Time flies by in these many events, and in the blink of an eye, 1994 came.

In the past year, a certain silver-haired boy who had already hit many floors in the Sky Arena, because he was idle and bored, practiced a beautiful dart technique.

During this year, a rather extreme mind power user who specialized in explosive killing mind power entered the game of "Island of Greed" with two companions for a bounty of 50 billion. .

In this year, a case of genocide that shocked the world from January to September this year was also under the flap of a certain wing, but it did not happen after all.

"I found some traces of the Kuluta clan's residence from their clan members, but I have no desire to go there to see it."

Chrollo's familiar chuckle came over the phone: "Because I don't think what I'm looking for isn't there."

"Really? M

Maureen was walking on the endless city streets with his phone in hand.

Traffic lights, advertising screens, cars, buses, etc. all have all the features that a modern city should have.

People still vaguely remember that this is a world with modern technology.

"Okay, I get it. I'll look back and see if I can find what you want."

"sorry to bother you

After that, Chrollo hung up the phone.

"Fate has changed in the end. n

Maureen stopped, quietly looked at the phone in his hand, and chuckled.

Just now, Chrollo called him because he had found information about an object that seemed to be related to the Dark Continent, and wanted Mo Lin to find the exact location of the object.

After receiving the call from Chrollo, Mo Lin asked about the situation of the Kuluta clan.

The result was that Chrollo really didn't have any interest in the Kuluta clan.

As a result, the Phantom Brigade's gathering of the Luta tribe in the extermination cave ceased to exist.

"Maybe this is the best result for both parties?"

It is said that since Chrollo became obsessed with the news about the Dark Continent, even group activities have not been organized much.

Except for the invasion of the palace of Moses at the beginning, there was no other event that I saw!

That is, in the past few years, in private, Wo Jin and Nobunaga took the initiative to come to Mo Lin to wrestle their arms, and the knights sent text messages from time to time to tease them.

Finks asks Maureen how to play mahjong.

Then after winning Feitan, he taunted Feitan as if to death.

Being annoyed by Aojiao's unwillingness to come to Mo Lin for advice because of such a shameful matter, he directly activated his ability to read.

Almost didn't beat Finks seriously.

Of course Feitan himself is not feeling well???

Franklin and Fel Lev were the quietest, but they and Kuhua often acted together.

Well, because the knight is too bright and sultry, both of which have caused Ku Hua to watch a lot of hot-eyed pranks next to the knight.

So much so that he chose to quit silently and temporarily hang out with the big brother Franklin.

The three of them got together and traveled in various worlds.

Sometimes, he happened to come to the place where Mo Lin stayed, and let Mo Lin get together with the three of them, drinking and chatting for a while.

As for March and Pike Norda... Needless to say, I understand naturally.

The two of them can be said to be the members that Maureen "takes care of" the most.

Even if Chrollo is not organized, everyone in the brigade has a lot of connections in private. They will also find helpers to call people for what they want and achieve a certain purpose.

The more times they help each other, not only will the connection not be broken, but the relationship will become more and more deepened?

"I don't know what the next rally is for, and when..."

This thought flashed through Maureen's mind, and then glanced back.

"Don't be lazy, hurry up and follow me!"

Behind Maureen, there was a woman with her head bowed, petite, but with pink lips, her face was very sexy, and she was a little aggrieved. I felt pity for her. .







173 Familiar characters! The female lecturer who is proficient in human nature will send you to where you should go~

She had a pink head, and the left and right sides of her hair looked like plantain leaves.

Even though it was tied with a yellow ribbon, two strands of hair still fell to her shoulders.

At this moment, she was looking down at Mo Lin with a sad expression on her face.

With such an expression on the face of the demon childbirth, it is difficult for a man to hold back.

But unfortunately, Maureen is hard-hearted.

"Your mental inducement and astringent seduction techniques mixed with psychological hints are useless to me."

Maureen was unmoved, "Since you want to fool me, be prepared to pay the price."

"That's not cheating..."

The girl said pitifully softly.

It seems like a pair of pear blossoms with rain, and I want to cry:

"I just thought that one of yours was beautiful and wanted to buy it... I, I really didn't know it was worth that much!"

She rubbed the corners of her clothes with both hands, sobbing and said:

"If I had known, I would never have come to disturb you.

Maureen looked at her so calmly, without any intention of letting her go and Hel comforting her.

"You said, you didn't know it was worth so much?

In the hands of Morin, the crown that was obtained from the royal family of Moses, passed down from generation to generation, was made of several kinds of the seven beauties of the world.

The current crown has been restored by Mo Lin with the [Recovery Light Lamp], and it has changed from an almost junk to the original dazzling world treasure!

