dazzled? The little master's fellow apprentice away!"

"I saw it too! Isn't it about the Martial King to be able to spatial flight? is it possible that the little master's fellow apprentice is already a Martial King expert!"

"Impossible! This little master's fellow apprentice must be pretended by an expert!"


Looking at the back of Chu Bei flying away, the faces of the eight dísciples turned gray in an instant, one by one, like thunder and lightning, they were shocked and poked there like a piece of wood.

The purple Yun Shan summit, the purple cloud dungeon.

The air in the prison seems to be able to contain water vapor, and the dark emptiness smells of erosion and carrion.

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