The next scene is extremely similar to what happened in the seventh station.

On the source spectrum, we saw the weird rune ups and downs, forming rune chains; the interwoven chains of chains gave bursts of crisp sound, and finally turned into a big net of runes, shrouded in a blanket.

In an instant, he enveloped part of the corpse of the Immortal Emperor who was fighting with the Immortal Emperor on the battlefield.

At the same time, the Golden disc oscillated, and billions of lines bloomed with brilliance. In each pattern, the emperor's divine rainbow shoots out, like a thread quickly and accurately tied to the remaining emperor's corpse.

While witnessing this scene, in the sixth battlefield, all Immortal Emperors including 7-Star Powerhouse were taken aback for a moment, and then looked towards the golden disc and source instrument spectrum above, with the light in their eyes confused.

The Emperor Yuan, Hengxu, and the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse from the seventh battlefield are calmer, allowing some expectation on their faces.


Suddenly, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse complexion in the battlefield has greatly changed, with incredible color.

Under their gaze, they saw that the two mysterious things above their heads looked like they had found delicious food when facing the emperor's corpse with the strength of their lives.

The two are like a competition, frantically absorbing the purple red energy rays of light from each of the emperor corpses.

Like the seventh battlefield, under the devouring of the source artifact spectrum and the Akuma no Mi tree, the purple red energy in the corpses of the emperors quickly disappeared.

Boom, boom, bang!

In the end, the corpses of the emperors fell from a high altitude, smashed into the emperor sea below, and brought up the golden waves.

When all the emperor corpses sank into the sea, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse on the battlefield was stunned.

One by one seems to be suddenly numb.

It seems that this scene cannot be accepted, everything is too sudden!

"What are they!"

"They sucked the energy of the third source of those corpses!"

Immortal Emperor Powerhouse came in the battlefield When back to his senses, one by one looked towards the Golden Disc and the Source Instrument Spectrum again, allowing some fear on his face.

"Let's go! Go to the next battlefield!"

Look at the golden disc's growing torso and the clearer lines of the source instrument spectrum, plus feelings When the hunger and thirst of the two were still unfinished, Chu Bei was delighted.

He can't wait to take care of the two immediately, especially the source instrument spectrum. When the other side's pattern is completely clear, he will be able to find the seventh source instrument!

The resurrection of Mu Xue'er is even more promising!

"This is how you came from the seventh battlefield to the sixth battlefield?"

I heard Chu Bei's words, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse on the sixth battlefield looked towards the fifth battlefield Immortal Emperor couldn't help but look at his mouth.

"The victory came so suddenly that it was hard to believe that it happened." An Immortal Emperor Powerhouse from the seventh battlefield sighed with emotion.

"Who are you!" Immortal Emperor Powerhouse on the sixth battlefield seemed to detect the fluctuation of Chu Bei's breath and asked aloud.

"The one who ended this battle."

Chu Bei's voice was flat: "Let’s go, go to the next battlefield."

I didn’t ask why. , Immortal Emperor Powerhouse at the sixth station looked unhappy, but after glancing at the trembling Akuma no Mi tree and the source instrument spectrum above, he immediately got through the passage on the fifth battlefield.

There are fewer Immortal Emperor Powerhouses in the fifth battlefield, but the strength is undoubtedly more terrifying!

In the source sky space of the 8-Star Immortal Emperor Powerhouse of the Second Realm, the source spirit has obviously grown up again, from a child and a teenager to a youth appearance.

Look at the nine-star powerhouse in the second realm again, Yuanling directly becomes exactly the same as those powerhouses, and at first glance it looks like a body and a clone!

Even 8-Star and Jiuxing Peak Powerhouses of the Second Realm, when they saw the Powerhouses of the Chu Bei entire group, the sixth battlefield, and the seventh battlefield, they couldn’t help but change their expressions. .

This time, before the 8-Star and Nine-Star Powerhouse in the battlefield had time to release the divine sense, the Golden Disc and the source instrument spectrum had been empty.

Even though the strength of the Emperor Corpse in the fifth battlefield has reached 8-Star and the nine-star realm, in front of the source instrument spectrum and the Golden Disc, and the Emperor Corpse Wu in the sixth and seventh battlefields It's still just a good meal.

In just a few breaths, the third source of energy in the emperor’s corpse on the battlefield was sucked, and heavily smashed into the emperor sea below.

Looking at this scene, the expressions of the 8-Star and Jiuxing Powerhouse in the battlefield are exactly the same as those of the Immortal Emperor in the previous two battlefields.

When they reacted one by one, they reconsidered the golden disc and the source spectrum above their heads.

"Let's go to the next battlefield."

Chu Bei glanced across the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse on the fifth battlefield, and his voice was flat.


The Immortal Emperor Powerhouse on the fifth battlefield looked at each other and jointly opened up a splendid passage.

Compared with the previous battlefield, the fourth battlefield has completely changed its appearance.

Chu Bei entire group is clearly still above the Emperor Sea, but it is like giving birth to another life within the realm.

To be precise, it seems to be in a new world of eleven intertwined.

No matter which world it is, it is full of rich breath of the source, which is more than the breath of the source in the source world.

long long long ——

These eleven worlds are colliding, vaguely, and there is an illusory silhouette in each world.

"If the source sky space is the symbol of the second realm of the emperor, then this source sky world is the symbol of the third realm of the emperor."

The second emperor from the fifth battlefield Realm Peak Immortal Emperor, glanced at Xiao Yan, Chen Nan and the others, and pointed to the world all around intertwined and collided: "Each world filled with Origin Qi represents an Immortal Emperor of the Three Realms. Living. There are five people, and there are six emperor corpses."

"No wonder only five worlds are full of life, and the other six worlds are terrifying." Ancient Dragon Phoenix's face was solemn.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

Along with a buzzing sound, Yuanqipu and the Golden Disc moved again.

Different from the previous battlefields, this time the source device spectrum and the Akuma no Mi tree are no longer fighting each other. Instead, they release a ray of energy and ripples intertwined, and then fly together. The energy out of Six Paths sank into the six source worlds controlled by the emperor's corpse.


At the moment when the source instrument spectrum and the golden disc intervened, the balance of the eleven source worlds that intertwined and collided was broken.

"This is the source instrument spectrum!"

"It finally appeared!"

"What is it with him! It can be Cooperate with Yuanqipu!"


At this time, several majestic voices sounded in the ears of the Immortal Emperor.

Next moment, among the eleven Gentian worlds, those five Gentian worlds full of vitality disappeared.

Five silhouettes of invisible illusory walked out.

Vaguely, they can see that their eyes are focused on the source spectrum and the golden disc.

"They are absorbing the energy of the third source organ."

Looking at the six source worlds that are gradually falling apart, the five silhouettes uttered again.

The era changes, as time goes by.


Finally, the source world of the six emperor corpses completely collapsed.

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