"Are a group of ants delusional to leave here? Really act recklessly!"

Suddenly, the cold and ruthless indifferent voice came from the gap. Then, a silhouette stepped out of the gap.

This is a man wearing a black robe. From the moment he appeared, the sea below was churning, and sea tornadoes shot up into the sky.

black robed man looked down, Ling Xun's gaze swept across the Powerhouse of Xuanhuang continent all influence, with disdain between his eyebrows.

"Who is he! He just killed the Conferring God Pavilion Hall Master!"

"Is he a transcendent one?"

"No Yes! Judging from the news from the Conferring God Pavilion, the detached are our ancestors, how can they be killed like this!"

"Not good! My power is imprisoned!"

"Me too! How could this happen, it's just a beam of gaze!"


The moment all influence Powerhouse met the black robed man's gaze, his body trembled suddenly , As soon as he finished speaking, a look of fear appeared on his face.

A terrifying force far beyond theirs several levels shoots out from the eyes of the black robed man, and instantly penetrates into their body, imprisoning their divine force, making them impossible to move even a little bit.


A cold syllable came out from the mouth of the black robed man.

Then, the pitch-black giant palm moved, carrying the terrifying power wave moved towards the imprisoned all influence Powerhouse below, and blasted away.

Looking at the dark giant palm that is getting closer and closer, regrets began to appear in the eyes of these powerhouses, as if they regretted not daring to come.

"You are the most extreme guardian I have ever seen, you should kill!"

However, when the dark giant palm is about to kill all the powerhouses , An equally indifferent voice floated from a distance. Immediately afterwards, a huge fist print came out, smashing the pitch-black giant palm to pieces.

"Who!" The black robed man's eyes condensed, and he let out a scream.

At the same time, a youth man wearing a purple robe appeared with no expression on his face.

"Is the Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master!"

"Heaven Ranking first place, continent is the most Powerhouse!"

"He is out!"

Seeing the appearance of the youth man clearly, all influence Powerhouse was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of joy appeared on his face.

Chu Bei looked at the black robed man coldly. Although the guards he encountered would kill people, they would only kill the challenger, not everyone like the guardian in front of him. It.

"Do you know that we exist?" The black robed man frowned, looking at Chu Bei a little solemnly.

Chu Bei didn't reply, but coldly snorted fell, and then the silhouette moved.

As soon as he shot, Chu Bei used the strongest killer move without any reservations.

"Seven-fold Immortal King!"

The black robed man noticed the fluctuation of Chu Bei's power and breath, and his expression changed.

hong long long!

In an instant, the high altitude where Chu Bei and the black robed man were, formed a terrifying battlefield.

Looking at the two figures who were fighting in the battlefield, all influence Powerhouse underneath was stunned, and his face was full of astonishment.

"Immortal King? What realm is that!"

all influence Powerhouse looked at each other in blank dismay, muttering to himself, with confusion in his eyes.

The high-altitude battle comes quickly and goes quickly. From the very beginning, the black robed man is at the bottom, retreating steadily.


Soon, a bitter and painful cry came from the battlefield.

After that, under countless line of sight, the black robed man was blown up by Chu Bei.

"Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master won!" Looking at the dissipated black robed man, all influence Powerhouse was stunned and began to scream in excitement.

However, Chu Bei frowned at this moment, because after he killed the guardian, the system didn't even say anything.

Suppressing guards is usually one of the default tasks of the system.

But right now, system has nothing to say, unless...


At this time, the gap where the black robed man came out continues to face the distance It spreads, and the cracked area is getting bigger and bigger.

"That...that is..."

As the area of ​​the gap increases, the Powerhouses below gradually see the full picture of the gap.

At this brief moment, they were completely in a trance, like thunder and lightning.

Chu Bei was also surprised, but he soon calmed down.

In that gap, there is a huge square. There are nearly a hundred pillars on the square, and a silhouette is tied to each pillar. These silhouette faces are not real, it seems that their breath is extremely weak because they have been eaten away by the dark power on the pillars all the year round.

But even so, the power fluctuations faintly released by those thin silhouettes are not comparable to the Peak Powerhouse of the Xuanhuang continent today, and they are not on the same level at all.

"Quasi-Immortal Emperor."

At a glance, Chu Bei judged the cultivation realm of the silhouette of the tortured and tied to the pillar, and his heart could not help but rise. Stunned.

His previous judgment was wrong. The power system of this Xuanhuang continent is not weak, but Powerhouse is all imprisoned. And the so-called guardian is not the Fifth Stage Immortal King. The previous black robed man may be just a gatekeeper.

"Those are who!"

"They are trapped by chains!"

"How many secrets we don’t know about this Xuanhuang continent Xin!"


Looking at the square in the pitch-black gap, those weak silhouettes tied to the pillars by the weird chains, the powerhouses over the sea below were shocked.

"Are they all so weak? There is only one that can be seen, but it is not detached yet."

"What about detached? In the end, will it still be like us? , Was tied here to become the nourishment of others until the final source is exhausted."

On the square, there is a thin silhouette tied to a pillar, looking towards the bottom, looking towards the crowd above the sea. After Powerhouse shook the head, when finally looked towards Chu Bei, a touch of surprise flashed in his lonely eyes.

"The detached? Could it be that they are the detached from the news of the Conferring God Pavilion!"

"But if they were detached, how could they become what they are now! restraint On the pillar, it looks like life is worse than death!"

Hearing the sound from the square, the Powerhouse above the sea trembled, eyes suddenly shrank. Just as they were suspicious, there was a buzzing deep in the gap.

Followingly, at the end of the pitch-black gap, that is full of boundless Darkness, haze churning.

A huge palace, as if there is no edge, it is like a ship that lays across the square, slowly approaching.

Looking at it, there are huge and huge buildings in the palace. I don't know which era it was built in. The imposing manner is majestic and shocking.

From the moment it appeared, the majestic power in the Xuanhuang continent Powerhouse above the sea suddenly stagnated. Everyone trembled directly and uncontrollably, and couldn't help but acknowledge allegiance and bow down.

"Are you the real guardian?" Chu Bei looked at the huge palace and felt the horrible breath contained in it. His brows furrowed and his eyes fell cold.

He also felt the power carried by the palace in the gap. For him now, it was also a mountain that suffocated him.

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