"Until one day, the calm was broken, but whenever the fairy Imperial Capital was summoned by a mysterious force. We gathered in one space, waiting for the mysterious force to appear, But it was too late to wait for anyone to come. Just when we were not knowing what to do, a voice appeared in our Sea of ​​Consciousness."

"That voice made us unable to find that segment. The truth of the catastrophe. At that time, the Immortal Emperor questioned the mysterious force, but what was ushered in was a devastating punishment. In just an instant, the Divine Soul of the Immortal Emperor dissipated silently."

"We have seen the means of that force, no one of us dared to ask any more, we could only do everything. Later, we set up the Immortal Emperor ranking battle according to their wishes."

Speaking of this, Origin Emperor looked towards Hengxu Immortal Emperor, Return to Origin Immortal Emperor and the others, and said: "As for the cause of that catastrophe, we don't know."

"Immortal Emperor The battle?"

"mysterious force?"

Chu Bei frowned: "Did that voice ever appear later?"


Yuandi nodded: "Every time in the epoch, that is, before the start of the Immortal Emperor ranking battle, this mysterious force will gather us together, and that voice will also appear."

"Does this mysterious force in your mouth come from the source world?" Chu Bei asked.

"I don't know." Yuandi shook the head.

"The lord of All Heavens Store, with your strength, when the mysterious force appears again, it will definitely summon you."

At this time, the Immortal Emperor on the side Added.

"It's better to be so." Chu Bei nodded said.

"Is there only these?" Chu Bei asked again.

From the words of Emperor Yuan, he did not get any substantive information.

Yuan Emperor and Heng Xu Immortal Emperor are silent, shook the head.

"Sect Master, with your help, my cultivation base broke through to the second realm of the emperor. At the same time, the seal of inherited memories was also opened. Regarding the catastrophe, it even traced back to the emergence of the chaotic universe. I knew something before."

At this moment, Ancient Dragon Phoenix walked up to Chu Bei with a respectful expression.

Ancient Dragon Phoenix tone barely fell, Yuandi, Hengxu Immortal Emperor, Ye Fan, Shi Hao, etc. The eyes of all the Immortal Emperors instantly focused on the Ancient Dragon Phoenix body, with gazes through look forward to.

Like Heaven Gathering Clan, Nine Nether Clan, and Feather Clan, the Ancient Dragon Phoenix clan is also Ancient Clan, even longer than the former.

"Talk about it." Chu Bei's gaze also shifted to Ancient Dragon Phoenix.

"Before the creation of the Great Domain of the Chaos Heavens, the source of the so-called world originated from the eighteen sources. These eighteen sources are mysterious to the extreme and have the inherent strength of Supreme. Even the weakest source of them. , Both have the strength of the second realm."

"They jointly created the chaotic universe, left the method of cultivation, and created countless powerhouses. But as these powerhouses become more and more powerful Horrible, when they arrived, they actually paid the attention of the source device."

"The source device does not appear in the world, even the strongest Immortal Emperor at the time could not find them, let alone control it. "

"Due to the initial opening of the Chaos Realm and abundant cultivation resources, those Peak Immortal Emperors have developed the innate talent to the extreme and opened up three levels of realm in the Immortal Emperor Realm, namely the first realm. , The second realm of the emperor, and the third realm of the emperor!"

"At that time, the batch of Immortal Emperors who were paying attention to the originator were all the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses of the third realm!"

Ancient Dragon According to the memory of inheritance, Phoenix said slowly: "In the search for countless years, the most powerful immortal emperors of the three realms have not found the source artifact, but they have found another mysterious thing, which is called it. Source device spectrum!"

"This source device spectrum is really like a map, clearly marking the location of the eighteen source devices! Moreover, in addition to the first two sources, the remaining The sixteen source devices have given their strength ratings and rankings."

"After finding the source device spectrum, those Immortal Emperors of the three realms really started planning to hunt the source devices!"

At the top of All Heavens Store, all Immortal Emperor Powerhouses, including Chu Bei, listened carefully to Ancient Dragon Phoenix's narration of inherited memories.

"Since the Immortal Emperors of the three realms got the source instrument spectrum, they have planned to hunt for source instruments in the order of strength of the source instruments."

"The source device is indeed as pointed out in the source device spectrum. After a fierce battle, those Immortal Emperors got the source device ranked 18th."

"Although the source device hunted successfully, However, the issue of ownership caused contradictions, which led to internal battles between the Immortal Emperors."

"The battle lasted for several epochs and ended in fruitless. In order not to affect the reception. In the hunting operation, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse of the Three Realms of Emperors made an agreement to wait for all the source devices to be hunted before deciding the ownership of these source devices."

"About the source devices The hunting operation lasted for countless epochs. At first, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses of the three imperial realms were able to hunt successfully in one go, but starting from the tenth source weapon, their mission became much more difficult and failure became commonplace. All this The reason is that starting from the tenth source artifact, the strength of the latter has reached the third stage of the emperor."

"Although the task has become difficult, because the batch of Immortal Emperors are also the third stage of the emperor. After many actions, the hunting was still successful."

"Until the batch of Immortal Emperors hit the target on the Ranked 7th source, the hunting operation not only failed, but also suffered losses. An Immortal Emperor Powerhouse!"

"That time, it was the first time a companion fell in their hunting operation! It was from that time that they became more cautious."


"However, the power of this seventh-ranked source weapon has exceeded their hunting range. After losing another companion, they chose to give up, not to mention the other six more powerful ones. I don’t even have the courage to search for the source device."

"The hunting operation was suspended, and the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse of the Three Realms of Emperors began to work on the ownership of the previous source devices. However, due to the small number of source devices, Immortal The number of Emperor Powerhouses, this once again led to the battle for Immortal Emperor."

"The battle continued for several epochs, and the battle between them stopped until the catastrophe arrived. "

Hearing this, especially the Ancient Dragon Phoenix mentioning the word'catastrophe', all the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses in the court looked at Condensed, the breath is restrained to the extreme, and the god string faintly becomes taut.

"It was a terrifying to indescribable duel, it was a battle between two mysterious things!"

"To be precise, it was juxtaposed on the source instrument spectrum. Ranking, only the battle between the first two source weapons without marked strength!"

"In that matchup, the two Peak source weapons were independent of the chaotic universe, but they were just the aftermath of the battle. Power, it almost collapsed the entire chaotic universe."

"It is strange to say that the more powerful the stronger, the more painful it will be under the aftermath of the power. Especially the three realms of the emperor. Immortal Emperor, one by one, was in pain. Anything they used to display Supreme Divine Ability, they just couldn't resist that power."

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