"Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection." This is Chu Bei's judgment.

"It was you who killed the fertile soil!"

At this moment, the palace trembles, there is movement in the central hall, and a sudden sound comes out, ancient and vicissitudes. , And compelling, made all Powerhouses feel awe-inspiring.

This voice is too horrible, as if the same emperor is questioning and looking down, it is enough to make all spirits in the world tremble, and the form and spirit will turn into dust in his thoughts.

next moment, a rickety old man walked out of the palace, with a Heavenly Might momentum, staring at Chu Bei coldly, as if he was looking at an ant.

In this scarce prison, it is really good to be able to cultivation to the Sevenfold Immortal King. As the indifferent voice of the rickety old man fell, another joking voice came from the palace.

After that, two old men appeared behind the rickety old man, they also carried an extremely terrifying imposing manner.

Looking at these three elders, Chu Bei still allows some waves in his heart. Panlong and Shrouding The Heavens are just one guardian of Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection, and here it is. having three!

"They are not detached yet, let them go." At this moment, a detached person on the square let out a weak voice.

"It's not your turn to speak out about this emperor!" The rickety old man in front of the palace issued coldly snorted. As its cold and majestic voice fell, the transcendant who had spoken before suddenly made an explosion, and then heard his screams of pain and pain, and his entire facial expression was distorted.

"Could it be that these detached people will become the tragic appearance they are now, are they thanks to them?"

"What are they coming from! And the one who was just received by Purple Cloud Sect? Are the people killed by Sect Master their people."

The Xuanhuang continent Powerhouse above the sea looked at the detached man on the square with a distorted expression, and recalled the previous black robed man’s killing intent to them. , Looked towards the three elders in front of the palace one by one, panicking.

"A group of ants don't even have the qualifications to be nourishment!" The rickety old man had disdain in his eyes.

Perceive the terrifying breath of the old man, Chu Bei brows tightly frowns, his current cultivation base has not been fully recovered, and he cannot deal with the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection.

The only thing that can solve the crisis right now is through system summon's Direct Disciple.

hong long long ——

Huo Ran, the rickety old man raised his right hand, and a black light beam with the emperor’s breath destroying heaven extinguishing earth condensed in his palm.


"You still can't escape death in the end."

Looking at the black beam above your head, the Xuanhuang continent above the sea Powerhouse's face paled for a while, and his eyes were filled with deep fear.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

However, when a group of Powerhouses were unwilling but helplessly waiting for death, suddenly a strange voice sounded. Then, they saw that the void in front of Chu Bei became distorted.

Afterwards, a blue crossed scroll wheel slowly appeared. On the top of the scroll wheel, the four characters [Wheel of Time] were particularly conspicuous; below it, the three words [Contractor] were prominent.

Look intently, that in the roller is a blue passage crocheted by time.

"Look! Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master, what is that stuff in front of him?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it!"

"Is the Cham blue passage the Gates of Hell?"

"There seems to be someone coming out there!"


Above the sea, a crowd Powerhouse's gaze was attracted by the wheel of time in front of Chu Bei. The color of fear on each face was replaced by confusion.

In the exclamation of these Xuanhuang continent Powerhouse, a silhouette appeared in the blue passage of Cham.

That silhouette stands with hands, shrouded with the breath of the emperor. At first glance, it gives people a very contradictory feeling. They are clearly standing in the passage, but they feel that they are thousands of miles apart.

This is a young man who seems to be in his twenties, his body shrouded all around. During the steps, the clear blue passage came out and stood in front of Chu Bei.

He doesn’t have the slightest True Martial qi fluctuation, but he hangs quietly in the air, as if he merges with Heaven and Earth, looks like an ordinary person, but looks like the Sovereign of Heaven and Earth. While sweeping, an imposing manner that had long been high in the world swayed away, making people involuntarily admired and wanted to kneel down and worship.

If you stare at it, you can see that there is a thread of flame beating between the eyebrows, which is very strange.

"This is the thing of the Master...could it be..."

The man looked forward, stroked the wheel of time, and whispered in his mouth, as if he had sensed something and turned around suddenly After turning his head, when he saw the appearance of the person standing behind him, the power of the world vanished.

"dísciple Xiao Yan, meet Master!" The man immediately moved towards Chu Bei and bowed deeply.

"What? Master! This mysterious man is called Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master Master!"

"Why do I feel that this mysterious man’s cultivation base is still in Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master Come on!"

"What is the blue passage? Where does it lead!"

A group of mysterious continent powerhouses above the sea area, I heard Xiao Yan say After the address was called, each of his expressions instantly stagnated, with an incredible expression on his face.

"It's him again!"

"The last time I was in Sect, I was fortunate to have seen Sect Master invite him out once!"

"Yes, But compared with the last time, his strength seems to be more terrifying!"

Some Powerhouses of Purple Cloud Sect saw Xiao Yan with the same expression change. They had seen Chu Bei not long ago. Call out Xiao Yan.

long long long ——

At this moment, the black beam of the rickety old man in front of the great hall has fallen straight down, and the terrifying breath of the destroying heaven extinguishing earth suddenly dispersed. , Shocking soul, seems to destroy everything in the world into nothingness.

However, when the black beam was about to destroy all the creatures below, Xiao Yan, who was in front of Chu Bei, raised his eyes and faintly glanced at the black beam, his expression did not change at all, and he reached out his palm very calmly. Welcomed up.


There was a deep explosion.

The two forces of terror are intertwined, as if blending into the other Small World, where they explode, and the emperor’s breath permeates until it disappears.

"Immortal Emperor!"

"How is it possible! A person who has not yet detached, actually taught an Immortal Emperor!"

"The blue The passage is long and the river is flowing. He is not a person in this time and space!"


Seeing Xiao Yan's action, the detached people on the square who were restrained by the restraint were full of shock. .

"How is it possible!" The rickety old man glanced at Xiao Yan, his eyes flashed with fear.

However, at the moment when the rickety old man's voice fell, the three of them noticed something, and all looked towards the blue passage, and then their faces became more and more gloomy.

I saw the wheel of time and space turning, ripples swayed, and a new silhouette came out of it.

This is a man in a robe with exquisite facial features and a cold face. He stepped out of the wheel of time and space. For a moment, his body was suddenly dazzling, as if it had no body, as if it were composed of countless light atoms. .

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