Wu Tan City.

Anyi Street, above.

A youth man walked out of the strange formation mark.


As soon as Chu Bei came out of Transmission Formation, his brows wrinkled tightly.

I lowered my head and swept down, there was a little more grave expression on my face.

Compared with Wu Tan City before leaving, it is much more depressed and quiet now.

On the street where the bustling and extraordinary people are coming, people going, silhouettes are rare at this moment. The shops on both sides of the street are also closed.

Soon, Chu Bei noticed the abnormality.

In the air in the city, there are wisps of poison qi.

These thin poison qi may have little effect on the cultivator, but they are extremely harmful to ordinary people.

"What the hell happened."

A bad premonition rose in Chu Bei's heart.

After all, there is a Woeful Poison Body in his shop.

However, just as Chu Bei was about to leave for the All Heavens Store, there was a loud roar in the distance.

Hearing the sound, the Chu Bei silhouette flashes.

After a few breaths, Chu Bei came to the top of Wu Tan City city wall.

Looking at the scene below, Chu Bei took a long breath, letting go of the boulder hanging in his heart.

At least, the poison qi in the city has nothing to do with Xiao Yixian, and it is not the outbreak of Woeful Poison Body.

Looking at it, the city gate that should lead to the periphery of the Magic Beast Mountain Range is tightly closed; normally only two or three people are stationed on the towering city wall made of hard granite. At this moment, the standing was full of silhouettes, black and heavy, one by one holding weapons in battle.

In these silhouettes, in addition to the city army under the empire, there are also several forces in the city, such as Xiao Family, Aoba Pa clan, Premier Auction, and so on.

Even Chu Bei met the Desert Metal Mercenary Group led by Xiao Ding Xiao Li.

Looking at the front of the city wall again, the huge open area is also full of silhouettes, one by one staring at the city wall aggressively.

"How come there are so many Poison Masters?"

Far away in the sky, Chu Bei glanced across the dense silhouette on the open space in front of the city wall, and browsed tightly frowns.

In Wu Tan City, the wisps of poison qi in the air have the same origin as the Poison Master in the open space in front of the city wall.

This is why Chu Bei judged that it has nothing to do with Xiao Yixian.

"Fuck, these Poison Masters only use poison, it's so despicable!"

"I really can't figure out how these three great empires suddenly joined forces! Why attack The goal of Rising Cloud Empire will be our Jia Ma Empire."

"It is said that this battle was planned by Rising Cloud Empire. As for Rising Cloud Empire, there seems to be a force called Soul Sect."

"Soul Sect? Why have you never heard of such a power in Rising Cloud Empire!"

"It is strange to say that this Soul Sect appeared recently. Once it was born, it was straightforward. It has become the Number One Influence of Rising Cloud Empire, and even the Imperial Family of Rising Cloud Empire is under its control. It seems to emerge out of thin air."

"Rising Cloud Empire is rich in Poison Master, since Soon after Soul Sect appeared, all these Poison Masters belonged to its Sect. I just don’t know if this Soul Sect Sect Master is who are you!"

"Today is the seventh day of the war, and I don’t know how many. The marginal city was captured."

"Princess Yao Ye is in control, we can only win, not lose!"

"But then again, Princess Yao Ye is not on the front line at this time. , Why come to our Wu Tan City?"


On the city wall, a group of soldiers looked at the Rising Cloud Empire army, discussing spiritedly.

Up ahead of these soldiers, the leader is a beautiful woman wearing military uniform and formidable looking. It is the current Jia Ma Empire Eldest Princess, Yaoye.

"Eldest Princess, what should I do now? Look at the badge on the chest of the guy led by Rising Cloud Empire. It is a 4-Star Poison Master. A Poison Master of this level cannot enter Dou Wang. I can't fight it at all."

A middle-aged man wearing a silver armor pointed to the old man headed by the Rising Cloud Empire army, and said to Yao Ye very respectfully.

"So what? No matter what method you use, you must never throw it into this city!"

Yaoye browse tightly knit: "If you let these Rising Cloud Empire guys occupy In this city, the people in the city are bound to be in deep water."

"It would be nice if Dou Wang Powerhouse followed this trip, and it wouldn't be so passive right now." The middle-aged man sighed.

"Compared to here, the front line needs them more."

Yao Ye looked towards the distance and exhaled: "Once the front line falls, the empire will completely fall into the land of eternal. damnation!"

"Father, it’s not a way to keep holding fast like this. As far as I know, several small towns a hundred kilometers away were bloodbathed by these Poison Masters because of their resistance. Talents come out."

Xiao Ding looked fiercely at the Rising Cloud Empire army under the city wall, with strong killing intents in his eyes.

"There is 4-Star Poison Master among them, and we can't fight head-on at all. Right now, they are located in a low place, we are in a high place, we can still resist it."

Xiao Zhan's expression is solemn: "Compared to the front line, the pressure we are under is nothing. In any case, we must guard Wu Tan City!"

On Yaoye, Xiao Zhan and While the others were discussing their strategies, the silhouette of the Rising Cloud Empire army was turbulent, and at the same time moved towards the city gate approached.

"The patience of the old man is limited! Let me give you the last five minutes to consider whether it is to open the city gates to welcome us in, or the old man to use the poison fog to let the people in the city do it for you The stupid decision to pay the price!"

In the Rising Cloud Empire army, the leaded gray robed old man took a step forward, and the cold triangular eyes glanced at Yao Ye, Xiao Zhan and the others, and a deep voice uttered in his mouth. Hoarse voice.

"The archer is ready!"

Yaoye is coldly snorted, the right hand is raised, and the order is given.


In an instant, hundreds of archers in the front row took their bows and arrows.

"Is the old man really intimidating you!"

Looking at the ready archer on the city wall, the dry face of the gray robed old man has a fierce look .

The cold voice fell, and a layer of weird green rays of light suddenly surged on his body.

Afterwards, with a wave of his sleeves, a large amount of rich green poison fog emerged.

Almost at the same time, dozens of Poison Masters standing behind him also waved various poison fog.

Under the strong wind, all kinds of poison fog are intertwined, moving towards the city wall spreading away.

"Dou Qi wrap your body, hold your breath!"

Looking at the poison fog getting closer and closer, Xiao Zhan's face changed suddenly, and he quickly issued a command.

Next moment, on the city wall, Dou Shi and the Powerhouse above it propped up Dou Qi Cloak or armor, preparing to resist the incoming poison fog.

As for ordinary soldiers, they immediately wear a fully enclosed mask that has already been prepared.

"With these methods, you still want to resist the old man’s poison fog, it’s ridiculous!"

With the contemptuous voice of the gray robed old man falling, approaching the poison of the city wall Fog, the color becomes more and more deplorable.

Poison fog continued to spread and soon came to the city wall.

The archer in the front row, as soon as he came into contact with these poison fog, even if he was protected by a mask, he immediately showed symptoms of head dizziness.

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