Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 588: The battle of those with the ability to see for the first time

   Sky Arena has different rules above and below the 200th floor.

Here, the tenth floor is no longer the first level. From the 200th floor to the 229th floor, there are restaurants, luxury rooms, arenas, etc., all serving the masters who have reached the 200th floor, and Ji Xing lives in the first floor on the 203rd floor. A deluxe room is basically equivalent to upgrading from an ordinary standard room to a presidential suite.

  The battle is replaced by an application system. Players have a 90-day application preparation period. They only need to fight one battle within 90 days. After one fight, the 90-day period will be reset.

  And if you get 10 victories here, you can get the right to challenge the host. The landlord is equivalent to the master, the master among the masters, with a total of 21 people, who have the right to use the 230th floor to 250th floor respectively, can give lectures to create genres, and can participate in the Olympia fighting for the ownership of the highest floor 251 General Assembly.

   Another thing to note is that if you get 4 losses in the process of winning 10 wins, you will directly fall to the 200th floor, and start to replay from the 1st floor, and the players have and only one chance to start over.

   "There is a bug, so as long as I fall down and hit up again, I can earn another 200 million? Oh, the people who bought me after falling down will be lost, and the Sky Arena is not losing money anyway."

  Sitting in front of the high-end computer equipped in the luxury suite, Ji Xing started to operate, and then he could learn more about the world while practicing.

   "Is there a fight in three days?"


   "Ah! The battle is finally about to begin!"

  Three days later, around a ring on the 208th floor, the host's passionate voice echoed: "Contestant Xida vs Contestant Ariane!"

  In the auditorium, he found a relatively less crowded place to sit down, and Ji Xing stared at the two contestants on the ring.

  The stylist Xida is a woman about 35 years old.

  Wuyingquan Ariane is a male about 25 years old, with strong muscles, a fierce smile, and a strong and aggressive aura.

   To tell the difference, Ji Xing completed the bet on the mobile phone, betting Ariane 10 million to win.

   "Hehe, do you think that **** Ariane can win?" The voice of killing Dasuo came from beside him.

   There was no accident, Ji Xing turned his head and said, "He beat you three like this?"

There was a haze in the eyes of the three at the same time, and they did not answer Ji Xing's question, but the host's voice continued to echo: "Player Xida is an old player we are familiar with, and now he has achieved 8 wins and 3 losses, as long as he wins again Two games, you will get the chance to challenge the host! Also, if you lose one game, you will bid farewell to the Sky Arena!

It is worth noting that it is the second time that player Xida has fought to 8 wins and 3 losses. The last time she lost the fourth game after winning 8, she had to start from scratch. Let us look forward to player Xida Can you break through your own record this time!

  As for Ariane, he is currently 5 wins and 0 losses. His undefeated strength makes him favored as the new host! Well, we can see that the current odds are 2.75:1.3, and the audience is more optimistic about the undefeated Ariane player! "

  Why does this explanation make people feel unknown?

Ji Xingxin said that from the perspective of aura, feeling and preparation posture, Ariane will be much stronger than Xida in all aspects. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a multiple gap in strength, even for Ji Xing who has just practiced for two and a half months. I'm afraid I have to be more careful when playing him, there is still a small gap in physical fitness.

   Hey, just look it up.

   Soon, the referee on the ring announced the start of the match and exited the arena, while Xida chose to back away immediately, opened the distance, stretched out her hand, and a brush appeared out of nowhere in her palm.

   Ji Xing, who had Qi in his eyes, raised his eyebrows: "The power of thought can be realized in real objects."

  The three people beside Sha Dasuo observed him, and found that he was not as surprised as the ordinary audience, and his heart sank. Is he already a person with the ability to read? Our three newcomers may not be able to beat this ignorant guy.

  The host's excited introduction sounded at the right time: "Ah! It has appeared! It's the ghost shape of stylist Xida contestant!"

   I saw Xida draw three strokes on her face with a brush in her hand, her eyebrows were dyed long blue, and her lips were scarlet and blood-colored to her ears. The original ordinary face suddenly became eerie!

