Above the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, Han Feng's eyes are firmly locked on Chu Bei.

Although I witnessed the opponent surrender Fallen Heart Flame, I was jealous, but I didn't dare to say it.

At this moment, after seeing the other party's terrorist methods, he just thought about how to leave safely.

"You two, come here."

High in the sky, Chu Bei moved towards Hu Gan and Su Qian beckoned.

Hu Gan Su Qian glanced at each other and immediately rose into the air.

"I have accepted the Fallen Heart Flame. It's up to you to turn the dishes." Chu Bei briefly outlined the rules.

Compared with the ordinary turntable that automatically transfers money after receiving the money, this task turntable requires the trader to put his palm on the turntable, and it can only be turned once at a time.

"Old Man Hu, come on." Su Qian looked towards Hu Gan.

Hu Gan nodded, and then stick his right palm on the turntable.

The pointer turns.


With a crisp sound, the pointer fell on a square box.

The square box exploded.

Among them are three thumb-sized Spirit Pills and seven green balls.


Looking at the familiar Spirit Pill and Midorimaru, Hu Gan suddenly startled with expression.

came back to his senses, very excited.

"Old Man Hu, are these?"

Looking at Hu Gan who was extremely excited, Su Qian asked quickly.

"Dou Zong Dan and Fiery Fragrance Dou Qi Pill!"

Hu Gan's excited words with vibrato: "You know how big it takes to get any one under normal circumstances The price? At least 20 million! But this square box, there are ten out!"

Speaking of which, Hu Gan calmed his trembling heart and told Su Qian about Dou Zong Dan and The function of Fiery Fragrance Dou Qi Pill.

"Is this the source of your soaring strength."

Su Qian has taken a Dou Zong Dan and a Fiery Fragrance Dou Qi Pill, cautiously looking at it.

"The transaction is not over, you can continue to transfer." Chu Bei's voice is calm.

"Can continue?!"

Hu Gan couldn't believe his ears. He felt the value of three Dou Zong Dan and seven Fiery Fragrance Dou Qi Pill. Some are hot.

Who can think of it, can turn it again!

"Boss Chu, shall I continue?" Hu Gan probed.

Chu Bei lightly complied.

When Fanghe opened Dou Zong Dan and Fiery Fragrance Dou Qi Pill earlier, he also thought that the transaction should be over.

However, the system tone did not sound.

This means that Dou Zong Dan and Fiery Fragrance Dou Qi Pill are not 100% satisfactory products for Su Qian and Hu Gan in system judgment.

Hu Gan once again attached his right palm to the turntable.

The pointer turns.


The sound was heard clearly, and the pointer fell on the square box.


This time, what was driving out was a group of floating colorful clouds.

[Fallen Heart Flame transaction is completed, the host will get 1500000 Force of Desire Value]

[Reward to call Level 8 merchandise once at any time]

Just about the color 氤氲When the information flooded into Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness, the system sounded.

After that, the task wheel disappeared.

"Boss Chu, is this?"

Hu Gan looked towards Chu Bei, and at the same time pointed to the colorful glow, his face looked expectant.

After several transactions, he can be regarded as a way out.

This turntable may not be out, once it is out, it must be a boutique!

"In layman's terms, you can call him Dou Qi Amplifier. The effect is similar to Fallen Heart Flame, and it can accelerate the cultivation speed of the cultivator."

Chu Bei continued: "Currently, The coverage area is probably within the equivalent to Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, but as the years grow, its coverage area will become larger and larger. It is not impossible that the Inner Academy will be fully covered one day."

"Accelerate the cultivation!"

Hearing the effect of the coloring, Hu Gan and Su Qian's eyes lit up.

Although the Fallen Heart Flame crisis is resolved, its disappearance also makes Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, the core advantage of Jialan Academy, an empty tower.

Because the ending is destined, they can only accept this result. However, who would have expected that the chromatic aura can replace Fallen Heart Flame, and in comparison, it will never be cryptic.

Especially the fact that it can expand the coverage area, it hits the hearts of the two like a bomb!

"Boss Chu, you are really an honorable person in our hospital!"

Hu Gan carefully put away the colorful entanglement, and moved towards Chu Bei with Su Qian and bowed.

[New mission release: the host kills Han Feng and gets Sea Heart Flame]

[Task reward: select Level 9 merchandise use right once]

Suddenly, the system tone sounded from Chu Bei's mind again.

Chu Bei was taken aback first, came back to his senses, with surprises.

The reward for completing the task is actually a level 9 commodity use right!

Even though his cultivation base has entered the realm of Dou Huang, all Level 9 and above products in All Heavens Departmental Store are still gray.

You cannot redeem or use the Level 9 Lucky Wheel to sell Level 9 products.

In short, the upper limit of commodities is Level 8 no matter whether it is pawn exchange or sale.

Level 8 goods, roughly the corresponding realm is the realm of Dou Zong.

The weakened version selected by Chu Bei at the moment is from the Naruto plane, which is the highest batch of Level 8 products. After being used, the strength is equivalent to half-step Dou Zun.

And Level 9 products, logically correspond to the realm of Dou Zun.

This is the right to use the reward for completing this task. He can completely choose the highest level 9 products that can match the nine-star Dou Zun!

"Han Feng, where should you go now?" Su Qian's breath climbed, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"Let me come."

As Su Qian was about to do it, Chu Bei's calm voice sounded.

Besides system requirements, the person he hates most in his life is thankless wretch.

This behavior of Han Feng deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors should be killed!

"Since your Excellency is a businessman, I don't know how much it will cost me to buy this life from you?"

Han Feng felt the gaze cast by Chu Bei. He sank and spoke quickly.

"You can't buy it."

Chu Bei's voice is indifferent, and he is no more than a hundred meters away from Han Feng during his steps.

Hearing this, Han Feng's expression became heavy.

“bully intolerably !”

Han Feng didn’t dare to hide the slightest concealment after seeing Chu Bei’s strength. The deep blue flame continuously surged out violently in the body, and finally turned into a full body. seven-eight zhang huge deep blue fire sea.

"Illusory Beast of the sea!"

Han Feng's hands quickly formed a seal, a low voice fell, and the deep blue fire sea violently churning up, finally condensed into a huge body Dark blue gigantic beast!

The gigantic beast is shaped like a lion, but it has a huge scorpion tail, which trembles in the void while shaking.

The appearance of the gigantic beast directly makes Han Feng's face pale. Obviously, this move consumes a lot of it and hurts himself without hurting the enemy.

"Unexpectedly, this guy's control of Sea Heart Flame has reached this point. If he is allowed to grow, I don't know how many innocent people will be lost in his hands." Looking at the deep blue gigantic beast, Su Qian frowned.


Han Feng's eyes fixed on Chu Bei, and his hands pushed forward violently.

Suddenly, the deep blue gigantic beast, which was formed by its dedication, issued a thunderous roar, and moved towards Chu Bei and rushed away.

Chu Bei casually raised his hand.

purple long sword, cut it off!

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