Vaguely, Chu Bei has a tendency to break through!

And what made him most delighted was that both the Golden disc and the source spectrum in Sea of ​​Consciousness began to tremble. The lines of the former become clearer and clearer, while the fruits of the latter become more transparent.

Not long after the arrival of the third hundred thousand years.

hong long!

The source instrument spectrum and the Golden disc flew out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness in Chu Bei at the same time.

With loud noises, the source instrument spectrum and the golden disc expanded rapidly, occupying the high altitude in the battlefield for an instant, like two huge monsters.

Looking at the source instrument spectrum above and the Golden Disk, Chu Bei was taken aback. These two guys flew out completely autonomously, not under his control.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

During the trembling, the weird runes on the source instrument spectrum rise and fall, and finally form a series of rune chains; countless chains are intertwined with each other. There were bursts of crisp sound, and finally turned into a big net of rune, shrouded in it.

The targets of these rune big nets were locked on the body of an emperor's corpse and immediately wrapped them.

The golden disc oscillates, and billions of patterns are blooming at the same time with dazzling emperor mans. In each pattern, a divine rainbow shoots out, like a silk thread, fast and accurate. On the dead body of Emperor Gu.

While witnessing this scene, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse on the battlefield was first taken aback and looked confused.

In just a moment, the pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was full of consternation.

I saw the source instrument spectrum and the Golden disc, as if finding nourishment, the two seemed to be in a competition, madly absorbing a kind of purple red from each emperor corpse Energy rays of light.

Emperor corpses with terrifying power in their lifetimes were shrouded in rune nets or pierced into their bodies by silk threads from the Akuma no Mi tree, all of them seemed to be suddenly It’s the same, it’s impossible to move even a little bit.


With the passage of time, the first emperor’s corpse made a dull sound and then crashed down; and the big rune net that wrapped him was re-turned into rune and submerged into the source instrument spectrum. Inside.

Boom, boom, bang!

More and more emperor corpses fell from a high altitude and smashed into the emperor sea below, bringing up patches of golden waves.

These emperor corpses are like losing their core energy all at once. Without the support of these energy, they are no different from ordinary Immortal Emperor corpses.

"This, what's going on!"

"What the hell is that!"

"Just a few breaths, it was actually solved Those tricky emperor corpses!"


Looking at more and more emperor corpses losing their battle strength and falling into the emperor sea, all the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses were dumbfounded. .

They really can’t imagine that these emperor corpses who have been fighting with them for countless years have really died out!

In the battlefield, the number of emperor corpses is decreasing.

When the last emperor corpse fell from the sky and sank into the emperor sea, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses couldn't help but wriggle their throats.

Look again at Yuanqipu and Golden Disk, they are like eating a delicious meal and getting a big tonic.

After making a burst of cheerful sounds, under the gaze of the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse several times, they returned to the Sea of ​​Consciousness in Chu Bei.

For a long time.

Looking at the battlefield where there is no more emperor corpse, a group of Immortal Emperor Powerhouses finally came back to his senses from the astonishment.

It's over...

That's the end of their battlefield!

Even though the people in the field are already in the position of Immortal Emperor, their expressions at this moment are like having a great dream.


Xiao Yan, Shi Hao, Ye Fan and the others called out and flew immediately in front of Chu Bei.

For this scene, their faces did not show much consternation. In their eyes, no matter how outstanding their Master is, it should be the case.

"Are those two things just now your Taoist artifacts?" Chu Bei was surrounded by a crowd of Immortal Emperor Powerhouses, with question marks on their faces.

Chu Bei glanced lightly all around Immortal Emperor without any response.

At this moment, his attention has been placed on the Golden Disc and the source instrument spectrum in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Those corpses are controlled by the third source organ, which contains the energy of the latter, which is a great supplement to us."

The golden disc is swaying, a white and tender fat doll Appeared at the end of the tree and sent a wisp of Divine Sense to Chu Bei.

"Is that enough to eat?"

Looking at the clearer lines of the source spectrum, Chu Bei asked.

"Not enough, not enough!"

This time, it was not Golden Disc's response, but a wisp of Divine Sense in the source spectrum.

"Let's go, go to the sixth battlefield."

Chu Bei did not respond to all around Immortal Emperor's doubts, independently said.

"What? Go to the sixth battlefield!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, all the Immortal Emperors were shocked, even those 4-Star Powerhouses also showed surprised expressions.

"Why? is it possible that you still stay here?" Chu Bei glanced across the 4-Star Powerhouse.

All 4-Star Powerhouse was taken aback. Just about to say something, they seemed to think of the previous scene, and then looked at each other.

"Go, go to the sixth battlefield!"

After a group of 4-Star Powerhouse divine sense exchanges, they made a decision.

hong long!

Along with a loud noise, another time and space passage formed by the long river of years is formed.

Chu Bei is the first to enter the passage of time and space, and others follow closely from behind.

Soon, Chu Bei left the passage of time and space.

It's still the golden sea, vast and boundless, with surging waves and ups and downs. The power of the surging Immortal Emperor is surging, the fragments of time and space are circulating, and the rune of the emperor is permeated.

Compared with the seventh battlefield, although the number of powerhouses on the sixth battlefield is obviously less, the aftermath of the battle is even more terrifying!

Even Chu Bei felt the pressure.

Especially those 7-Star Powerhouse who led the battle, the source spirit in their source space is no longer a fat doll, but a child in clothes.

Looking closely, the child's appearance was very similar to those 7-Star Powerhouses, as if they were carved out of a mold.

Obviously, once 6-Star breaks through to 7-Star, Yuanling’s appearance has not changed.

It's like a baby grows into a teenager!

As soon as the Chu Bei entire group arrived, the Powerhouse who was fighting all cast their eyes, and there was a strange flash in each eye.

"Why are you here!"

"Are those corpses left alone!"

"Still can't hold it!"

A powerful voice carrying the power of the Supreme Immortal Emperor sounded from the battlefield.

"No! The energy fluctuations of those corpses have disappeared!"

"What the hell is going on!"

7-Star Powerhouse seemed to be aware of it in the battlefield What, the eyes suddenly condensed, the eyes looking towards Chu Bei entire group were questioning.

Almost at the same time, the Genius who was very similar to them in their source space also cast their eyes.

However, I have not waited for those Immortal Emperor Powerhouses from the seventh battlefield to respond to the 7-Star Powerhouse, with a buzzing sound, the source instrument spectrum and the Golden disc flew from the Sea of ​​Consciousness in Chu Bei at the same time Out.

Afterwards, in the rumbling sound, the source instrument spectrum and the golden disc expanded rapidly, occupying high altitudes in the battlefield, such as two huge monsters.

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