  At the same time, an unusual sense of deterrence radiated from Shida, which was obviously only aimed at the opponent Ariane, but the audience facing Shida burst into screams, and some even rolled their eyes and passed out.

  Ordinary grimaces naturally cannot produce such an effect. Xida's mind ability obviously has the effect of intimidation and suppression. Her opponent Ariane seems to be suppressed as well, his body trembling faintly.

   Seeing this, Xida rushed towards Ariane, the paintbrush in her hand disappeared, and more Qi gathered on her fist, and hit Ariane's face heavily. But before hitting, Ariane suddenly formed a smirk at the corner of his mouth. As Xida's pupils contracted, he stepped back lightly to avoid her fist, and swung his arm hard with his backhand!


  Blood and saliva splashed, and the face of the evil spirit was distorted. Xida flew 30 meters horizontally, flew out of the ring, and was heavily printed on the wall under the auditorium, even smashing a small hole!

   "Oh!" The audience exclaimed directly.

"Oh! Critical HitAndDown! Contestant Ariane didn't seem to be affected by Contestant Xida's ghost appearance at all, and he punched Contestant Xida directly in the face! He scored three points at once, let's see... oh ! Contestant Shida is fine, she stood up!"

  The way to win the game in Sky Arena is to score 10 points on the opponent or KO the opponent.

  Among them, CleanHit means an excellent attack and gets one point, CriticalHit means an excellent attack and gets two points, and Down means knocking down the opponent and gets one point.

   As soon as he came up, he fell behind by three points, and after receiving that punch, Xida's right cheek was swollen, and there were bloodstains at the corner of her mouth, so she was even more unpopular.

"Distribute more Qi to the face in time to reduce the damage." Ji Xing clicked his tongue in his heart, and his eyes glanced at the bloodstain from Xida on Ariane's body: "That's it, my 10 million views It’s really possible that it’s gone.”

Before the 10-second countdown ended, Xida re-entered the ring, reappeared the writing brush in her hand, wiped off the original makeup with the pen holder, and drew four red circles on her cheeks and eyes, The momentum changed again.

   "Ah! Appeared! Contestant Xida's Angry Ghost appearance!" The host started to appear again.

   And this angry ghost shape is obvious, which greatly strengthens Xida's strength and speed, making her pounce on Ariane more swift and powerful.

   But Ariane is obviously better at hand-to-hand combat. The two fists and feet crisscrossed. In the eyes of ordinary audiences, the movement almost left an afterimage, and even shattered the ring under their feet!

   After exchanging dozens of moves in a short period of time, Ji Xing's eyes flashed a strange color.

   "Such a Shadowless Fist."

   In the arena, Xida was hit hard again, this time she was hit on the chest, vomiting blood and falling backwards.

   But if ordinary people watch this game at a slower speed, they will only see that Ariane's fist is a distance away from Sida's body, and Sida flies away!

  Actually, at that moment, Ariane released a condensed fist from the fist he swung, equivalent to a flying punch, which is extremely difficult to defend against in fighting.

   It is obvious that Sida took precautions at the beginning, but after dozens of rapid collisions, she gradually ignored it, and Ariane seized this opportunity and succeeded in one blow.

   "Clean Hit! Player Ariane has scored four points, and the situation has become very unfavorable for player Xida, next..."

   "Do you want to fight again?" Ariane on the ring smiled ferociously, looked at the embarrassed Sida on the opposite side and said, "When you meet me, your trip to the Sky Arena is over, give up!"

  ‘It looks like he is persuading him to surrender, but he is actually aggressive and wants to cause more damage to his opponent. This guy has a bad personality. No, when you are in the ring, you can be regarded as the fate of life and death. ’ Ji Xing felt the unnatural tension of the three people around him.

   Anger, fear, helplessness.

   And Xida on the ring seemed unwilling or irritated, and rushed forward again with an angry snort.

   The crackling collision continued to explode until the score reached 8:0!

  'The time to decide the winner has come. Ji Xing looked at Xida, who stood up again on the stage, but was already a little shaky, and then looked at Ariane's quietly twisted ankle, and the prelude to the leg: "Oh, the killing move that cripples and even kills is hidden in the leg . '

   And Xida's real moves were identified earlier by him, and he saw that she was hiding with Ariane in the ring, and she manifested the writing brush for the third time, and quickly changed her makeup.

