Chu Bei has no expression on his face, and when the divine sense moves, the source instrument spectrum and the golden disc turn into a ray of rainbow light at the same time, and disappear in between the eyebrows.

"Who are you? Why do you want to answer your question." Chu Bei said indifferently.

"I am the Clan Leader of the Feather Clan, and I have also seen the methods of the Lord of All Heavens Store."

The Clan Leader of the Feather Clan looked at Chu Bei and was very polite: "Our clan used to I have stayed in the source within the realm, but because the source qi is getting thinner and thinner, it leads to the separation from the source world. The two mysterious things that I saw the lord of All Heavens Store before can actually provide the source qi continuously. Curious."

Speaking of which, Clan Leader cup one fist in the other hand of the feather clan: "I wonder if the owner of All Heavens Store can provide my family with the source of energy, so that my family can return to the source world. This kindness, my feather clan will definitely repay me."

"You are also for this purpose?"

Chu Bei did not immediately respond to the feather clan leader’s question, but looked towards. Other eight forces.

"I hope the lord of All Heavens Store can help."

The leaders of other eight forces also nodded.

"If this is the case, then go back, this seat does not have this obligation." Chu Bei shook the head, waving his hand.

The reason why he helped Nether Clan in the first place was because he wanted Nine Nether Clan. But at the moment, he does not have any intersection with these nine forces.

The most critical point is that he currently knows too little about the source world and its portals, let alone which of these forces will become enemies in the future.

"Master of All Heavens Store, I hope you can think about it."

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the faces of the leaders of the nine forces became heavy at the same time.

"If it's not a guest, no one will stay in this seat." Chu Bei waved again.

"What you do will cause our mutual anger!" Clan Leader of the feather clan said.

"Are you threatening this seat?"

Chu Bei looked towards Clan Leader of the feather clan, a coldness shot from his eyes: "Your words, if they represent your race, I don’t mind making you the second Heaven Gathering Clan!"

Listening to the indifferent voice, and then to Chu Bei’s cold eyes, the feather Clan Leader’s face instantly changes look so hard that he didn’t speak. , Just coldly snorted.

His strength is roughly the same as that of Heaven Gathering Clan Clan Leader. He is also on the top of the 3-Star Emperor's Second Realm, and his breakthrough is far away.

He had witnessed the battle between Tianhai and Chu Bei, and naturally he would not think that the other party's words were intimidating him.

"Master of All Heavens Store, you can step into the 4-Star realm. It is indeed very strong! But, don't think that no one will go further than you on this path of cultivation!" At this time , The leader of another force said,

"Even if there is, it must not be you." Chu Bei looked towards the person who spoke, sneered, with disdain in his words.

Among these nine forces, the strongest force is comparable to the original Heaven Gathering Clan, and the leader is the Emperor Two Realm 3-Star Peak.

With his current strength, he is not afraid of these nine forces even without the help of the source instrument spectrum and the Golden Disc.

"Master of All Heavens Store, although you are stronger than us, but you don’t seem to understand some things."

The Clan Leader of the Feather Clan said again: "Maybe Do you really think that Heaven Gathering Clan’s Powerhouse is all dead? If the ancestors of this clan can come back, I’m afraid you will fall into the land of eternal damnation!"

"If you can help us now Returning to the source world, there will be a day when we can help you with the strength of the clan."

Hearing the words of the Clan Leader of the feather clan, Chu Bei was taken aback.

As he guessed, this source world, which is independent of the chaotic universe, hides a secret that few people know.

"You don't need to worry about the business of this seat."

Chu Bei decided not to change, and remained unmoved, waving his hand to drive away the nine forces.

If there is a day in danger, he doesn't think these forces can really help.

In the first battle with Heaven Gathering Clan, Nine Nether Clan Powerhouse only gave a few words of persuasion, and in the end it was just a spectator.

"Master of All Heavens Store, don't you really think about it anymore?"

Not only the Clan Leader of the feather clan, but the leaders of other occult forces have taken a step forward at the same time , Staring at Chu Bei coldly.

"If you don't leave again, this seat won't mind sending you away forcibly."

With a wave of Chu Bei's sleeve robe, a large rippled space spreads instantly, a white tenderness The doll wandered in the ripples, and the terrifying emperor's breath filled with it.

Perceiving the fluctuation of Chu Bei's breath, the nine forces headed by one look at each other, and in the end they are all coldly snorted, with unwillingness in their eyes.

After a while, the nine forces disappeared one after another.

"Master of All Heavens Store, I'm afraid these guys won't stop here."

Yuan Emperor and Hengxu Immortal Emperor glanced at the nine huge energy fluctuations and disappeared. The direction, looked towards Chu Bei faintly said.

"So what."

Chu Bei's voice was flat and his eyes fell on Yuandi: "How much do you know about the catastrophe?"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, not only the Emperor Yuan, but also the imperial Imperial Capital above the 7-Star of the other emperors in the field.

As for the Immortal Emperors under the 7-Star, they are curious and expectant.

They have only heard of the catastrophe of countless epochs before, and they don't know the root cause.

"The lord of All Heavens Store, with your strength, you should know more than us." Yuandi tentatively opened the mouth and said.

Chu Bei shook the head: "The memory of this seat seems to be a bit incomplete, and there is no memory of that catastrophe in Sea of ​​Consciousness."

The memory loss, this is also the Golden circle. What he said to him.

"Is it possible that was erased?"

Yuandi, Hengxu Immortal Emperor and the others looked at each other, a little astonishment appeared on their faces.

Chu Bei did not respond, just shook the head.

"Will you also participate in that catastrophe!" Yuandi had a bold guess.

"Tell me what you know." Chu Bei said lightly.

Looking at Chu Bei's gaze, and then looking at the gazes of other Immortal Emperors projected all around, the source emperor hesitated a bit, and finally sighed in awe.

"It was a terrifying battle of Immortal Emperors, and countless Immortal Emperor Powerhouses died. Those Immortal Emperors were so strong that I couldn't afford any resistance to them."

The Emperor Yuan looked back: "The battle of the emperor seemed to have started suddenly, for unknown reasons. At that time, I was only a 3-Star Immortal Emperor, and I didn't even have the qualifications to enter the battlefield."

"That catastrophe lasted for several epochs. Although they each opened up new space and time battlefields, they still destroyed countless large domains, and formed the so-called lost domains."

"Countless Immortals The Emperor fell, but the corpse disappeared. Until the end of the battle, those Immortal Emperor Powerhouses also disappeared. The strongest Immortal Emperor left in the great realm of the heavens is nothing more than the 3-Star Immortal Emperor."

"I , Hengxu, Return to Origin and the others, have become the strongest Immortal Emperor in the universe of the heavens. Later, the universe of the chaos of the heavens passed a period of stability, and we also continued to cultivation in this peaceful period, Chase the end of the path of monasticism."

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