Seeing that Mo Lin gradually walked out of the city and came to the forest outside, Lei Lut couldn't help but feel a little scared.

She is not afraid that Maureen thinks of her badly, although she has not experienced personnel.

In her opinion, her body and beauty are also a means of protecting herself, and it cannot be used easily unless it is a last resort.

What she was afraid of was that Maureen, like some of the perverts she had learned from the examples, liked to play all kinds of disgusting flowers to live in such a secluded and undisturbed place.

Her weak body could not withstand so many beatings.

More than anything else, she hopes to survive.

"What are you going to do..."

Leilute's expression gradually became unnatural, but soon, she saw Maureen take out a cannon.


A question mark appeared on her forehead.

"Since you are a female lecturer who likes to ponder people's hearts and is proficient in human nature, then I will send you to where you should go?"

Maureen debugged the [Arbitrary Cannon] and quickly locked the destination.

"Just let you hang out with a bunch of criminals."

.... ask for flowers 0.....

"Criminal? What are you talking about...wait!!"

Lei Lute yelled, but Maureen didn't listen to her howling at all, and rudely shoved her into any cannon.

Then mercilessly, he pulled the cannon rope and closed it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Leiter screamed and disappeared into the air.

Maureen took out his mobile phone and dialed a number:

"Hey, Leiza? Yes, I'm Maureen."

"I used [Arbitrary Cannon] to send you a female criminal... Yes, it's a female."

"There are no requirements, it's just that there are some things on my side, and it's too late to pick her up.

"You help me with the training first... It's not the training of the minders! She's still an ordinary person, don't kill her! I'll still be useful later!!"

"Is it safe to be worried about other pirate male criminals? I think it is the male criminals who are really unsafe. This female lecturer is very proficient in human nature. Be careful that you are disturbed by her.


"Is it still that scary? You remove the word '?


What meaning does each character represent, and what kind of aftermath will it lead to?

"If the situation gets out of control later, and you can't settle it, I suggest you learn from Liszt, that guy should have quite a lot of experience in this area.


"I underestimate you? It's really not something to underestimate or underestimate. You may have done a great job in other areas, but emotionally, um, you can't."

After chatting with Leiza for a while, Maureen hung up the phone.

He has already told Leiza about the relevant situation, and Leiza also swears and promises:

- Will definitely train Lei Lute to be well-mannered.

That being the case, Maureen gave him the full authority over this matter.

So what kind of turmoil will Leiter cause when he arrives on the island of greed, then Maureen will wait and see.

After collecting the [Arbitrary Cannon], he got into the woods again.

On the other side, the island of greed.

"come yet?"

Squinting, Leiza with lean muscles raised his head and saw that the figure in the sky had not yet appeared, but the sound of screaming cut through the sky.

"come yet?"

The other criminals who stayed here were also refreshed and full of anticipation.

They had heard before that a female criminal would be sent here soon.

Although Leiza had already made a statement, this didn't stop their eager hearts.

Even if you can't do it, it's good to keep your eyes peeled.

They haven't seen a beautiful woman for years, no, not a female! !

"Are there really any women coming?"

—The big, but ball-like, thick-nosed, fat-faced criminal wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, Bobo, your saliva is falling on me!!"

Someone next to him complained in dissatisfaction.


And this one is called Bo Baobo, because although Gong, the criminal who murdered the woman who came in, seems to have not heard it, he stared straight at the gradually approaching figure in the sky.

"It's a woman!!

Meanwhile, Maureen's side.

"It should be here."

In a dense forest, Mo Lin took out his mobile phone and looked at a message sent to him by Huashi Doulang.

After nodding his head to confirm that it was correct, he activated [Circle].

"Got you."

The corner of Maureen's mouth gradually raised a smile.

In his perception, a very **** and beautiful figure was moving quickly in the woods.

And came towards him quickly.

"Another familiar face."