   "Oh? What is this?! Contestant Xida used a makeup look that she has never seen before! Black paint is dyed all over her cheeks. What kind of look is this?"

  Ariane, who was chasing her, obviously sensed that something was wrong, and couldn't find the best angle and the best time, so he raised his leg in advance and kicked!

It is the same as the Shadowless Fist, but this time it was replaced with a shadowless leg, and the invisible air leg stomped on Xida who had withdrawn from the angry ghost state and lost her strengthening. In a hurry, she could only raise her arms to defend, and only heard a crisp click, Her right arm was directly broken into a tragic shape, and her legs couldn't help slipping backwards, plowing out two ravines with a ferocious expression!

In fact, falling to the ground is the best choice at this time, but the opponent has scored eight points, so falling to the ground means losing, so he pushed himself to the corner of the ring, seeing that he couldn't stop, his left leg slammed hard The ground shook and let out a scream!

   With the tragic injury of broken left leg and broken right arm in reverse, he stayed in the ring, which caused bursts of screams, and part of the screams were also sent to Ariane.

   Unknowingly, solid steel chains appeared on his body, twisting and locking him in a five-handed way, causing him to fall to the ground!

   "Damn it! What is this?!" Ariane roared angrily, the anger on his body exploded to the maximum extent, struggling desperately, but he couldn't break free!

"Oh? What happened? Ariane actually used a shadowless kick, which broke off Sida's right and left legs, and Ariane seemed to be hit by Sida's attack at the same time. , fell to the ground?!"

  The surprised voice of the host echoed: "Let us see what judgment the referee will give?

  Oh, player Ariane scored another point, reaching nine points, and at the same time fell to the ground and lost his ability to move... Huh, the referee started counting down the seconds? ! "

   "10! 9! 8...2..."

   There was a burst of cursing from the audience.

   "What?! That woman is dead, where did this chain come from?!"

   "Get up, Ariane!"

"Shut up!" Ariane raised his head and let out a roar that resounded through the arena. The arena was stunned for a while. After struggling for eight seconds, he knew that he could not break free, and glared at Shida, his eyes full of "you give me Waiting' mood.

Xida was sweating profusely from the pain, and her consciousness was a little fuzzy, but she tried her best to keep standing on one leg, and said: "This is the shape of a chain ghost. It was originally intended to be used in the host challenge. You are very strong, so I have to take a risk. Use it in advance."

   "Ariane... actually lost?" In the arena, the three of Sha Dasuo looked at each other in astonishment. They clearly suppressed their opponents all the way, but they lost the game at the end? They didn't understand the process of the game either.

   And that guy lost 10 million, right? They turned their heads to look at Ji Xing, and were startled again, only to see that the seat where Ji Xing was originally sitting was empty.


"Knowing that there is a gap in strength, so Xida didn't think about winning head-on at the beginning, but used a concealed move to quietly splash black ink on Ariane when he was beaten to vomit blood. Enough to completely restrain the opponent, it was finally activated.

  Ariane also hid his hands and feet. If Xida didn't have a chain ghost shape, she might die if she caught a hearty leg by surprise, but unfortunately this guy doesn't seem to be alert and smart enough. "

  Outside the arena, Ji Xing replayed the battle with the telekinetics he saw for the first time. He was not annoyed by losing 10 million, but found it quite interesting.

   "Is this how people with psychic abilities fight?"

  Lao Yin ratio, hidden means, slow development?

  Although he could easily see through everything in this match, and it was easy to face, but if it was replaced by a stronger guy with a weirder telekinetic ability, Ji Xing couldn't guarantee that he would be able to defend against everything.

  He thought for a while, and turned his gaze to the unconscious winner Xida who was carried out from the venue.

   "Although she won, she was seriously injured, and there is no hope of recovery within 90 days. The gap between her and Ariane is talent, and her basic skills seem to be good..."

  3k8, two shifts 7k4, ask for tickets.

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