"If it has the effect of mind power, it should be able to do it."

Xiaojie thought about it.

"Not to mention that Maureen has so many peculiar props in his hands. It should be no problem to keep his body in peak condition~"

Qi Xian: "...It seems to be the case."

Qi Xiang was amazed at Maureen's age, but Xiaojie was a little squeamish.

"That Maureen."

He said a little embarrassedly: "We currently need..."


Before Xiaojie could finish speaking, Maureen's phone rang.

"Crack... Hey! Maureen, come quickly, you'll be late soon!!"

"Everyone else has already converged here!!"

Wo Jin's loud voice rang on the other end of the phone. 900

"Okay, I have something to do now, I have to go first."

Maureen hung up the phone and said to Xiaojie, "If you have anything, you can call me later. You should all have cell phones." After leaving the phone number to Xiaojie, Maureen touched him His head quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"I originally wanted to borrow money from Mo Lin, but it seems that I have no hope."

Qi Xian sighed regretfully.

On the other hand, Xiaojie stared blankly at the direction where Mo Lin left.

"Assemble? Maureen, is he going to join the others?"

Xiaojie didn't forget that Mo Lin and Hisoka had another identity.

That is one of the members of the Phantom Troupe.

"Could it be the Phantom Troupe, should we assemble here?"

Xiaojie suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Qixi:

"I remember what happened in the city this afternoon?"

"Well, I heard it on the way here?"

Leo pushed his glasses: "I heard that there are members of the Phantom Troupe haunting them, and they are fighting against the gangsters in Youkexin City."

"At present, the various gangs have given death orders to attack the Phantom Troupe."

"Is that so..."

Xiaojie glanced again at the direction where Maureen left.

That's right.


"The gangster, can they really deal with the Phantom Troupe?"

Xiaojie thought silently in his heart.

With Maureen in his place, he is not optimistic about gangsters.

"Come on, is there any other guest to challenge?!"

Leo Li greeted the guests again.

Xiaojie continued to pick up guests, and Mo Lin had already arrived at the gathering place.

After crossing a bridge that resembles the dividing line between the poor and the rich, the prosperity and the dilapidated, I walked towards an abandoned building.

The moment Maureen stepped into the building, several gazes were directed towards them.

Lying on a certain reinforced stone, in a demonic lying position, peeling Lev covered in bandages, Hisoka who built a pyramid of playing cards there, and a knight sitting there playing with his mobile phone.

Wojin and Finks who were angrily saying goodbye, Chrollo who was sitting in the center, and Kuwa who was disheveled next to him.

Franklin, who was sitting quietly and honestly by the side, Madge, who folded his arms in his arms and stared blankly, and Feitan who was flipping through the book with his favorite book.

Pike Norda sat on the side with a ladylike manner, and when Nobunaga saw Maureen coming, he greeted him enthusiastically:

"Yo, Deputy Head Mo Lin, you are here, I thought you were going to pinch!!"

"Something was delayed on the way."

Maureen bumped fists with Nobunaga, and then looked at the veteran members present:

"Everyone, long time no see."

"It's been a long time indeed."

The knight put away his phone and first looked at Maureen.

Then his eyes swept back and forth on Pike Norda and March, and shook his head inwardly.

"It seems that during these years, Deputy Head Mo Lin still hasn't dealt with his personal problems?"

Others also gave various reactions and greetings to Maureen's arrival.

At this time, the time has passed zero, and it officially came to August 31st.

After the time was right, Chrollo slowly stood up from his seat.

The other members of the brigade also found a stone platform to stand on it one after another.

Step by step, Chrollo walked up the steps.

When he stood at the highest point, he also held a Bible in his hand.

Chrollo's eyes were clear and he said in a soft voice:

"Okay, since everyone is here, let me talk about the goal of our Phantom Brigade."

"About tomorrow night's auction

Chrollo gave him a condescending look and said with a smile: "Treasures! All the treasures that have been bid for will be taken back~!"

After that, Wo Jin gritted his teeth and confirmed each question one by one with bloodshot eyes, and finally got the answer from Chrollo, trembling with excitement:

"I now order...kill them all!"

