"Go back, all back!"

Looking at the archer in the front row who was the first to hit the stroke and began to turn purple, Yao Ye immediately shouted.

"Eldest Princess, how about open the city gates directly and fight with these bastards!" A general showed a fierce look.

"Once the poison fog is inhaled, the battle strength will gradually be lost. It's better to take advantage of the battle strength and go down and fight for you!"

"Eldest Princess, please fight!"

"Eldest Princess, please fight! "

"Open the city gates!"

A group of soldiers knelt down in front of Yaoye, with fighting intents rising in their eyes.

"Father, let's get ready to fight too."

Xiao Ding Xiao Li looked towards Xiao Zhan and climbed to the peak in an imposing manner.

Xiao Zhan's eyes narrowed, and nodded answered.

The gray robed old man headed by Rising Cloud Empire seemed to be aware of the intentions of the people on the city wall and let out a disdainful sneer.

After that, the sleeves were waved, and in conjunction with several Poison Masters behind him, he once again displayed a large amount of poison fog.

"open the city gates!"

"Run away these Izumo thieves!"


Look With the denser poison fog in the air, everyone on the city wall shook hands with weapons. There was no fear on their faces, and some were just fighting intents that were not afraid of life and death.

However, just as everyone was about to rush down the city wall to open the door, a violent wind appeared out of thin air and then raged.

The direction swept by the wind, just moved towards Rising Cloud Empire.

Seeing that the poison fog that was about to sweep the city wall, also reversed its position under this stern wind, turned around and flocked to the Rising Cloud Empire army.

Furthermore, under the impetus of the gang wind, the poison fog spreads faster.

For a few breaths, a patch of poisonous fog envelops the Izumo army.


One by one, she fell to the ground in pain, her complexion changed from red to purple, and finally she vomited white foam. After a while, she convulsed and became motionless, not knowing life or death.

Even the Powerhouse above Dou Shi was obviously panicked and quickly propped up Dou Qi Cloak and armor.

The gray robed old man and the Poison Masters behind him obviously did not expect to be counterattacked by his own poison fog.

Sudden changes made them a little completely unprepared.

"What's the matter with this wind!"

Looking at the deadly wounded army, a group of Poison Masters brows tightly knit, their faces are extremely ugly.

On the city wall, everyone, including Yaoye, looked startled and looked at each other in blank dismay, all with a blank face.

Until a long while.

"Don't even look down on God?"

"haha, with this wind, the sky will not die, Wu Tan City, kill all these Izumo dog thieves! "

A group of soldiers came back to his senses, exclaiming, their faces filled with excitement and joy.

"Look at the sky!"

Suddenly, a Poison Master from Rising Cloud Empire seemed to have discovered something, and raised his finger to the sky above the city wall.

Hearing the sound, the gray robed old man and other Poison Masters quickly stared at them.

I saw a silhouette standing with hands behind, with a stern face and Dou Qi wings on the back, floating above the city wall.

"Dou Wang Powerhouse?!"

The gray robed old man stared at Chu Bei, browsing tightly frowns.

He doesn't think that Chu Bei has entered the realm of Dou Huang, after all, the other party does not seem to be in his twenties.

At this age, even in the realm of Dou Wang, it is scary enough.

"It turned out to be Boss Chu!"

"He is back!"

"He is helping us! The wind just now must have been brought by him Coming!"


On the city wall, everyone's eyes turned to Chu Bei.

After seeing the latter clearly, they screamed one by one, looking extremely excited.

Xiao Zhan, Xiao Ding and the others are also very excited, with smiles from the corners of their mouths.

Yao Ye's eyes were firmly locked on Chu Bei, and he took a long breath. Judging from his expression, his tight body was obviously lighter.

On the city wall, whether it is a soldier or Yaoye, when you see Chu Bei, it is like finding a savior.

Different from gray robed old man, Yaoye and the soldiers would not regard Chu Bei as Dou Wang Powerhouse.

After all, at the auction a few days ago, they witnessed the latter easily kill the Gold Silver Elders comparable to Dou Zong Powerhouse.

Hearing the cheers of the soldiers on the city wall, the gray robed old man's complexion is extremely ugly.

If Dou Wang Powerhouse, who is unknown to him, really stands on the opposite side, then he can only avoid the edge for a while.

"Jia Ma Empire’s Powerhouse is recorded in our country. However, there is no information about you in it. Presumably Your Excellency Dou Wang does not belong to Jia Ma Empire, right?"

The gray robed old man moved towards Chu Bei above the city wall and hugged cup one fist in the other hand with temptation in his words.

When he thinks about it, the situation in Jia Ma Empire is tense at the moment, Dou Wang Powerhouse should have gathered on the front line;

Secondly, the opponent is too young, Dou Wang Powerhouse, Jia Ma at this age Empire is difficult to cultivate, and it is more likely to come from those Super Influences.

However, what responded to the gray robed old man was Chu Bei's cold eyes.


The Chu Bei silhouette flashed, and instantly appeared directly above the gray robed old man and the others.

"What does your Excellency Dou Wang mean?"

The gray robed old man looked up at Chu Bei, his face vigilant.

Chu Bei still did not respond, but slowly raised his right palm, and then made a downward pressure.

The bright golden rays of light bloomed from Chu Bei, and then a several hundred zhang appeared out of thin air like a huge right palm watered by metal!

"Let's shoot together!"

The gray robed old man's complexion changed drastically, and immediately condensed a terrifying poison qi, forming a Poison Dragon and rushing into the sky.

It’s behind Poison Master, while attacking at the same time, follow closely from behind.

hong long long ——

Chu Bei swept across the gray robed old man expressionlessly, while the right hand waved, the golden giant palm fell.

The roar of the void, like the sound of a thunderstorm, is extremely fast.

chi chi chi ——

Several strands of poison qi are intertwined, welcoming the golden giant palm.

However, these poison qis are like encountering natural enemies, a few meters away from the Golden giant palm, and disappear like evaporated water vapor.

"It's the palm technique that fell from the sky!"

"Buddha's Palm!"

"I remember it was acquired by the Imperial Family in the end!"


On the city wall, a group of soldiers who knew the auction gave out exclamations one after another.

Yaoye’s eyes are shining brightly. She is already practicing Buddha's Palm, but the formidable power is far less than what Chu Bei can display.

As for the gray robed old man, seeing his Poison Dragon roll attack disintegrate in an instant, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of fear emerged.

long long long ——

In the rumbling sound, the golden giant palm is getting closer and closer.


The gray robed old man's face turned pale, and there was a vibrato in his words.


The golden giant palm fell, covering the gray robed old man and several Poison Masters behind it.

With a loud noise, under the gaze of countless line of sight on the city wall, the golden giant palm blasted into the ground, bringing up a five-finger giant pit several meters deep.

After a while, the golden giant palm turned into strands of golden light and disappeared, leaving a pile of flattened flesh and blood in the pit, horrible to see, it was disgusting.

"It's dead, it's all dead!"

"Wu Tan City is saved!"

"Thanks to Boss Chu! If he didn't show up In time, I can't imagine the result now."


On the city wall, the crowd of spectators were in a trance, came back to his senses and cheered excitedly.

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