Speaking of this, Chu Bei pointed to the source instrument spectrum and the golden disc above: "We will provide you with external conditions for the teacher, and whether you can break through depends on your opportunity. "

"dísciple will not let the Master down!"

Xiao Yan, Ye Fan, Chen Nan and the others responded in unison.

The majestic voice fell, Xiao Yan and the others sat cross-legged, absorb all around the breath of the full source, and entered the cultivation state.

Seeing this, Yuan Emperor, Hengxu Immortal Emperor, Creation Immortal Emperor and other Immortal Emperors looked at each other and immediately started cultivation.

They can't miss these opportunities!

as time goes by.

Since the era of hundreds of millions of years, the Chaos Heavens has staged a grand scene where all the Immortal Emperors gather for the first time.

They gathered in the All Heavens Store in Heaven Above, Dizhou, everyone was wrapped in the rays of light of light purple, accompanied by the power of the Immortal Emperor, the breath was restrained to the extreme.

They are cultivation, absorb the breath of pure origin.

In the first one hundred thousand years, the Barren Immortal Emperor, Star Sea Immortal Emperor, Heiwu Immortal Emperor, etc., successfully entered the realm of Emperor Yi 4-Star.

In the second one hundred thousand years, the Immortal Emperor, Youyuan Immortal Emperor and so on, entered the realm of Emperor Yi 7-Star.

In the first million years, Yuandi breakthrough, a mysterious space enveloped it.

Yuantian Space, the symbol of the Second Realm!

Because it has been in this realm for the longest time and has the breath of pure origin, it has naturally become the first breakthrough Immortal Emperor among all the nine-star Immortal Emperor!

Of course, in addition to those from the ancient seed clan from the portal of the source world, the chaotic universe is the second powerhouse of the second imperial realm after Chu Bei.

Even through the breakthrough, Emperor Yuan still didn't open his eyes, and continued his endless cultivation, just like a magic.

In the second million years, Xiao Yan, Chen Nan, Ye Fan, Tang San, etc. Direct Disciple, bottleneck loosened one after another.

In the third million years, Chu Bei's 16 Direct Disciples will all enter the second realm of the Emperor!

At the end of the fourth million years, the Northwest direction of the chaotic universe, a side big domain bloomed with dazzling divine glow, and several silhouettes appeared in the distant high sky.

These silhouettes are just a gleam of gaze, they seem to penetrate the billions of stars and see clearly what is happening in the All Heavens Store in Dizhou.

next moment, these silhouettes appeared outside of the All Heavens Store in Dizhou.

They wore the same white robe, with a golden feather printed on the chest of the robe, and there was a flow of terrifying Immortal Emperor energy breath.

"They are one of the nine ancient seed races that fell from the source world!"

"Look at their clothes, they belong to the ancient feather race!"

Because all the imperial capitals of the Chaos Tiantian domain gathered in the All Heavens Store Dizhou, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouses of other big domains naturally gathered outside the All Heavens Store Dizhou with curiosity all year round.

At this time, they saw the appearance of the Powerhouse of the Feather Clan, and their faces were shocked.

Since the nine portals left the source realm and descended into the chaotic universe, the ancient seed clan within the portal never left the portal, let alone appeared in the chaotic universe.

"The pure breath of the source!"

"He can create the breath of the source!"

"It is still such a huge and abundant breath of the source! "

"This...how is this possible!"

"What is that!"


All Heavens Store Outside of Emperor Zhou, Immortal Emperor Powerhouse of the Feather Clan stared at the Golden Disc and the Genealogy Book with an unbelievable expression.

"If we can get those two treasures, does it mean that we can return to the source world?" An Immortal Emperor Powerhouse's face bloomed with brilliance, and his eyes were hot.

"Would you not want to take a shot? You are crazy!"

Another Immortal Emperor of the feather clan quickly said: "The strength of oneself, the master of All Heavens Store Kill Heaven Gathering Clan. Did you forget that scene? His strength is probably at least in the Di Er 4-Star Middle Phase!"

"Go back and report this to Clan Leader."

A group of Feather Powerhouses disappear at the same time.

Another million years have passed.

With a buzzing sound, the golden disc and the source instrument spectrum vibrate at the same time, and the breath of the source is no longer released to the outside.

After that, the pale purple light that enveloped All Heavens Store Dizhou disappeared.

After that, all Immortal Emperor Powerhouses including Xiao Yan, Chen Nan, Tang San, Ye Fan and the others opened their eyes slowly.

"It would be great if I could continue cultivation endlessly!" The Empress Moon stood up and twisted her waist, and sighed with emotion.

"Continuously breaking 4-Star, I am already very satisfied." Hei Wu Immortal Emperor was delighted, and he glanced at Chu Bei, with gratitude in his eyes.

"Look at it!"

"Immortal Emperors are out!"

"Their breath is getting more and more invisible!"



All Heavens Store Outside of Dizhou, countless Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouses have spoken out one after another.

"Master of All Heavens Store, many thanks are done!"

The Emperor Yuan appeared in front of Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand.

Seeing this, the other Immortal Emperor Powerhouses are also cup one fist in the other hand, thank you one after another.

At this moment, even those Immortal Emperor Powerhouses who had conflicts with Chu Bei expressed their sincere gratitude.

Chu Bei glanced lightly across the Immortal Emperor all around, and gestured slightly nod.


At this moment, nine huge energy fluctuations emerged from the chaotic universe at the same time.

These energy fluctuations are located in the nine corners of the great domains of the heavens, each occupying a side big domain.

Perceiving these nine energy breaths, the complexions of Immortal Emperors such as Yuandi, Hengxu Immortal Emperor and others changed drastically at the same time, gradually becoming hard to look at.

"It is the far ancient seed clan of the nine portals of the Source World!"

"What are they going to do!"

The eyes of the Immortal Emperor were divided The nine directions correspond to the directions of the nine huge energy fluctuations.

"They are here!"

The Emperor Yuan's eyes condensed, his face solemn.

Yuandi tone barely fell, nine huge energy fluctuations appeared all around in the All Heavens Store Dizhou, occupying one side of the void.

Ripples waved, and several silhouettes emerged from the nine energies at the same time, each representing a force.

"Master of All Heavens Store, do you know their origins? They are all descended from the Origin Realm!" Yuandi looked towards Chu Bei and said.


Chu Bei nodded answered, his face has not changed because of the appearance of these nine forces.

Different from Chu Bei, the other Immortal Emperors frowned when they faced these nine forces, with a vigilant look in their eyes.

Among the silhouettes of these nine forces, all of them are Immortal Emperor Powerhouse, especially the leader. The surge of the emperor’s breath actually gave them an oppression.

This is a suppression of absolute strength!

"You have left the Source Realm since you have never appeared, why are you this time?" The Emperor Yuan glanced across the nine forces and spoke lightly.

"It has nothing to do with you."

The voice of the leader of one of the forces was calm, and he didn't even look at Yuandi when he spoke. His eyes were fixed on Chu from start to finish. Bei's body.

The voice fell, the leader of this force pointed to the source instrument spectrum and the Golden disc in the sky far away, and said to Chu Bei: "Can you tell them what they are?"

Almost at the same time, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse of the other eight forces showed hope, waiting for Chu Bei's answer.

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