Nine-star Divine Venerable, such as the Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master, who is better than Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master, is also holding his breath, looking at the sky with incomparable concentration. The breath from the big bell is really terrifying! If it were them and faced the big clock, they would have collapsed before the fight started.

"Unexpectedly, you can surprise me every time. I really can't bear to kill you." The flat voice fell, and the strength of Heaven surged in Chu Bei's palm.

"You still want to kill the dog uncle? This time, let's see how your uncle dog tortured you!" The big black dog opened his savage mouth, and with a bark, he swept away with the big clock.


However, when the big clock was about to strike on Chu Bei's body, a metal clanging sound filled the center of the big clock.

I saw Chu Bei poking out with a finger, and with no difficulty blocked the impact of the clock.

"Impossible! A trifling 2-Star Divine Emperor, how could it block your uncle dog's attack!" The big black dog was taken aback, looking at the index finger on Zhong's body, his eyes seemed to be full It's the same as falling down.


Chu Bei retracted his finger, but at this moment, the big clock shattered and dissipated into countless fragments.

"This time you must Dissection you well." The joking voice came out of Chu Bei's mouth.

Hearing this, the big black dog's heart was inexplicably cold. However, before pulling away from Chu Bei, his body was suddenly imprisoned by an invisible force, unable to move even a little bit.

"Leader, can you be a kid and never came?" The big black dog seemed to know that he was planted again, and quickly moved towards Chu Bei begging for mercy.

Chu Bei laughed, ignoring him at all, and grabbed his right hand.

The source strength of Heaven burst out, the big black dog screamed, the original violent breath fluctuations instantly fell to the bottom, until the Primordial Spirit and the body were simultaneously transformed into tens of thousands of pieces, floating in the air.

"Dog King, this is dead?"

"What the hell is going on!"

"Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master is not in Weak? Why is the dog king dead in the end!"


Looking at the flesh and blood floating in the sky, the crowd of spectators looked in a trance, this situation turned too far Quickly, they can't react at all.

long long long ——

At this time, the void trembles and hums, and a dark and strange great hall appears. There is a stone tablet in front of the great hall. There are four carved on the stone tablet. A dazzling big character.

Hall of Bloodthirsty!

Next moment, under everyone's astonished eyes, a dark ray of light poured out from the temple, shining on the broken flesh and blood of the big black dog.

Immediately afterwards, I saw these flesh and blood gathered together again.

After about two minutes, the big black dog came alive.

With a bark, I quickly wanted to stay away from Chu Bei, but even if it reacted quickly, it still couldn't escape Chu Bei's clutches.

"Let this seat study and study you."

Chu Bei glanced at the Bloodthirsty Hall, the whole body originated from the strength of Heaven burst out, evolving into thousands of rays of light, Shengsheng dragged the Bloodthirsty Hall and the big black dog into Small World.

[The host's last experience is over, and the cultivation base begins to recover]

Three days later.

Chu Bei appeared in Mu Xue'er's room.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, don't you leave this time?" Seeing Chu Bei, Mu Xue'er was taken aback, sitting on the side of the bed, putting down the needle and thread in his hand.

"Xue'er, I thought about it, I'd better spend some time with you." Chu Bei sat on the side of the bed and hugged Mu Xue'er from behind.

Maybe it was a happy day before, this time Mu Xue'er was not surprised, but his face was still flushed and shy.

In the following days, Chu Bei is very happy!

This happy time lasted until the seventh day!

Because on this day, the Conferring God Pavilion from the continent Peak of the Profound Wilderness released a sensational news.

The brief summary of the content of this news is that at the beginning of their Xuanhuang continent, there were a group of the most Peak Powerhouses in pursuit of a higher level of Tao, but disappeared on the same day.

And just recently, in the ancestral hall of their Conferring God Pavilion, an inexplicable message came, telling them exactly about the most Peak Powerhouses.

In those days, they were called detachers, and any one of them was much stronger than the most powerful powerhouse of today's continent, more than one level higher.

And the location of those who are detached by this message is located at the end of the Xuanhuang continent, a boundless sea.

"Do you say that transcendents really exist?"

"The Powerhouse at the beginning of the birth of the Xuanhuang continent! If they are still alive, how far should they be terrifying now! "

"Wait in that sea area, don't you know whether it is true or false!"


This news broke from the Conferring God Pavilion Later, all the major Super Influences on the Xuanhuang continent moved towards the specific sea area at the end of the continent.

"The end of the continent? The boundless sea?"

After Chu Bei heard the news, his brows frowned slightly. Isn't this the place where the guardian is.

Is it possible that the detachment of the Xuanhuang continent at the beginning of its formation is still related to the guardian?

xiū xiū xiū!

In the sound of breaking the sky, more and more Sect powerhouses have reached the sea area mentioned by the Conferring God Pavilion.

"Why is there nothing? Could it be that everything is fake!" Looking at all around the empty sea, all influence Powerhouse brows frowned.

At this time, several silhouettes wearing white robes appeared, and the three words Conferring God Pavilion were printed behind the robes. The leader is a middle-aged man, it is the Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master.

"Hall Master, your source is unreliable? Where is the detached person?" Conferring God Pavilion entire group arrived, and even Powerhouse asked.

The Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master ignored all around Powerhouse, but looked towards a direction, climbing up in an imposing manner.

Next moment, under the gaze of countless Powerhouses, he saw his fists clenched, and at the same time, he moved towards the place his gaze could reach.


First, there was a loud noise, and there was nothing unusual about the sky apart from the exploding of the void.

But just as a group of Powerhouses were wondering, a dazzling divine light suddenly gushed out of the cracked gap.

"Disturb my sleep and die!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the gap, and then the giant palm came out in the dark.

The giant palm carries the terrifying breath, and it appears in front of the Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master in an instant. Before the latter can react, the dark giant palm has already transformed the Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master. Catch.


With a deep explosion, the Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master didn't even have time to scream, and his fleshy body and Divine Soul disappeared.

Seeing this scene, with a bang, all Powerhouses are dumbfounded, as if they have lost Divine Soul, with a dumb face.

"Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master, dead...dead!"

"So, what is that!"

"Too terrifying!"


The cultivator of all influence gradually reacted, and when he looked towards the dark giant palm protruding from the gap, his faces were full of fear.

Especially the other Powerhouses of Conferring God Pavilion, looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do. I am afraid that even the Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master himself would never expect that he would end up like this.

Suddenly, everything was too sudden!

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