"Mostly the same as usual! After all, the whole continent cultivation base is in the Divine Venerable realm, and there are only a few people."

"No, that dog may It's a variable!"

"But then again, where did this dog emperor come from? It's really too strong!"


rumbling In the sound, an island appears in the center of the huge city. Even if it is outside the city wall, you can clearly see the three characters above the island, Floating Cloud Island.

Under the Floating Cloud Island, which is the city central area, there are three huge squares. Looking down from a high altitude, three characters of earth, xuan and yellow can be seen respectively.

At this moment, fierce battle roars were heard in the three squares.

Chu Bei played with a crystal-like jade token in his hand. The character [yellow] on the token is particularly conspicuous, and there is a big number 9 in the lower right corner.

"Go and join in the fun."

Chu Bei held Mu Xue'er and fell with a smile, and appeared on the square of Huang Bangzhan during his steps.

Looking at it, the periphery of the square is already full of countless cheering audiences.

In the center, a round masonry high platform with a diameter of 300 meters reflects the brilliant rays of light from a distance, giving people a luxurious noble direct look. Right behind the masonry high platform is a rostrum with Golden as the background.

The layout of the rostrum is a bit special. The three luxurious and exquisite chairs are not lined up, but arranged in an arc shape. Perhaps after special adjustments, the three positions have no so-called primary or secondary. Of points.

"The yellow list battle has entered the finals. Who do you think will be the first place this year!"

"Sacred Domain Han Yang should not be surprised! He was too strong That's it!"

"As far as I know, he has survived Sacred Domain's Nine Refinements of Ice and obtained the inheritance of Ice Divine Venerable! The cultivation base has been directly climbed from Martial King to Nine Star Saints! "

"Unfortunately, the ninth place in the yellow list this year did not participate! This ninth guy seems to be a Sect Master of a small Sect!"

"Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master, a twenty-year-old guy! I don’t know if the envoy made a mistake. As far as I know, half a year ago, he was still a cultivation base with no waste."

"The time is up, The decisive battle has begun!"


With a clanging metal sound, nine silhouettes appeared on the circular high platform.

In the sky, Chu Bei saw two acquaintances at a glance.

The first acquaintance, located on the rostrum, is one of the three. She wore a black gauze skirt. Although it was impossible to see her appearance because of the black gauze cap concealing her, she could tell that she was a lithe and graceful woman with an exquisite figure.

The first time I saw this woman, it was in the remains. It was an accident; the second and third time I saw this woman, the other party acted as an envoy and gave him the sign twice. .

As for the second acquaintance, it is one of the nine people on the round high platform, Sacred Domain Han Yang. Once in the remains, he competed with him for the Illusory Territory seed. To be precise, he had transformed into an old man at the time and snatched the Illusory Territory seed from the opponent.

xiū xiū xiū!

In the sound of breaking through the sky, nine silhouettes fell on the circular high platform.

Standing side by side one by one, nodded each other and signaled that they had greeted each other, releasing the tyrannical breath, all around the void trembled for it.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, Master and fellow apprentice should have arrived long ago, how come they can't be seen." High in the sky, Mu Xue'er posed his head from side to side, pouting his mouth as if looking for it. what.

Hearing Mu Xue'er's words, Chu Bei divine sense moved, and the powerful Divine Consciousness swept the entire imperial city.

In an instant, his Divine Consciousness was locked on a silhouette below, and then browsed frowned, his face suddenly heavy.


Divine rainbow crossed, Chu Bei took Mu Xue'er and appeared behind that silhouette for an instant.

This is a man with a black hat and a large black robe. The moment Chu Bei appeared, his body was tight, and a killing intent came out.


However, when a tentative shout sounded, the man's killing intent fell apart and his body trembled slightly.

"Xue'er, Sect Master, you..." The man turned around, with a trembling sound, his appearance was obscured by the black hat.

"Who hurt you!" Chu Bei's voice was low, and with a wave, the large black robe and black hat covering the man's whole body exploded at the same time.

It was a body with bloodstains all over the body, and there were several horrible to see in the chest. Although it was processed, the blood still bleeds, and there is also the left arm that doesn't know where to go.

"Master...you..." Looking at the badly injured Baifeng, Mu Xue'er fell into Chu Bei's arms before he finished speaking, and then wa'ed couldn't help crying.

"What the hell is going on!" Chu Bei wiped Mu Xue'er's tears with one hand, and cast several rays of light covering Bai Feng's body with the other to heal his injuries, and at the same time he asked.

"It's all him!"

Facing Chu Bei's gaze, Bai Feng took a deep breath and suddenly pointed his right hand to Han Yang on the round high platform Sacred Domain. Killing intent overflowing heaven in the eye.

Listening to what Bai Feng said, Chu Bei's eyes became colder and colder, and the air became stagnant all around, and the biting chill was permeated.

Bai Feng originally brought a group of dísciples to the Imperial City in advance, but after Sacred Domain Han Yang learned that they were members of Purple Cloud Sect, he couldn't help but slaughter.

Thirty-six dísciples died tragically under the sword of the opponent. If he hadn't used the Secret Skill, he would probably die tragically under the opponent's sword. Although he managed to escape, he was still seriously injured and even his left arm was cut off.

"Why! What do I have against him in Purple Cloud Sect!" Bai Feng roared, his fists clenched, bloodshot eyes, and his face exposed.

"Perhaps it is because of me." The sigh fell, and Chu Bei stepped away. The other party hated Purple Cloud Sect, perhaps not only because he robbed the Illusory Territory seed, but also because he robbed the seeds of Illusory Territory. The opponent’s Origin Force puppet.


With a loud noise, Chu Bei landed on the round high platform.

"This...who is this guy who popped up suddenly!"

"Is he crazy? This is the final of the yellow list!"

"He What do you want to do!"


When Chu Bei appeared on the circular high platform, all around spectators were taken aback for a moment, and after the reaction, various voices intertwined. .

"It's him!" On the podium, the lithe and graceful woman in black gauze uttered in astonishment.

"Lengyan, do you know him?" The two beside the lithe and graceful woman were confused.

"He is the Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master, the ninth person of the mysterious card!" The lithe and graceful woman bit her lip and did not say how she and Chu Bei met, but just said The identity of the latter.

"Who! How dare you make trouble here!" When the other two gods on the podium were surprised, the referee on the high platform moved towards Chu Bei shouted.

However, the voice in his mouth had not fallen yet, peng sound, the whole person flew far away like a cannonball, and then fiercely slammed into a Qiong building.

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