Chrollo's eyes were deep and he spoke.

"Ahahahahaha! Ahahahaha!"

Wo Jin laughed, he was completely excited.

It just happens that the daytime is not enough, so there is another chance to fight! !

For him, who is keen on fighting and killing, there is nothing more in line with his heart than fighting against gangsters all over the world (bddf)!

Wo Jin's laughter is very penetrating, and in this quiet building at night, it is particularly harsh.

The other members of the Phantom Troupe also showed a look of "understanding".

Some, like Finks who were pursued by the gang during the day, also showed bloodthirsty smiles in their eyes.

Then, after the nest gold gradually disappeared, it was to discuss the plan for the action of tonight's underground auction.

Chrollo won't arrange these things by himself, he just grasps a general direction.

Then the rest will be handed over to the knights to make specific action plans and personnel deployment.

He will delegate power appropriately and trust the abilities of his teammates.

Wojin, Finks and the others went to the knights to discuss with great interest.

Others are still doing what to do.

Chrollo reached the highest point, looking up at the sky through the windowed ceiling.

"Is there anything worth paying attention to in this auction item?"

Maureen came to Chrollo's side and asked.

If it wasn't for something related to the Dark Continent, Chrollo would not have specifically targeted this auction.

For Chrollo, who knew the existence of the Dark Continent and his vision was much higher than before, he would not make such an arrangement for no reason.

"Well, there's one thing I'm more concerned about."

For Maureen, Chrollo had nothing to hide.

"Among the auction items, there is one item called [Princess Corco's Whole Body Mummy]."

"As far as I know, Princess Colco was a long time ago, a princess named Berkelon Kingdom."

"And that Berkelon Kingdom, it is said that an unidentified encounter occurred in one night, and the entire royal family, including the maid guards in the palace, all lost their lives.

"As for the way of losing his life..."

Chrollo smiled and looked at Maureen: "Except for Princess Keerke, everyone else turned into a puddle of flesh."

"It's just like what you mentioned to me at the beginning, the catastrophic consequences of that happy life-dependent body, gas, one by one."

"I see."

Maureen nodded slightly.

Sure enough, only things related to the Dark Continent can now attract Chrollo.


"That [Princess Keerke's full body mummy], seems like I've heard of it somewhere?"

Maureen was thinking, "Where is it?"

Just as the Phantom Troupe was preparing for action.

In the hotel in the bustling city, the Nosla family also began to make arrangements for tonight's underground auction.

Because the underground auction only allowed three people from each faction to participate in the auction, the bodyguard group was divided into three groups.

Kurapika and Melody were in charge of monitoring and vigilance, while members of the bodyguard group Fei Jie, Ivalev and Shaqimoduo Chino were in charge of bidding.

The rest of the Skowara,


Rinsen and Basho are in charge of the guard.

Because of the content of the divination, Leto Nosra, who knew that tonight's underground auction was extremely dangerous, directly stated that Nion would not be allowed to participate in the auction.

As for why, even though he knew it was dangerous, he still sent bodyguards to bid?

Isn't that what bodyguards are supposed to do?

Go out to serve as a scapegoat in times of crisis.

What's more, this is just a normal work arrangement, not a real death.

"In the underground auction, no matter how much money you spend, you've already got these items!!

There Dazzonin gave orders:

"The facial tissue used by actor Songo Limachi must have a DNA identification certificate!

"Princess Corco's full body mummy!!

And the eyeballs of the Kuluta people, also known as the fiery red eyes of the [Crimson Eyes]! ! That's all three! ! "

After Dazzle finished speaking, the melody below subconsciously glanced at Kurapika beside him.

She could feel the pounding heart in Kurapika's chest.

The bodyguards are arranged like this, but what about the boss???

When Nion learned that he couldn't go to the auction, he burst into tears and smashed two big bags on Dazzon's head.

But after crying, I was tired, so I lay on the bed groggy.

The maids of the Nosla family calmly cleaned up the messes thrown in the room. It can be seen that this has happened many times, and they are used to it.

While Nion was crying, Kurapika, who was in charge of vigilance in the room outside, was also looking into the distance. .


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