Maureen smiled and sat down casually on a large smooth stone slab next to him, quietly waiting for the arrival of the other party.

Not long after, the grass in front of him had already made a noise. Nine.

174 A rare and beautiful hunter in the hunter world, so handsome! ! Meeting with Maureen, the examiner for the follow-up test

In the jungle, a group of beautiful beauties with concave and convex figures rushed at extreme speed.

"Damn, why is there a tiger roaring dragon here?!!"

With a slight panic on her face, she kept looking back.

behind her,

- A huge dinosaur-like two-legged land animal was also chasing at a very high speed, and the upside-down pupils were full of desire for food.

The scarlet tongue in the mouth was sticking out, dripping saliva constantly towards the ground.


He has dark black scales like molten iron pouring on his body, and his thick tail is constantly waving.

The surrounding trees were swept away and broken.

And the most striking thing is that in the process of advancing, the sound of trying to intimidate is almost exactly the same as the sound of the tiger roaring and shaking the forest! !

This is a unique monster from the Hunter World called Tiger Roaring Dragon.

As the name suggests, it is a dinosaur-like species that can only make a tiger roar.

"Obviously this kind of creature will live at the bottom of the cliff, how can it run out of this mountain and forest?!!"

The beauty looked annoyed, but she just happened to be passing by and caused such a trouble.

This is an extremely ferocious animal, and even hunters who have passed the hunter test are "eight-eighty-three" when faced with them

If the level is not enough, it may still become their ration.

The level of Tiger Roaring Dragon is almost the same level as Sanmao, the guard dog of the Hakka family.

"what do I do?!"

She kept looking for a way to get rid of Bai, "I finally got the hunter's license, but I don't want to die in this place so easily?!

She is a candidate who passed the 22nd period this year.

Through all the difficulties, plus a little luck, I finally became a hunter.

But what I didn't expect was that, just after getting the hunter's license, on the way back along the way, I would suffer such an encounter.

This is like drinking cold water and stuffing your teeth, utterly unlucky! !

When the beauty is annoyed~

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps shaking from behind her suddenly stopped.

She couldn't help looking at it subconsciously, and found that the tiger roaring dragon, which had been chasing and beating fiercely, suddenly stopped.

Its pair of upside-down green pupils stared straight at the forest in front of it.

The white air spewing from the nostrils gradually weakened, and the tongue was silently stuck back into the mouth.

Sweat dripped from the jet-black scales on his head.

On a dragon's face, a very humanized look of panic and fear appeared.

"It's... what's wrong?"

The beautiful hunter stared blankly at Tiger Roaring Dragon.

Then, she suddenly reacted, and also looked at the forest in front of her.

"I don't want to eat dragon meat today

Suddenly, a slight faint voice came from the jungle:


A soft word fell into Tiger Roar Dragon's ear, as if it exploded like a thunder.

It didn't even dare to utter the tiger's roar, and it didn't even dare to breathe.

- Quickly turned and left without saying a word.

And the sound of the footsteps falling on the ground was also very soft, as if he didn't dare to make too much noise, for fear of making the person in the jungle unhappy.

Beauty Hunter: "..."

Is this still the invincible tiger roaring dragon who just chased and beat her fiercely and was about to eat her up? ! !

Why do you look so humble and cowardly...

If she hadn't been paying attention to the dynamics of Tiger Roaring Dragon, she would have even thought that it had just changed to a brand new species! ! However, she can also understand that Tiger Roar Dragon has such a humble attitude, all because of that voice in the jungle. To be precise, it was the owner of that voice.

In this forest, there seems to be an incredible person hiding...

Soon, under the silent gaze of the beautiful hunter, Tiger Roaring Dragon disappeared from her field of vision.

At the same time, she also glanced back at the dense forest behind her.

He raised his footsteps, intending to quietly leave the place where it was obviously right and wrong.


"Come in."

The faint voice echoed in her ears, causing her figure to freeze.

"It's over, I can't run anymore!!"

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