"Just by looking at the appearance, you should be able to know that its quality is good, right?"

Maureen was about to laugh angrily:

"Normal people know that this thing is worth a lot of money, you say you don't know it's worth so much?!"

He pointed to himself: "Do you think I'm so easy to deceive?"

"Do you really take me as a fool? Or is it a habit of pretending to be stupid and sweet, but you can't change it and you're really stupid?"

"Anyway, you can't go if you want to go, otherwise, you can try."

Mo Lin said leisurely, causing the girl's figure to stagnate.

"And, if you want to shout 'indecent' or 'pervert', 'hooligan' on the street and attract other people's attention and cause a commotion, you still take the opportunity to run away???" Maureen looked at her Those slightly rolled eyes: "I advise you not to do this."

Because you will definitely be beaten to death by me before you shout.

Maureen is very rude,' he advised her.

These words also made the girl's cheeks twitch, and she finally sighed and gave up the disguise:

"What am I going to do so that you can let me go?"

"Let go of you?"

Maureen glanced at her, smiled, and turned his head, "Are you dreaming?"

Ga! "

The pink-haired woman suddenly became annoyed.

But she also knew that she had no way to escape from Maureen's hands, and could only feel a wave of sadness and annoyance.

"Why did you miss this time?"

She mourned in her heart,

"This time it's a big downfall!

She could only bow her head down and walk silently behind Maureen.

And Maureen also flashed a playful smile in his eyes:

"I didn't expect that you could just walk around and meet a 'familiar' guy?"

Mo Lin came to this city mainly because he heard that the craftsmen here are the best, especially the craftsmanship of jewelry and other objects, which can be said to be the top in the world.

After repairing the crown with the [Recovery Light Lamp] on the island of greed, he also thought about making a refinement on the crown to make it more beautiful.

In fact, the main thing is to see if it can be separated without hurting the raw materials, so that both March and Pike Norda can get a share.

cough cough.

So, after using props to find a store with the best reputation and reputation in the city, Mo Lin took out the crown and let the boss see if it could be finished.

At that time, someone in the store just came in and saw it.

It was Lei Lut who was following behind Mo Lin, secretly annoyed.

When Lei Lute saw Maureen take out the crown, his eyes suddenly burst into strong light.

Then, she pretended to be a pure girl, tried to get close to Maureen, and then planned to see if she could get the crown.

And the result of this was... She successfully threw herself into Maureen's hands.

Not to mention Mo Lin's vicious eyesight, just based on what she has seen in the original version, Mo Lin also knows what kind of person she is.

Since she wanted to deceive the crown in Mo Lin's hand, it was reasonable to arrest her and restrict her personal freedom.

Lei Lute was one of the examiners of the 27th Hunter Test on the original version.

Saying it was the examiner was actually flattering her.

She was just a criminal with a long sentence in the trap tower in the third round of testing, in the five-on-five combo battle.

She was sentenced to 112 years of hard labor and detained in a trap tower on charges of selling rare creatures and violating gambling laws.

His occupation is a psychiatrist and a master of psychology, good at psychological warfare.

If she hadn't met Maureen, she might have succeeded.

After all, she, who is good at psychological warfare, is indeed very easy to grasp the psychology and pulse of men, so that they are willing to pay for themselves.

In other words, she can actually be regarded as a female lecturer who is proficient in human nature and who "made a man spend 1,800,000 Buddhist nuns for me in three sentences"~~~ Well, sentenced to 120+2 Year, the female lecturer of the Hunter World in prison.

I don't know what to do with the female lecturers in Mo Lin's previous life.

Later, Lei Lut accepted the task and became an examiner who blocked the candidates in the third round of the hunter test.

She and Leo Li fought against each other by gambling. The two first gambled on the life and death of Chabu and whether he fainted. Although Leo Li lost the bet, he ended the battle of Kurapika. Later, Lei Lute used Leo Li's lecherous psychology to bet that she was a man or a woman. Leo Li bet she was a man and lost the bet, but he got the opportunity to check her body. Finally, in the boxing contest, he used psychological warfare again to win Leo Li's points.

Leo Li not only lost the battle, but also lost an extra 50 hours.

As a result, they also obtained a fifty-year commutation for their group of prisoners.

Well, one hundred and twenty-two minus fifty, and a full seventy-two years.

If she is lucky enough to live to that time, maybe she can come out and meet the sun.

But at this time, Lei Lute has not been arrested and sentenced to imprisonment.

But given her current situation where her freedom is also restricted... I can't say it's any different from the original.

At least when she was walking with Maureen, she didn't dare to have any more fickle thoughts.

"Where are you taking me?"

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