hong long long ——

However, this bright and endless Golden Ocean is a terrifying battlefield.

In the middle of the sea, there is a huge battlefield. In the battlefield, several powerful energy breaths interweave and collide, releasing the power of the Immortal Emperor destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

Outside the battlefield, that is a barrier interwoven by Immortal Emperor rune. There are several injured Immortal Emperors quickly repairing their original injuries. I saw that outside of their bodies, there was a source of space enveloped in the sky, resisting the waves of terrifying energy gushing out of the battlefield.

Obviously, they are all Immortal Emperor Powerhouses who have entered the Second Realm!

Just when the golden robed man arrived with Chu Bei and Yuan Emperor entire group, the seriously injured Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor who was still on the battlefield moved towards the golden robed man entire group. Gaze.

"This is the Emperor Sea!"

"But what you see is only one of the seven battlefields, and the weakest one."

The golden robed man glanced across Chu Bei, Yuandi and the others spoke.

On that battlefield, all kinds of source space collided with each other. In terms of number alone, there are obviously fewer Immortal Emperors surviving than the emperor's corpses.

Although the emperor's corpse has no consciousness, the battle strength is almost the same as before. Every blow carries the power of the Heavenly Emperor, which is extremely terrifying.

"One of the seven battlefields? Still the weakest?"

Hearing the words of the golden robed man, Yuandi, Hengxu and all other Powerhouses were surprised and confused.

Looking at the Life and Death Battle on the battlefield again, I took a deep breath one by one, and my breathing felt stagnant, extremely depressed.

In the great realm of the Chaos Heavens, they are standing in Peak, without any opponents; but here, they are like small soldiers, fighting in the weakest battlefield.

"In this sea of ​​emperors, the Immortal Emperor from 1-star to 4-Star in the Second Realm is a battlefield, called the seventh battlefield; the Immortal Emperor from 5-Star to 7-Star in the Second Realm is A battlefield is called the sixth battlefield; the second stage 8-star to the nine-star Immortal Emperor is called a battlefield, called the fifth battlefield."

"When it comes to the third stage of the emperor, every 1-star is called the battlefield."

" A battlefield. 1-star, called the fourth battlefield; 2-Star, called the third battlefield; 3-Star, called the second battlefield; 4-Star, the first battlefield!"

golden robed man glanced across Chu Bei and Yuandi, telling about the distribution of the battlefield of Emperor Hai.

"Only to 4-Star? What about 5-Star and above?" Yuandi immediately asked, and the others also showed doubts.

The golden robed man glanced at Emperor Yuan: "If there is a 5-Star realm, the hunting of the seventh generator will not fail! Then the strength of the seventh generator lies in Emperor III.境5-Star. As far as I know, we haven’t seen 5-Star’s Immortal Emperor Powerhouse yet!"

"Are the emperor corpses in the first battlefield also participating in hunting? The Immortal Emperor Powerhouse of the source device operation?" Chu Bei asked.

"Yes! It's just that it was buried by the third source device, and it became the terrifying corpse today." Golden robed man responded.

"How is the situation in the battlefields now?" Chu Bei continued to ask.

golden robed man shook the head, his face became solemn: "The seven battlefields are not optimistic. However, the final decision on this situation is the first battlefield; once the first battlefield falls, the other six major battlefields The battlefield will fall apart in an instant."

"What are you still doing there! Since you are here, don't join the battlefield to meet the enemy!"

Suddenly, a cold and majestic divine Sense came from the battlefield and rang in the ears of Chu Bei, Yuandi and the others.

Chu Bei followed the divine sense and saw that the person speaking was the One Emperor Two Realm 4-Star Powerhouse, and the source spirit had already appeared in the source sky space. And as his opponent's emperor corpse, he was also the second realm 4-Star during his lifetime.

What made Chu Bei a little moved is that among those Emperor Two Realm 4-Star Immortal Emperor, there is a person's breath that he is very familiar with.

This breath has the same lineage as Tiantong!

Obviously, that Emperor Two Realm 4-Star Immortal Emperor is the ancestor of Heaven Gathering Clan!

The golden robed man joined the battlefield, found a 3-Star emperor corpse as his opponent, and launched a fierce battle instantly.

Yuandi, Xiao Yan, Shi Hao, Ancient Dragon Phoenix and the others also each found a 1-star emperor corpse as their opponent.

In an instant, the Immortal Emperor, who was already fighting on the battlefield, suffered a sharp drop in pressure.

While stepping forward, Chu Bei also entered the battlefield, the Yuantian space came out through the body, Yuanling wandered and fluttered, and directly found a 4-Star Emperor Corpse.

As soon as Chu Bei shot, the eyes of all Immortal Emperors in the battlefield gathered.

Especially when seeing the Yuantian space that Chu Bei was displaying, when Yuanling had been bred, one by one couldn't help showing expressions of astonishment.

"Where did you get your help!"

"Why have you never seen it before!"

On the side of 4-Star Powerhouse in the battlefield Fighting fiercely with the emperor's corpse, while looking towards the golden robed man, with questions in his eyes.

The 4-Star realm already belongs to the leader in this seventh battlefield.

"He comes from the chaotic universe."

The golden robed man issued a wisp of Divine Sense: "As for his specific origin, I don't know."

Hearing the words of the golden robed man, a crowd of 4-Star Powerhouses seriously watched the battle of Chu Bei.

What shocked them was that they had captured their respective imperial ways from Chu Bei's imperial way.

"How come!"

"How many dao fruit did he repair!"

"There are thousands of roads, and every road he has reached the extreme! "


The crowd of 4-Star Powerhouses looked at each other, becoming more and more surprised.

hong long long!

The battle of Chu Bei became more and more intense, and soon entered a white-hot state.

Although Chu Bei has the advantage from the very beginning, the emperor corpse is also in the 4-Star realm, and it hasn't been defeated for a while.

weng weng weng!

The battle continues.

In the battlefield, the power of the surging Immortal Emperor surged.

Because of the superiority of the number of emperor corpses, in the 100,000th year, another 4-Star emperor corpse joined the battlefield of Chu Bei, and another 4-Star emperor corpse became one. After the other's siege.

Suddenly, Chu Bei's overwhelming advantage disappeared, and his expression became serious.

Another hundred thousand years have passed.

Chu Bei still hasn't fallen behind, and there is a faint tendency to oppose the two 4-Star Emperor Corpses.

At this time, the third 4-Star Emperor Corpse joined the battlefield and surrounded Chu Bei in a triangle.

Chu Bei's face became more dignified, but he refused the help of other 4-Star Immortal Emperors in the field.

"Is he really 4-Star!"

In the battlefield, a crowd of 4-Star Immortal Emperors watched by the strength of oneself against the three 4-Star Emperor Corpses Chu Bei, with an incredible color in his eyes.

They are both in the 4-Star realm, and there is no pressure to face a 4-Star Emperor Corpse, but if they face two 4-Star Emperor Corpses, they can only retreat and defend.

However, Chu Bei at this moment has no intention of paying attention to the exclamation of all around Immortal Emperor.

He found that in this kind of unreserved actual combat, he had combined various emperor ways countless times. In the defense and attack, his bottleneck in the 4-Star realm unexpectedly had Let some loose.

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