golden robed man said again: "The number of Immortal Emperor Powerhouses on our side is getting less and less, and the number of emperor corpses is getting more and more. Emperor corpse, this chaotic universe and all the plane world, I am afraid that it will be destroyed."

When he heard the words of golden robed man, Emperor Yuan, Hengxu and the others frowned.

Chu Bei, Xiao Yan and the others also allow some dignity on their faces.

"Where is the battlefield?" At this moment, Chu Bei asked.

golden robed man glanced at Chu Bei, was a little stunned, then looked towards Yuandi, with questions in his eyes.

In his memory, there has never been any impression of Chu Bei.

"This is the master of All Heavens Store and the top spot of this Immortal Emperor." Yuandi said.

Hearing this, the golden robed man looked at Chu Bei again and said: "I haven't seen you last time when I came, but you are the first on the Immortal Emperor list! How did you cultivate? "

"The lord of All Heavens Store is a bit special, his memory is a bit crippled, but his strength is beyond doubt. According to our guess, he should be the Powerhouse that participated in the catastrophe!" Heng Immortal Emperor opened the mouth and said.

"Absolutely impossible!"

The golden robed man shook his head, "As long as the Immortal Emperor who participated in the catastrophe, whether it is still alive, or has become an emperor corpse , I have an impression. And he is not among them!" The Immortal Emperor Powerhouse, such as Yuandi, Hengxu, Return to Origin, etc. were shocked. As a result, the origin of Chu Bei became a mystery once again.

"I will know as soon as I probe!"

The golden robed man's eyes condensed, and a mighty emperor's pressure moved towards Chu Bei.

"Why, do you want to do it?"

Chu Bei's face was expressionless, as the indifferent voice fell, a source of space was gathered outside the body.

One of the white and tender dolls emerged, with a ripple in the beating, which instantly dismantled the pressure of the golden robed man.


Seeing Bainen doll, the golden robed man's face suddenly changed, his face looked incredible.

After that, immediately converge to breath.

Yuan Ling, the symbol above the Second Emperor Realm 4-Star, with the strength of his Second Emperor Realm 3-Star, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent's opponent.

"Tell me, where is the battlefield? Why did you leave the battlefield and come to this chaotic universe." Chu Bei's voice is calm, without any mood swings.

"Dihai." Golden robed man said two syllables.

"I left the battlefield not to desert, but to find rescue!"

The golden robed man continued: "The source within the realm, there are 36 transcendent forces, I Every time they come, these 36 forces must send a Powerhouse of the Second Emperor Realm to accompany me to the battlefield of Emperor Sea!"

Speaking of this, the golden robed man glanced over Yuandi, Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and the others, with joyful expressions on their faces: "It's just didn't expect, the chaos of the heavens actually gave birth to twenty-one emperors and the second realm!"

"Emperor Sea needs You guys!"

The golden robed man's gaze returned to Chu Bei's body: "I hope you can go with me!"

"Okay." Chu Bei nodded, one Word response.

When Chu Bei responded, Xiao Yan, Ye Fan, Shi Hao, Ancient Dragon Phoenix and other All Heavens Store Immortal Emperors of the Second Realm, also nodded and agreed to go.

"Since I am qualified, I have to go for a walk!" Yuandi, Hengxu, and Return to Origin also gave answers.

"Very good!"

Golden robed man rejoiced: "Since this is the case, now go to the source world, and bring the people sent by the 36 forces!"

"Some changes have taken place in the source world, Heaven Gathering Clan has been destroyed. Apart from this, there are nine other forces that have had to take root in the chaotic universe due to the exhaustion of their source energy." The source emperor opened his mouth. .

"Heaven Gathering Clan was destroyed? What's the matter!" The golden robed man's expression changed suddenly.

In the thirty-six portals of the source world, the source qi was exhausted, he had already known it, and it was also expected that he would have the power to leave the source world. But the demise of Heaven Gathering Clan really shocked him.

"What this seat does." Chu Bei's voice is calm.

Hearing the sound, the golden robed man immediately looked towards Chu Bei again, seeming to want to ask something, but he suffocated it again.

"Then I will first visit the nine forces that have left the source world."

The golden robed man silhouette disappears, and when it reappears, there are nine more behind it. silhouette.

Undoubtedly, these nine people are also Immortal Emperors who have entered the Second Realm!

"Go to the source world."

Golden robed man glanced over Chu Bei, Yuandi and the others, and said with a wave of his right hand.

Suddenly, the void in front of it cracked a huge gap.

In the gap, there is chaos first, and then a clear and bright world.

Compared with the previous thirty-six portals, there are only twenty-six portals left in the source world today.

The imperial Dao rune above these portals are intertwined, manifesting different words, each representing a force, and they are not related to each other.

Golden robed man stepped out in one step and instantly appeared in the source world.

Twenty-one people including Chu Bei and Yuandi follow closely from behind; as for the people sent by the other nine forces, they formed a group and entered together.


Just when the golden robed man appeared in the source world, a divine sense of greetings was sent out in the twenty-six portals.

Followingly, a silhouette slowly walked out of each portal, each with a strong breath, and all of them entered the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse into the second realm.

"This time, how can there be so many reinforcements!"

These Immortal Emperors who walked out of the portal swept across the Genius, Hengxu and the others At that time, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and then he looked towards golden robed man with confusion.

"They are from the great realm of the heavens." The golden robed man spoke lightly.

"They have no source of energy, how did they break through to the second realm of the Emperor!" Immortal Emperor Powerhouse asked.

The golden robed man shook his head and didn't say much.

"Lord of All Heavens Store, we meet again."

At this time, that silhouette, who walked out of the Nine Nether Sect house, came to Chu Bei in front of him, very polite Said hello.

Chu Bei nodded indicated that this person is the Nine Nether Clan Second Elder who had been with Youbai behind.

Other Immortal Emperor Powerhouses who walked out of the portal, when they fell on Chu Bei's body, they also visibly stopped for a while, allowing some strange things flashed in their eyes.

The scene where the opponent killed Heaven Gathering Clan by the strength of oneself is still fresh in their memory.

"Let's go."

Golden robed man's voice fell, his hands made cumbersome knots, and then he waved violently.

With a roar, a colorful passage of time and space that does not know where it leads is formed, and various emperor flowers bloom in the passage, and the river is surging through the years.

Golden robed man took the lead to step into the passage of time and space, and Chu Bei entire group follow closely from behind.

"Is that the battlefield of the Emperor Sea!"

"Finally I saw it!"

The powerhouses of the two emperors walked on the passage of time and space, very An incredible sight appeared in the quick sight.

That is a golden sea, vast and boundless, every wave contains a brand new Great World!

The waves are surging, constantly undulating, with the power of the Immortal Emperor surging, sometimes the debris is circulating, and there is the rune of the emperor.

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