"The confrontation between the two source artifacts has lasted for hundreds of millions of years, and the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse of the Three Realms has also endured hundreds of millions of years of pain!"

"Until one day, the two major source devices finally stopped fighting. No one knew the result of the duel between them. Since then, no one has seen them. Even the source device spectrum, there is no whereabouts of them, just It seems to have disappeared suddenly. Gradually, the chaotic universe has recovered for a period of calm."

"However, when the next epoch just arrived, the source instrument spectrum had a movement! Ranked No. The three source weapons suddenly descended on the Chaos Sky Realm, and it began to slaughter all the Immortal Emperors in the heavens!"

"Although the strength of the third source device is not as good as the first two power tools, it is still terrifying. It is impossible to imagine that even if all the Immortal Emperors including the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse in the three realms unite, they cannot be suppressed."

"That day, the catastrophe will come!"

"Under the devastating blow of the third source device, Immortal Emperors died one after another."

"What is more terrifying is the a method of the third source device, and those Immortal Emperors who died in battle unexpectedly It can be used for its use, and in turn began to attack the living Immortal Emperor. Although those emperor corpses have no soul, their strength remains the same."

"In the future, the third source weapon turned out to be No longer do it personally, but watch the living Immortal Emperor Powerhouse fighting against the dead emperor corpses like watching a play."

"As the battle continues, more and more originals The living Immortal Emperor fell into the emperor’s corpse and became the puppet of the Three Sources of the Emperor."

"In the end, the surviving Immortal Emperor Powerhouse realized the crisis and began to think about the solution. Fortunately, Yes, the third source device disappeared later; unfortunately, those emperor corpses are still there. They are as if they were ordered by the third source device of the Emperor, not to stop killing all the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse."

"A few more years have passed. The surviving Immortal Emperor Powerhouses jointly opened up a space-time battlefield independent of the chaotic universe. No one in future generations knows where the space-time battlefield is located. At that time, they used themselves as a guide, The corpses of the emperors were taken away, in exchange for the peace of the chaotic universe."

Speaking of this, Ancient Dragon Phoenix paused: "During that catastrophe, 90% of the chaotic universe, Immortal Emperor, disappeared, and some have fallen and become emperor corpses, and some are in time and space that do not know where. Resist the emperor's corpse in the battlefield. The disappearance of those Immortal Emperor Powerhouses, although it brought peace to the great realms of the heavens, it also exhausted all the source energy. "

"Sect Master, this is everything I know. After that, Ancient Dragon Phoenix moved towards Chu Bei bowed.

Chu Bei frowned: "Is it reliable? "

"My ancestor was one of the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses of the Three Realms of the Primal Artifact Hunting Operation."

" "Ancient Dragon Phoenix replied.

Chu Bei slightly nod signaled, immediately communicating with Golden Disk.

Yuan Emperor, Heng Xu Immortal Emperor, Return to Origin Immortal Emperor and Chang Zhong The other Immortal Emperor Powerhouses, after listening to what Ancient Dragon Phoenix said, their expressions were dumbfounded, looked at each other in blank dismay, with amazement in their eyes.

This is a passage they never The secret of knowing!

"Where is the battlefield in time and space! "

"Is the battle still going on?" "

"The Immortal Emperors from the Three Realms, how many people are still alive!" "

"Where are the eighteen source devices!" ”


A group of Immortal Emperors muttered to themselves.

The inherited memories of Ancient Dragon Phoenix, the amount of information is too large, they need Time to accept it.

At this moment, Chu Bei is in a conversation with Akuma no Mi, who is unable to confirm the accuracy of Ancient Dragon Phoenix inherited memories due to the incomplete memory.

But judging from the only memories, at least the existence of the eighteen source instruments and the source instrument spectrum overlap.

This inherited memories of Ancient Dragon Phoenix is ​​very reliable.

"As you mentioned earlier, the hunting of the source artifacts, which batch of Immortal Emperor hunted to which source artifacts began to damage their companions? "Chu Bei suddenly remembered something, staring closely at Ancient Dragon Phoenix.

"The source device ranked seventh in the source device spectrum. "

After Answering Chu Bei’s question, Ancient Dragon Phoenix allowed some confusion on his face, as if wondering why the other party cared about it.

Get confirmation again, Chu Bei Brows frowned, his face is a bit solemn.

At the beginning, Golden Disc told him that Mu Xue'er can still be resurrected, and the source that can resurrect the latter is the seventh source.


When learning this information, Chu Bei also thought that once the source instrument spectrum was fully recovered to show the position of the seventh source instrument, he immediately went to the door to resurrect Mu Xue'er.

If the opponent is unwilling, he will force the opponent to resurrect Mu Xue'er.

However, after hearing what Ancient Dragon Phoenix said, Chu Bei realized that the method of forced persecution simply does not work.

After all, many Immortal Emperor Powerhouses can not surrender this seventh source device together, let alone his current cultivation base of the Second Realm 4-Star.

"Sect Master , What are you thinking? "Detecting Chu Bei's expression, Ancient Dragon Phoenix couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay. "

Chu Bei shook the head, and then his gaze swept across the Immortal Emperor Yuandi, Hengxu and other Immortal Emperors: "This seat can only help you get here, let's all go away." "

"many thanks! "

A group of Immortal Emperors once again moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, and they disappeared.

In an instant, the All Heavens Store emperors who were originally all over the silhouettes disappeared. Over the state, there are only a group of Powerhouses in the All Heavens Store.

Since this day, the chaotic universe has returned to its usual calm.

The nine strands are separated from the source. The power of the world never appeared again.

All the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses including Yuandi and Hengxu Immortal Emperor continue to separate cultivation.

And Chu Bei, again and again Trying to break through the barriers of the 5-Star realm, and want to make another breakthrough. Although every time ends in failure, but to my surprise, the lines on the source spectrum become clearer.

This calmness It has lasted for a full three million years.

Until the start of a new round of Immortal Emperor ranking battles in the Chaotian universe!

This time the Immortal Emperor ranking battlefield, all Immortal Emperors Powerhouse unanimously set the battlefield in All Heavens Store Dizhou.

To be precise, it was a world battlefield constructed by Chu Bei over All Heavens Store Dizhou.

From From the outside, the world battlefield above the All Heavens Store is surging with the majestic ripples of the emperor’s energy, filled with the infinite source of breath, the four Zhou Xingchens are circulating, and the collapsed Star River surrounds.

This battlefield has the Source Law constructed by Chu Bei, which can withstand the aftermath of the battle of the Immortal Emperor under the Emperor's Second Realm 3-Star!

Because the battlefield stands above the All Heavens Store above the Emperor State, in recent days Come, the excitement of All Heavens Store in Dizhou has risen several steps.

Today’s All Heavens Store in Dizhou, except for the original residents, all those who come from outside are all revealed. Strong breath fluctuation, the weakest also has the strength of Quasi-Immortal Emperor Third Stage.

As for the Powerhouses under the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Third Stage, they are all very interesting. Stay in Dizhou near the All Heavens Store to watch the entire Immortal Emperor battle.

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