Under the attention of everyone, that Divine Idol keeps expanding. The huge silhouette seems to fill the sky above Fuyun Island, it seems that a big hand is enough to shoot out the vast imperial city!

hong long!

However, such a breathtaking Divine Idol is vulnerable to that giant hand.

Almost at the moment of the collision, Divine Idol collapsed and disintegrated, as if ice and snow encountered molten iron and melted quickly.

"This...how is this possible..."

Divine Idol was shot to pieces, Sacred Domain Domain God's pupils shrank suddenly, and the trembling words in his mouth had not yet fallen. The giant hand has come to him.


First, the domain dissipated, and then the defensive armor outside the Sacred Domain Domain God's body was shattered. Fleshy body and Primordial Spirit were annihilated and turned into nothingness.

"Sacred Domain Domain God is dead...dead!"

"How is it possible! He is a nine-star Divine Venerable!"

"Even in the Heaven Ranking , That’s also ranked third!"

"Is he strong enough to be this way!"

"What is his hatred with Sacred Domain? Kill first Han Yang, kill Domain God again!"


A crowd of spectators stared at the projection above Floating Cloud Island, and they clearly watched the previous scene. in. All of them turned to gray in an instant, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and as if they had been poured cold water from head to toe, and their whole body was numb.

All this came so suddenly and unexpectedly, let them completely unprepared!

Like the beheading of Han Yang, the demise of Sacred Domain Domain God is only a few seconds before and after.

"Divine Emperor Realm!"

"Your breakthrough has arrived at Divine Emperor Realm!"

Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master, Tiger Pozong and other six powerhouses Looking at Chu Bei in horror, one after another held breath cold air, his expression was a little trance, like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

At their realm, you can clearly feel the difference in Chu Bei's true military force, which is a level of power that surpasses them. Even the gods cannot transform the true military force, only the legendary Divine Emperor Realm can do it!

"Raise your hand to kill Jiuxing Divine Venerable, no wonder I can't see through..."

The lithe and graceful woman named Leng Yan muttered to herself, dumbfounded, her brain seemed In this brief moment, it stopped running, and stood still like a log, staring at Chu Bei above Fuyun Island with two eyes blankly.

"Sect Master, is he already so strong." Bai Feng was a little stunned, as if he hadn't come back to his senses from the shock.

"Your Excellency, what's your identity?" Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master and the others stared at Chu Bei vigilantly, their whole body tense like a stone, and their hearts sinking like they were filled with cold lead.

Chu Bei ignored the Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master and the others, but hovered above the central square, his gaze swept across the battlefields of'earth, mystery, and yellow', and his sleeves waved .

In the next instant, an invisible force swooped down from a distance.


For a moment, the sound of mournful scream filled every corner.

Boom, boom, bang!

Any cultivator wearing a Sacred Domain robe exploded almost simultaneously in the distortion.

"I am the Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master! In the future, if you dare to offend Purple Cloud Sect again, it will be the next Sacred Domain!"

Chu Bei stood with his hands in his hands, his voice Although it's not big, it rang in everyone's mind, and it shook people's hearts.

"Purple Cloud Sect? Is it the third-rate Sect!"

"How can such a small Sect give birth to such a terrifying existence!"

"No matter what Say, anyway, stay away from Purple Cloud Sect in the future! Their Sect Master raised his hand and killed Sacred Domain Domain God!"

"So, he is not worthy of this year. First place in the Heaven Ranking? After all, even if Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master is better than Sacred Domain Domain God, it’s not a bit stronger. Impossible is his opponent!"


Hearing Chu Bei's words, the expressions of all spectators became more and more astonished. Since the opponent killed Sacred Domain Domain God, there is no need for this Heaven Ranking battle to go on.

Wang, woof, woof!

Suddenly, the big black dog barked again, his barking loudly.

"Humans, you are no more than 2-Star Divine Emperor, hehe, your uncle dog has already entered the 7-Star Divine Emperor! This time, it is finally his turn to kill you!" Dahei The dog twisted its head and moved towards Chu Bei unscrupulously with a crack in his teeth, and his words were full of pride.

"Have you heard? The Emperor of the Dog is Seven...7-Star Divine Emperor!"


"The Emperor of the Dog It seems to have an enmity with Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master! If Dog King is really 7-Star Divine Emperor, then Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master is dangerous?"


The voice of the dog emperor rang in his ears, and the crowd of spectators exclaimed again.

Mu Xue'er kneaded the corners of his clothes nervously, looking at Chu Bei's back, worrying expressions in his beautiful eyes.

The six powerhouses including Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master and Tiger Pozong Sect Master looked at the big black dog and glanced at each other. As soon as there was a questioning color on their faces, the next moment was replaced by shock.


The big black dog suddenly burst out of an incomparable violent breath. This breath breakthrough into the sky, even showing various terrifying unusual forms above its head.


The big black dog moved towards Chu Bei roared, spitting white glow in his mouth, and white glow evolved into a sword that broke the sky, sharp and unparalleled, like Can cut through the eternal heavens.


The peerless Heavenly Sword slashed down, and the terrifying divine glow instantly appeared in front of Chu Bei.

Chu Bei frowned and danced with his left hand, forming a silver shield in front of him with amazing defensive power.

With a dull bang, the silver shield tablet shattered, and Chu Bei stepped back.

"Hehe, the sword just now was just 80% of the strength of the uncle dog!" The big black dog held his head up and looked at Chu Bei very proudly.

Chu Bei looked at the big black dog calmly. I have to say that this dog has too many secrets!

The other party’s cultivation speed is still above his destiny protagonist with a cheat device!

"Humans, take another blow from Uncle Dog!"

The two front paws of the big black dog joined together and evolved into a big bell.

When a bell rang, Heavenly Dao and ming, everything moved, the universe seemed to be turned upside down, and the long bells spread around the imperial city to spread across the rivers and mountains of several tens of thousands of li.

Behind the big clock, the sun, moon, mountains and rivers emerge in an unusual form. Among them are millions and millions li, there are also flowers, birds and fish species, birds and beasts, heavens and stars, as well as gods kneeling on the ground, simple atmosphere, the secret of the beginning of the evolution of Heaven and Earth.


There is another dog bark, the big black dog holding the big clock moved towards Chu Bei and pressed it down, wherever it passes, the void cracks one after another dark gap , Extremely terrifying.

The very terrifying clock! "

"In the collision just now, Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master fell below. It seems that what the Black Emperor said is true! "

"My God, a 7-Star Divine Emperor dog!" How did he cultivation! "

"Shhh, your voice is quieter, if the dog king hears it, that's it! "


The audience stared at the high-altitude battlefield above Fuyun Island without blinking.

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