hong long!

There was a loud noise, and a four-sided battle platform made of imperial gold appeared in the world battlefield.


Buzzing sounded. The bell sounded long.

In an instant, Heaven Above was flooded, and then swept across the entire chaotic universe.

Also in this brief moment, there are ripples on the top of the square than the bucket, which reveals the breath of the Immortal Emperor.

Ripple in the central area, thousands of exquisite and luxurious chairs emerged, and finally hovered all around in the square.

"After several years of retreat, I can finally revitalize my muscles and bones!"

"Yes, I have been waiting for too long this day!"

At this time , Two powerful voices rang in everyone's ears.

next moment, two figures took the lead to sit on the two chairs all around the Sifang Bidoutai.

"Yuandi and Hengxu Immortal Emperor!"

"The first and second place on the previous Immortal Emperor list!"

"They That battle is still fresh in my memory."

"Look! There is another Sir Immortal Emperor here!"

The eyes of the crowd fell on the source. When the Emperor and Hengxu Immortal Emperor exclaimed, another silhouette appeared on a chair.

At the moment that silhouette appeared, the golden light was diffused, and the emperor's voice was curled up.

"Return to Origin Immortal Emperor in third place!"

Amidst the discussion, one by one Immortal Emperor Powerhouse sat down.

Whether it is the Immortal Emperor, which is ranked on the Immortal Emperor list, or the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse, which is not ranked, all have arrived, without exception.

"I'm missing the Immortal Emperor of All Heavens Store now."

Looking at the remaining fifty-six empty chairs, Yuandi faded out.

In terms of the number of Immortal Emperor Powerhouses, All Heavens Store has already ranked first. Up to now, including Chu Bei, there are 56 Immortal Emperor Powerhouses in the door!

Among them, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse, which has entered the second stage of the emperor, has reached 18; among the remaining 38 Immortal Emperors, there are seven Immortal Emperors, headed by Hong Meng, and nine-star Peak. Only one step away from entering the Second Realm of Emperor.


At this time, Hengxu Immortal Emperor seemed to have noticed something and looked towards up ahead slightly.

I saw several silhouettes emerge in the ripples, and Chu Bei was the leader.

Chu Bei behind, a total of 17 people, in addition to the 16 Direct Disciples such as Ye Fan, Xiao Yan, Tang San, Shi Hao, and Ancient Dragon Phoenix, all have entered the second realm The Immortal Emperor.

After that, Hong Meng and other 38 people.

"Master of All Heavens Store!"

Seeing the arrival of Chu Bei, a group of Immortal Emperors got up from their chairs at the same time, and cup one fist in the other hand said hello.

"Did that voice appear?"

Chu Bei moved towards a group of Immortal Emperors slightly nod, and then his eyes fell on Yuan Emperor's body.


Yuandi naturally knew what the'voice' in Chu Bei's mouth meant, shook the head.

Hearing this, Chu Bei frowned: "So, let's start the Immortal Emperor battle first."

The three of Yuandi, Hengxu, and Return to Origin looked at each other. , Successively nodded.

After the Emperor Yuan had read out the rules of the game as usual, the Immortal Emperor of the Chaos Heavens domain officially kicked off.

This Immortal Emperor ranking battle lasted for a hundred thousand years.

It is no surprise that Chu Bei is at the top of the list.

It’s the second to the seventeenth place, all of them are Chu Bei’s Direct Disciple.

Since Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and the others did not specifically separate outcome, the final ranking is based on the order in which they entered Chu Bei.

Xiao Yan second, Chen Nan third, Tang San fourth...Bu Xuan fifteenth, Bing Tongtong sixteenth, dragon scales seventeenth.

As for the source emperor who was number one in the previous Ranking List, he ranked 18th.

Ancient Dragon Phoenix nineteen, Hengxu Immortal Emperor twenty, Return to Origin Immortal Emperor twenty-one, Hong Meng twenty-two.

Immortal Emperor's battle ended. Looking at the top 100 Ranking List on the top of the world battlefield, the Powerhouse of the Chaos Heavens Domain once again realized the power of All Heavens Store!

In the top 20 of the list, All Heavens Store occupies 18 seats!

Top 50, All Heavens Store occupies 40 seats!

Among the 100 places on the list, All Heavens Store occupies 56 seats, which is exactly the number of All Heavens Store Immortal Emperors!

In other words, in this new round of Immortal Emperor battle, all Immortal Emperor Powerhouses in All Heavens Store are on the list!

After the Immortal Emperor's ranking battle ended, the chaotic universe once again returned to calm.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store, that voice has appeared!"

However, just ten thousand years after the battle of the Immortal Emperor, the source emperor, the Hengxu Immortal Emperor, Return to Origin Immortal Emperor and the others send a wisp of Divine Sense to Chu Bei at the same time.

Without waiting for Chu Bei's response, he noticed a surging source power fluctuation.

Immediately afterwards, a huge space was formed above the Heavenly Origin Emperor Pavilion.

Yuantian Space!

Feeling the energy fluctuations in that space, Chu Bei was about to say it.

The mysterious space that can only be controlled when the cultivation base enters the second realm of the emperor.

When Chu Bei divine sense moved, it appeared in this space in an instant.

When Chu Bei arrived, there were already several silhouettes in this source sky space, including the source emperor, the Hengxu Immortal Emperor, and the Return to Origin Immortal Emperor.

"Master, you are here too!"

At this time, Xiao Yan, Shi Hao, Tang San, Ancient Dragon Phoenix and the others also came in, immediately moved towards Chu Bei Bowed.

"The owner of the voice still didn't appear."

"But now I can finally see through the space."

"It is certain , He has entered the second realm of the emperor."


Emperor Yuan, Hengxu, and Return to Origin looked at each other and said one after another.

Now that they have also entered the second realm of the emperor, they naturally understand the mysterious space that they once puzzled.

When they are still in the emperor realm, in the source space of the other side, there is a feeling of being completely suppressed and a sense of powerlessness.

Now, outside of their bodies, they also have their own source space, which counteracts the suppressing effect brought by this source space.

"You actually have a breakthrough!"

"Twenty-one emperors and two realms!"

"This...how is this possible!"


At this moment, three successive voices filled with astonishment sounded in this Yuanyuantian space.

"Let's show up."

Chu Bei seems to have sensed something, looking at a direction extremely calmly.

"How did you achieve breakthrough in this era without Origin Qi!"

A middle-aged man wearing a golden robe appeared, his eyes fell on the Gen Emperor There was confusion between his eyebrows on his body.

"In these countless epochs, you are the one who speaks?" Emperor Yuan, Heng Xu and the others looked at the golden robed man and asked aloud.

golden robed man nodded: "Although I was born in countless epochs before you, you are now entering the second realm of the emperor. The path of cultivating is only the cultivation base. You can already talk to me face to face."

"Who are you after all!" Yuandi said.

"Although you did not participate in the war of catastrophe, you have also witnessed it."

Golden robed man glanced over Yuandi and Hengxu, "As of now, there is no battle yet. It's over, it's still going on."

"How is the battle now!" Yuandi immediately asked.

golden robed man shook the head, said: "Not optimistic."

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