
The sword glow flashed past.

The dark blue gigantic beast just opened its huge mouth and was penetrated by the sword glow.

Direct annihilation.

Pu chi!

At the moment when the dark blue gigantic beast was destroyed, Han Feng mouth spurt blood spurted out.

next moment, staring blankly at the sword glow that is getting closer and closer, only fear is left in his eyes.

He knew that he was not the opponent of the opponent, but he never thought that his strongest move could not even take the opponent's sword.

Sword glow is here soon!

The pitch-black flame emerged from the tip of the sword and swallowed Han Feng.

Han Feng was burned to nothingness before he even screamed.

"That...that's it?"

"It's the Heavenly Flame that Han Feng got!"

Looking at the place where Han Feng disappeared, appear out The deep blue flame of thin air is like clear lake water. The Inner Academy Elder was taken aback first, and then exclaimed.

At this moment, Sea Heart Flame is like a frightened child, trembling up and down, circling Chu Bei all around very flatteringly.

"Don't be afraid, it will give you a good home." Chu Bei stroked the Sea Heart Flame.

After speaking, the Golden Disc appears again.

In the center of the disc, a ripple of energy in the vortex directly drags the Sea Heart Flame away.

Immediately afterwards, with a buzzing sound, the Golden Disc re-submerged into Chu Bei's body.

"Han Feng's Heavenly Flame was also surrendered by him!"

While witnessing the disappearance of Sea Heart Flame, a look of shock appeared on the faces of everyone in the field.

At this moment, Chu Bei made a deep roar in his body.

Followingly, the three characters of flame, Chu Bei, with different types and colors, emerge from the body, floating Chu Bei all around in a triangle.

Far away in the sky, the temperature in the air suddenly rises with the appearance of these three flames.

"Fallen Heart Flame and Han Feng's Heavenly Flame! What is the other one?"

"Don't think about it, naturally it is also a Heavenly Flame!"

"Has he already surrendered the three Heavenly Flames!"

"Who is he!"


Three groups of Heavenly Flames Appearing, not only Inner Academy Elder, Hu Gan, Su Qian and the Inner Academy dísciple were all shocked.

"Old Yao, didn't you tell me that you have studied Heavenly Flame for decades, and only cultivation you, Flame Mantra, is it possible to have a variety of Heavenly Flames?"

Xiao Yan pointed at Chu Bei high in the sky, and the three floating Heavenly Flames all around, and said: "Then what's the matter with Boss Chu? It's not impossible, he secretly learned from your Flame. Mantra?"

Old Yao was silent, without any response.

If you say that the most shocking in the field, it is also him!

For a long time.

Old Yao just grew sighed, and slowly vomited: "He is an exception."


Old Yao tone barely fell, Chu Bei all The three Heavenly Flames around were fused together, and after interweaving into a three-color flame, they flew back into Chu Bei's body.

A scene without any signs, Chu Bei, as the protagonist, is also a little confused.

Divine Consciousness is restrained, no matter in his body or the system interface, he did not find the three intertwined Heavenly Flame.

[Host kills Han Feng and obtains Sea Heart Flame, rewarding Level 9 merchandise use once]

The system sound rang in Chu Bei's mind.

xiū xiū xiū!

At this time, Three Sects Powerhouse also came back to his senses. After clearly recognizing the current situation, one by one turned around without hesitation.

"Jia Nan Academy, is it you guys who want to break in and leave if you want to leave?"

Su Qian faintly swept across the escaped Three Sects Powerhouse, and then looked towards a crowd of Inners Academy Elder, ordered: "Don't leave one!"

After that, I took the lead in moving towards Three Sects Sect Master.

In an instant, the war started again.

However, due to the lack of Peak battle strength of Three Sects Powerhouse, and the morale was greatly reduced, but for a moment, a large number of casualties.

Over time.

In the battlefield, the sound of mournful scream faded away, and there were more and more dead bodies on the ground.

From Dou Ling Powerhouse, to Dou Wang Powerhouse, and then to Dou Huang Powerhouse, the Three Sects side is completely destroyed.

After one hour.

Su Qian and Hu Gan return to the front of Chu Bei.

As for the Inner Academy Elder, they are beginning to clear the battlefield.

"Boss Chu, how long are you going to stay in our hospital again?" Su Qian asked politely.

"Follow the fate."

Chu Bei spoke, spitting out two fluttering syllables.


After returning to his home, Chu Bei clicked on the system interface.

After completing the Fallen Heart Flame transaction, he has received 1,500,000 Force of Desire Value.

There are currently a total of 1.805 million Force of Desire Value.

Dou Huang environment, the 1-star cultivation base requires a Force of Desire Value of 500,000.

Now, Chu Bei cultivation base, 2-Star Dou Huang.

Without hesitation, Chu Bei directly used 1.5 million Force of Desire Value, which is the cultivation base.

[Host code against cultivation base success]

At the same time as the system sounded, a warm current surged over the limbs of Chu Bei, flooding every cell.

In just a few seconds, Chu Bei successfully broke through into 5-Star Dou Huang!


The white horse crossed the gap.

Fifteen days passed quietly.

Although Jialan Inner Academy has long restored its usual calm, even in the past half a month, dísciple still talks about Fallen Heart Flame and the storm of the Three Sects invasion from time to time.

Whether dísciple or Elder, whenever you see Chu Bei, you are very respectful and grateful.

In their view, if there is no one in front of them, their Inner Academy has been destroyed by the Han Feng entire group.

Whenever he looks grateful to these people, Chu Bei is not unusual on the surface, but he is apologetic in his heart.

After all, this Fallen Heart Flame was released by him.

Moreover, in this Inner Academy, in addition to Headmaster Mang Qianchi, there are actually two Powerhouses.

It's just that Elderly Qian and Bai will only take action that's all at the most critical moment.

If Chu Bei didn't make a move that day, Elderly Qian and Bai would naturally appear, and the ending of Han Feng entire group will not change.

In half a month, Chu Bei also got acquainted with the wealthy Elder of Jialan Academy, among which is included Great Elder Su Qian.

Fifteen days, Chu Bei squeezed out a lot of Elder and earned a total of 2 million Force of Desire Value.

These Force of Desire Values ​​are all used to redeem the cultivation base, and Chu Bei has also broken through from 5-Star Dou Huang to Jiuxing Dou Huang.

[The fixed-point Transmission Formation has one day left]

On the sixteenth day, the system sound sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

The seventeenth day, early morning.

Xiao Yan, Xiao Xun'er, Zi Yan, Hu Gan, Su Qian, and many Elders came to bid farewell.

"Boss Chu, come to Jialan Academy when you have time."

Su Qian moved towards Chu Bei hugged cup one fist in the other hand, very polite.

Although his savings for decades are empty because of the people in front of him, his cultivation base has also moved from Dou Zong 2-Star to Dou Zong 5-Star.

"I hope that when I come next time, your Storage Ring is full of money."

Chu Bei said with a smile, he glanced over Xiao Yan and Zi after speaking. Yan and the others, nodded gestured.

Next moment, with a wave of Chu Bei's sleeve gown, a gorgeous formation mark emerged from under his feet.

Immediately afterwards, with a buzzing sound, the silhouette disappeared.

"Old Su, what kind of cultivation base do you think this Boss Chu is?" Looking at the disappearing Transmission Formation, Hu Gan glanced at Su Qian muttered.

"If Headmaster is here, maybe I can answer your question. As for me, I still can't see through." Su Qian shook the head, sighing.

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