"He...he actually did something to the referee!" All of a sudden, a crowd of spectators fell into a daze, looking at Chu Bei with incredible faces.

On the round high platform, nine finalists frowned at the same time.

Han Yang took a step forward and looked at Chu Bei: "I saw you in the remains! Is that old man your Master? Where is he!"

" Damn you!" Chu Bei confided four cold syllables.

"At the beginning of the gods!"

Aware of Chu Bei's killing intent, Han Yang felt an inexplicable chill in his heart. Without hesitation, he took the lead.

Just listen to its shouting loudly, and then hold the long sword and dance orderly. Every time the long sword is swung, a huge imposing manner will condense on the tip of the sword. This imposing manner keeps accumulating until Golden's sword glow is as bright as the sun.

"Who the hell! Han Yang is a shot, it is the strongest killer move!" On the round stage, the other eight finalists looked at Han Yang's dancing silhouette with dumbfounded eyes. At the beginning of the gods, this is the sword art of Sacred Domain that can only be cultivated by the descendants of each generation. The difficulty of cultivation is extremely high, but once it is completed, the sword power is terrifying.

As the number of long sword dances in Han Yang's hand is superimposed, there are more and more golden glows at the tip of the sword. When the sword's strength climbs to Peak, the sword glow is intertwined into a Qilin like gold casting. .

In the sound of sword chants, the yellow Golden Qilin composed of sword glow rushed straight towards Chu Bei at lightning speed.


The cold one-word syllable fell, Chu Bei poked out his right hand, and suddenly moved towards Han Yang's direction.


In the crisp sound, Huang Golden Qilin collapsed, and then Han Yang was too late to scream, he was crushed by an invisible force, his body exploded, and the sky was full of blood and blood.

bang bang bang ……

The shattered flesh and blood fell on the round high platform with a muffled sound.

Everyone including the eight finalists and the three divine envoys all lost their voices for a while, looking sluggishly at the high platform and the silhouette of Chu Bei.

"Han Yang is dead...dead!"

I don't know how long the field was silent, and finally someone took the lead to cry out in surprise.

next moment, the scene is boiling, one by one swallowing saliva, the gaze looking towards Chu Bei is like looking at a monster.

Only a few seconds after the opponent appeared on the high platform, he directly killed the most powerful candidate for the yellow list champion!

The other eight finalists also came back to his senses from the astonishment, glanced at the flesh and blood on the stage, and met Chu Bei’s gaze, each one seemed to be afraid that the ending would be the same as Han Yang. Immediately moved towards and flew away.

This guy who seems to be in his twenties is too terrifying!

"Your strength?" A lithe and graceful woman wearing a black gauze took a deep breath and came to Chu Bei's face, with surprise written on her small face.

As the god envoy of the Conferring God Pavilion, the head of Seven Great Influences, she is in charge of one party and is responsible for the task of distributing mysterious cards.

But right now, she can't see through this mysterious person who has dealt with many times!

"Sacred Domain Domain God is there, right?"

Chu Bei glanced at the lithe and graceful woman, spit out a faint voice, and flew to the floating island.

"He...he went to the floating island!"

"My God! That is the place where the Heaven Ranking battle!"

"He Isn’t it going to find Sacred Domain Domain God! The latter is one of the seven great experts of continent!"

"What is the origin of this man! That god seems to know him!"



Looking at the direction Chu Bei flew away, a crowd of spectators began to discuss again.

hong long long!

At this moment, the floating island suddenly buzzed.

"This sound is the start of the Heaven Ranking war!"

With cry out in surprise, hundreds of gorgeous rays of light emerged above the floating island. I saw these rays of light intertwined high in the sky, forming a huge picture.

On the screen, what is displayed is the scene on the battlefield in the center of the floating island.

The first seven middle-aged men appear in the picture. They stand on one side and wear have nothing common with each other, but they all have the breath of a superior person.

Obviously, they are all controllers of one party.

If you say that the most eye-catching thing in the picture is the big black dog with an arrogant expression and snarling teeth.

"You go together, I want to fight seven!"

The big black dog speaks human's words, looking at the seven people opposite with contempt, a long whistle, a proud voice It floated from the sky above Fuyun Island until it spread to the ears of every spectator.


However, at this moment, another silhouette appeared on the screen.

From the moment he appeared, the jade platform in the center battlefield burst apart, turning into rubble and splashing in the sky.

Almost at the same time, the Seven Powerhouses and Big Black Dog flew high into the sky, their eyes cast coldly on Chu Bei's body.

"Wang, woof, woof!"

Seeing the appearance of Chu Bei, the big black dog kept calling out with inexplicable excitement, grinded his teeth and changed it. The blood-red eyes wished to bite Chu Bei into pieces.

"Your dog's life is really big."

Chu Bei glanced at the big black dog. Although the opponent was several times larger, he still recognized him at a glance. Came out.

This big black dog is the small black dog that often appears in the Illusory Territory who wants to cheat him many times.

"Gosh, he wouldn't know the Black Emperor!"

"Could it be that the person the Black King was looking for was him!"

"What is the ulterior secret between them!"


Hearing the words of Chu Bei, the eyes of a crowd of spectators were on Chu Bei and the big The black dog switched back and forth, with curiosity in his eyes.

"I don't know who you are?"

The eyes of the seven Heaven Ranking Powerhouses fell on Chu Bei, their brows frowned, and one of them asked aloud.

The big black dog that appeared out of thin air recently has become so powerful that it makes their hearts palpitate. Now that the youth who seems to be in his twenties can get to know each other, he is obviously not a Simple role.

"Which one of you is Sacred Domain Domain God!" Chu Bei Senhan's gaze swept across the seven people opposite, and there was no emotion in his cold voice.

"What's the matter?" A red-clothed man stepped forward with his eyes facing Chu Bei. With himself as the center, a piece of red glow spread far away, that was his domain.

Chu Bei glanced at the red-clothed man lightly, and patted it with a crisp and neat palm. Suddenly, a giant hand was in the air, which can be said to be Shrouding The Heavens, directly moved towards the red-clothed man and patted it.

"you are courting death!"

Looking at the giant hand that was photographed, Sacred Domain Domain God's face sank, and he fell down with a terrible killing intent, behind it The red glow surging, condensed into a huge Divine Idol, the majesty released is inviolable, overlooking the common people.

"Divine Emperor Warlord, this is the divine ability of Sacred Domain Domain God!"

"Domain, what an unreachable ability!"

A crowd of spectating cultivators looked at the tall Divine Idol of Sacred Domain Domain God behind in astonishment. Under the display of the opponent's Strength of Domain, the weak cultivator can no longer stand upright. Even the strong older characters also showed a bit of pain. Keep calm.

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